Monday, October 9, 2023

Congregation Book Study, Week of October 9-15, 2023, Lesson 60, Continue Growing Spiritually, Answers.

Congregation Book Study, October 9-15, 2023, Lesson 60, Continue Growing Spiritually, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): lff lesson 60.

1. Why should you continue to strengthen your friendship with Jehovah?

Well, as mentioned in Hebrews chapter 2, verse 1, strengthening our friendship with Jehovah helps us avoid spiritual drift. In a world full of distractions and temptations, staying close to God protects us from straying from his path and his love. 

Also as Psalms 84:10 mentioned, there is nothing better in life than serving Jehovah. Strengthening our relationship with him fills us with spiritual satisfaction, peace and a deep sense of purpose in our lives, and gives us a full and meaningful life experience. 

2. What should you continue doing?

Well, we must continue studying the Bible, it is essential to strengthen our faith and understanding of Divine principles. Through regular study of the scriptures we can learn more about Jehovah and his will.


We must also continue to attend Congregation Meetings, which is essential for unity among the brothers, to receive teaching and spiritual support, since through these meetings we can strengthen our faith and receive encouragement.

As mentioned in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 23 to 24, it is important that we continue working on developing a Christian personality based on principles and values ​​found in the Bible, this involves striving to live according to the teachings of Jesus and follow his example .

We must look for ways to become more like Jehovah, which means imitating his qualities and attributes, such as love, mercy, patience, and kindness. This means striving to be better, in all aspects of life.

3. How will Jehovah help you grow spiritually?

As mentioned in 1 Peter 5:10, Jehovah is involved in our spiritual growth. He trains us, strengthens us and establishes us on a solid foundation through life experiences and Bible study, God guides us and enables us to face challenges.


We all face temptations in life, but Jehovah provides us with the tools necessary to resist them. Psalm 139:23 to 24 teaches us to examine our hearts and ask for Divine guidance to avoid falling into temptation.

Finally, Philippians Chapter 12 verse 13 tells us that Jehovah gives us both the desire and the strength to serve him faithfully, this means that he motivates us, enables us to carry out his will and our lives. If we seek to do his will and trust in his word we can grow spiritually and serve him more effectively. 


Let's see what you can do to continue growing spiritually and what blessings Jehovah will give you.

4. Don't stop communicating with your best friend

Praying and studying the Bible have helped him become a friend of Jehovah. Can these activities make you feel even closer to him? How?

Read Psalm 62:8 and talk about the following:

Improving the quality of your prayers will help you strengthen your friendship with Jehovah. How can you do it?

We must recognize his power, love and sovereignty in our lives. Trust in God is fundamental for meaningful prayer, we must also establish a habit of constant prayer not only in a moment of need, but throughout the day maintain continuous communication with God.


We must also be sincere in prayers, not afraid to express our thoughts, emotions and deepest desires. God knows our hearts, but the sincerity of prayer will strengthen connection with him.

What we can do is include our gratitude in our prayers. In addition to being grateful for the present, we must present specific requests, talk to God about our needs, desires and concerns, trusting in His will for our lives.

We must remember that the quality of prayers does not depend on the eloquence we have, but on sincerity, connection and trust in God. By following these principles and applying the advice of Psalm 62:8 we can improve the quality of our prayers and strengthen our friendship with God.

Read Psalm 1:2 and talk about the following:

Improving your Bible reading will help you strengthen your friendship with Jehovah. How can you do it?

We should set aside a specific time each day to read the Bible, this can be in the morning, before bed, or whatever time works best. Consistency is the key. And when reading eliminate distractions, make sure you are focused find a quiet place where you can immerse yourself in the word of God without interruptions.


We should not limit ourselves to reading superficially, but after reading a passage take a moment to meditate on the meaning, in order to apply it in our lives. Thoroughly research passages that you find challenging or intriguing, using tools such as the Online Library and study publications to gain deeper understanding.

Finally, we must also pray before beginning reading, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to understand and apply the word. After reading we can pray to thank God and ask for his help in practical application and finally apply what we have learned in daily life. Reading the Bible should not only be informative, but also transformative.

