APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of October 30 to November 5, 2023, Revisit, Invite the person to a meeting. Then present and analyze the video What are our meetings like?, but do not play it, Lesson 13 Assignment Prepared.

 APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: October 30-November 5, 2023, Revisit, Lesson 13, Assignment Prepared.

Revisit (3 mins.): Use the topic of ideas to discuss. Invite the person to a meeting. Then present and analyze the video What are our meetings like?, but do not play it (th lesson 13).

Publisher (a.): Hello Laura, here I am to talk about how we met last time.

Assistant: Of course MarĂ­a, come forward I was waiting for you.

Publisher (a.): We agreed to answer a very important question. What will the Kingdom of God do for us? To do this, I invite you to go to the Bible and read Psalm 72:16. Can you read it please?

Assistant: Of course it says like this…….. 

Publisher (a.): Thank you for your nice reading. What does this verse show you about the Kingdom of God? 

Helper: Clearly shows that the Kingdom of God will bring tangible and abundant blessings to humanity. Among them, food in abundance. Does this mean that there will no longer be hunger or food shortages ever again? 

Publisher (a.): That's right. By the way, this Sunday's public speech in the congregation has been talking about that topic. Would you like to accompany me? 

Assistant: The truth is, I am a little curious, but first tell me, what are those meetings like?

Publisher (a.): What do you think if I show you a very short video of what they are like? Please observe. 

Assistant: Of course I would like to see it. 

Publisher (a.): What did you think of the video? Could you see how we focus on learning and applying biblical principles in our daily lives?

Helper: Yes, I was really impressed to see how they show affection to all kinds of people who decide to accept the invitation to come to their meetings. It also leaves me pleasantly surprised how even the children actively participate in the meeting, and how everything that is taught is supported by the Bible. Plus, everyone has a Bible. That is wonderful.

Publisher (a.): I'm glad you noticed that. These meetings help to strengthen our faith, to find comfort in difficult times, to receive encouragement and support from our brothers and sisters, and also prepare us to live in harmony with all types of people. They also teach us God's promises for the future, which will be fulfilled through his Kingdom.

Helper: Maria, I see the practical value of attending these meetings. For that reason I am going to accompany you this Sunday. Do you think you can come find me? 

Publisher (a.): Excellent, I will be happy to come look for you. 

Assistant: But now I have another question. When will the Kingdom of God rule on earth?

Publisher (a.): That's an excellent question. I would love to respond to you on my next visit. Sure, if that's okay with you? 

Assistant: Of course. It is interesting to continue learning about this topic.
