APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of October 23-29, 2023, First conversation, Offer a publication of the teaching kit, Lesson 17, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: October 23-29, 2023, First conversation, Lesson 17, Assignment Prepared.

First conversation (3 mins.): Use the topic of ideas to talk. Then offer a publication of the teaching kit (th lec. 17).

Publisher: Good morning, my name is…….. How are you today? 

Helper: Good morning, my name is Andrea. I'm good, thank you for asking. 

Publisher: I'm very happy. I wanted to talk to you briefly about something very important. Do you know what the kingdom of God is?

Helper: Well, I've heard about it, but I'm not sure I fully understand. 

Publisher: Don't worry, it's understandable. Please allow me to show you a Bible passage that talks about the kingdom of God. In Isaiah 967, would you like to read it?

Helper: No problem, the text says the following………..

Publisher: As you read, what does this text say about the Kingdom of God?

Assistant: Actually what I have understood sounds very good, but I honestly don't understand much. Could you explain to me what it means?

Publisher: Sure, I'll be happy to explain it to you. This passage tells us of a glorious future in which there will be a Kingdom ruled by someone special, someone who will bring peace and justice to all humanity. That someone is Jesus Christ, the son of Jehovah God. That was our king and his Kingdom will last forever.

Helper: Wow, that sounds wonderful. But what exactly will the kingdom of God do for us?

Publisher: Good question, I have here the booklet “Enjoy Life Forever” that can help you learn more about the Bible and the Kingdom of God. I can leave it for you to read calmly and ask all the questions you want in our next conversation, starting with the one you just asked: What will the Kingdom of God do for us?

Helper: That would be great, I would love to have the brochure and study it carefully. 

Publisher: I hope you find answers to your questions in the booklet and that you are motivated to delve deeper into the study of the Bible. Shall we see you on Thursday at this same time? 

Assistant: Yes, of course, I'll be waiting for you.