How can you get more out of your personal study? To find some ideas, watch the VIDEO. Then talk about the following:

VIDEO: Improve your personal study (5:22)

What suggestions from the video could you put into practice?

Well, one of the things that I liked is what the sister said, that to study the Bible we should not be tired. So find a good time when we are more relaxed and as the brother said, start with a prayer. 

Another brother pointed out that we can use colors to highlight ideas, such as when Jehovah helps someone, or when we find a bad example. We can also make comparisons with other texts in the Bible and analyze the Bible passages from different perspectives. 

What topics would you like to study about?

For example, we can start studying the qualities of Jehovah one by one and see how to apply them in our lives, and if we do not have a specific topic, we can use the study guide booklet and select one of the many topics that it suggests.

5. Set spiritual goals

Setting goals in your service to Jehovah will help you continue to grow spiritually. Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: There is no better life (3:31)

How did setting spiritual goals help Cameron?

According to the video: “There is no better life,” one of the things he mentioned is that if we set a course for our lives and they help us strive to do more in the service of Jehovah, they also give us the motivation to move forward.

Not everyone can move to another country to preach. But we can all set reasonable goals. Read Proverbs 21:5 and talk about what goals you would like to set…

…the congregation.

Well, if we are not baptized, we can set the goal of meeting the requirements to be baptized. Also in teaching, for example improving our assignments, as well as participating fully in congregational activities, such as maintaining the Kingdom Hall. 

… The preaching.

In preaching we can set the goal of being an auxiliary or Regular pioneer or getting a new Bible Study. We can also set the goal of training ourselves to be better teachers at teaching. 

How can this biblical principle help you achieve your goals?

The principle of Proverbs 21:5 is good for us because it encourages us to work beforehand, since a goal cannot be achieved overnight, rather, it requires daily effort.

The verse also emphasizes the importance of making plans to achieve a goal, since it is essential to have solid plans. This implies clearly defining our objectives, for example what we are doing to reach me, if we set the goal of going somewhere else, we do not want to be a burden on the brothers. So with Jehovah's help we can plan ahead.

The verse also talks about diligence, which means working constantly and dedicatedly toward our goals. This implies being diligent, and it implies sustained efforts, not looking for shortcuts to achieve our goals.

The verse suggests that persistence in the pursuit of goals leads to abundance, goals can take time and effort to achieve, so it is important to remain steadfast in their pursuit, even when faced with obstacles. 

Possible goals

Improve the quality of your sentences.

Read the entire Bible.

Get to know all the brothers in your congregation.

Start leading a Bible course.

Be an auxiliary or regular pioneer.

In the case of men, strive to be a ministerial servant.

 6. Enjoy life forever!

Read Psalm 22:26 and talk about the following:

What should you do to enjoy life now and forever?

To enjoy life now and forever according to Psalms 22:26, ​​it is important to seek God and serve Him, helping those in need to know the good news of the Kingdom so that they too can have a perspective of eternal life. These principles can help you find meaning and satisfaction in life both in the present, as well as have a good future in eternity.


Continue to strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and set spiritual goals. So you can enjoy life forever!


How can you be sure that Jehovah will help you serve him faithfully?

Well, as mentioned in First Peter 5:10, Jehovah is committed to our spiritual growth, he trains us, strengthens us and establishes us on a solid foundation, and through life experience and Bible study, God guides us and It enables us to face spiritual challenges. 

In Philippians Chapter 2 verse 3-13 tells us that Jehovah gives us both the desire and the strength to serve him faithfully, this means that he motivates us and enables us to carry out his will in our lives, since if we seek to do his will and we trust in your help, we can grow spiritually and serve you more effectively. 

What can you do to strengthen your friendship with Jehovah?

To fulfill this goal we must pray more meaningfully and continue to learn more about Him through our Bible study and attendance at meetings. 

Why is it important to set goals to grow spiritually?

Setting a goal is like planning a direction for our life, it helps us be clear about what our aspirations are. They also help us strive to do more in Jehovah's service and give us motivation to move forward.

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