Sunday, October 8, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of October 9-15, 2023, Revisit, Show the person how to search for information on, Lesson 15 Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 9-15-October-2023, Revisit, Lesson 15, Assignment Prepared.

Revisit (5 mins.): Use the topic of ideas to discuss. Then show the person how to search for information on (th lec. 15).

Publisher: Hello Azucena, it's good to see you home.

Helper: Mary was waiting for you to know what the Kingdom, government of God, and Jesus, will do for all of us.

Publisher: It's good that you are looking forward to it. If you had the opportunity to make a request to Jesus as king of the Kingdom of God, what would you ask of him?

Assistant: I would ask you many things. But without a doubt, among the first things he would ask of him would be to eliminate hunger and the scarcity of food on Earth. So that no one ever again goes to bed without having eaten, and so that no father or mother suffers because he or she does not have enough to feed his or her children.

Publisher: That would be an excellent request. But how Jehovah God knows everything we need even before we ask him and he already thought about it. I will show you in the Bible the promise of Psalm 72:16. I would like you to read it yourself please.

Helper: Yes, okay, it says there……Does that mean that the Kingdom of God will eliminate hunger?

Publisher: Very good question, Exactly that means that when the Kingdom of God rules fully, there will be abundance in every sense. Especially food. Can you imagine the entire planet with an overabundance of food? But best of all, the fulfillment of this promise is global in scope and for all eternity. Jesus, in his earthly ministry, performed the miracle of feeding thousands of people with five loaves of bread and two fish. As King of the Kingdom of God, he will exercise justice and no one will suffer hunger again and there will never again be a shortage of food on earth. What do you think?

Helper: It's amazing, I would like to learn more. How can I find more information? 

Publisher: There is a wonderful online tool. It is our official site. There you can access safely and free of charge to search for biblical information. In fact, it is in different languages ​​and in a wide variety of formats. Both to read and listen online, and to download on different electronic devices. 

Helper: And can I also find the Bible? 

Publisher: Of course, the Bible, articles, publications, videos and audios. There is biblical information for the whole family. From the little ones to young people, marriages and families. It also has a search engine where you can write your question and access hundreds of publications and articles that will show you the answer that the Bible gives about that concern you have.

Assistant: I think it's an excellent tool, as soon as I'm free I'm going to visit that website. 

Publisher: That's very good. I can also come back again to continue the conversation. But this time to show you the answer that the Bible gives to the question: When will the Kingdom of God rule the Earth?

Helper: Thank you Maria. Of course you can come back. These conversations are very enjoyable. I always thought that talking about the Bible would be complicated and boring. How wrong I was, with each visit I get more excited. I'll be waiting for you next Saturday.

Publisher: Excellent, I'll be here.

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