Friday, September 22, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Monday, October 23, 2023, I, because of your great loyal love, will enter your house (Ps. 5:7).

DAILY TEXT, From  Monday October 23, 2023,  I, because of your great loyal love, will enter your house (Ps. 5:7).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Monday October 23

I, because of your great loyal love, will enter your house (Ps. 5:7).

Praying, studying and meditating are part of our worship. When we pray, we are talking to our heavenly Father, who loves us so much. When we study the Bible, we are gaining “the knowledge of God,” the wisest person in the universe (Prov. 2:1-5). And, when we meditate, we are reflecting on the beautiful qualities of Jehovah, as well as his wonderful purpose for us and for all humanity. Could there be a better way to spend time? Of course, the time we have is limited. Therefore, what will help us make good use of it? If possible, let's find a quiet place. Let's think about how Jesus did it. When he began his ministry on Earth, he spent 40 days in the wilderness (Luke 4:1, 2). There he was able to pray and meditate on his Father's will for him. Without a doubt, this prepared him for the trials he would soon face. w22.01 27, 28 paras. 7, 8.

Although Jesus was a very busy person, how did he show that he valued his friendship with Jehovah?

Jesus was a very busy person. Wherever he went, he was always surrounded by people who asked him to give them time and attention. The Bible says that, on one occasion, “the whole city was gathered at the door” of a house to see him. Even so, he made sure to take time to care for his friendship with Jehovah. Before dawn, he went to a solitary place to spend time with his Father (Mark 1:32-35).

According to Matthew 26:40, 41, what timely advice did Jesus give to his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, but what happened?

On the last night of his life on Earth, when his ministry was ending, Jesus again sought a quiet place where he could pray and meditate: the garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36). There he gave his disciples very timely advice about prayer.

Let's see what happened. When they arrived at the Garden of Gethsemane, it may have already been past midnight, so it was already very late. Jesus told the apostles to stay awake and then went to pray (Matt. 26:37-39). When he returned, he found them asleep. So he again told them, “Keep awake and pray constantly” (read Matthew 26:40, 41). He knew they had been under a lot of stress and were very tired. That is why he had compassion on them and said that “the flesh is weak.” Despite everything, he twice more went to pray and, when he returned, he found that they were not praying, but sleeping (Matt. 26: 42-45).

What can we do if we sometimes feel too stressed or tired to pray?

Let's choose the right moment. Sometimes we may feel too stressed or tired to pray, and we are not the only ones. What can we do? Some brothers who had the habit of praying at the end of the day have found that it works better for them to do it a little earlier, when they are less tired. Others have noticed that they concentrate better if they pray in a certain position, such as sitting or kneeling. What if we feel too worried or discouraged to pray? Let us tell Jehovah with the peace of mind that he is merciful and will understand us (Ps. 139:4).

How can electronic devices distract us when we are spending time with Jehovah?

Let's avoid distractions when we are studying. In addition to praying, another thing we can do to strengthen our friendship with Jehovah is to study his Word and attend congregation meetings. Is there anything we can do to make the most of our study sessions and meetings? Let's ask ourselves: “What tends to distract me in those moments?” Can it be calls, emails or text messages on the phone or some other device? These devices are useful, and are used by billions of people today. But some experts believe that when a person is trying to concentrate, simply having a phone nearby can cause them to become distracted. A psychology professor explains: “You don't focus on what you are doing. Your mind is somewhere else.” If before conventions we are asked to put our devices in a mode that will not distract others, can we do the same when we are alone with Jehovah so that the devices do not interrupt and distract us?

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