Friday, September 8, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday, October 8, 2023, From the age of 50 he will retire (Num. 8:25).

DAILY TEXT, From today  Sunday, October 8, 2023,  From the age of 50 he will retire (Num. 8:25).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Sunday October 8

After 50 years of age he will retire (Num. 8:25).

Older brothers, whether in full-time service or not, can do much to help others. As? Adapting to their new circumstances, setting goals and focusing on what they can do. King David wanted to make a house for Jehovah. But when Jehovah told him that he had decided that young Solomon would build it, David accepted it and gave his full support to the work (1 Chron. 17:4; 22:5). He did not think he was best suited to do this job because Solomon was young and inexperienced (1 Chron. 29:1). David knew that success depended on Jehovah's blessing, not on the age or experience of those directing the works. Like David, older Christians today remain active even as their responsibilities change. And they know that Jehovah will bless the young people who now attend to the tasks they did before. w21.09 9 para. 4; 10 paras. 5, 8.

Why is it wise to be modest? Give an example.

The person who is modest recognizes his limitations (Prov. 11:2). She doesn't demand more of herself than she can give and, as a result, she is happy and productive. Someone who is modest could be compared to someone who is driving a car uphill and, to continue going uphill, must change to a lower speed even if that means going slower. Similarly, the modest person knows when he must “shift down a gear” in order to continue serving Jehovah and helping others. (Philipp. 4:5)

How did Barzillai show that he was modest?

Let's look at the example of Barzillai, who was 80 years old when he received the invitation from King David to join the royal court. This man was modest and rejected the king's offer. He recognized that at his age he already had certain limitations and therefore recommended that Kimham, a younger man, go in his place (2 Sam. 19: 35-37). Like Barzilái, the older brothers are happy to give the younger ones the opportunity to attend to certain responsibilities.

How did a Branch Committee member demonstrate modesty?

A modern-day example of modesty is a brother named Shigeo. In 1976, when he was 30 years old, he was appointed to a Branch Committee. In 2004, he became the coordinator of this committee. Over time he realized that he no longer had the strength he had before and was not as fast at work. So he spoke to Jehovah about the matter and thought about the advantages of having a younger brother take his place. Today, he is no longer the coordinator, but he is still part of the Branch Committee and collaborating with its members. The examples of Barzillai, King David, and Shigeus teach us that a humble and modest person does not focus on the lack of experience of young people, but on their strengths. He will see you as his companions, not as his rivals (Prov. 20:29).

How do the older brothers see the younger ones in the congregation?

The older brothers see the younger ones as gifts from Jehovah and feel very grateful for what they do. As their strength dwindles, they appreciate that those who are young and strong are willing and able to work to meet the needs of the congregation.

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