APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of October 30 to November 5, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 12 summary, review and “Aim for this”, Lesson 19, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: October 30-November 5, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 12 summary, review and “Aim for this”, Lesson 19, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 mins.): lff lesson 12 summary, review and “Purpose this” (th lec. 19).

Publisher (a.): In this part Laura, how would you summarize this lesson?

Student: This lesson teaches that studying the Bible may not always be easy, but studying it will help us enjoy life forever. Which is why any effort is worth it. The lesson also encourages us to trust in Jehovah and teaches us that he will reward all our efforts.

Publisher (a.): Very good Laura. What do you think if we now move on to the review? And in this part the question arises: Why should you value the truths that the Bible teaches?

Students: Personally, I think that I should value the truths that the Bible teaches, because they are like very valuable treasures. Also because the Bible itself in Proverbs 23:23 invites me to value them and never sell them, which motivates me to continue studying despite the obstacles. 

Publisher (a.): Excellent Laura. And according to Proverbs 2:4,5. Why should we value the truths that the Bible teaches?

Student: So you mention that they are hidden treasures, for this reason I must look for them, since they are very valuable spiritual Pearls, since if I continue looking for them, I can come to understand the fear of Jehovah and find the knowledge of God.

Publisher (a.): The truth is that I congratulate you for your response, it shows that you prepared very well. Well after identifying what things are the most important, what should you do?

Student: I must find time to study the Bible, regardless of the other activities I have at certain times. I must also make my Bible study a priority. On the other hand, I must not allow the opposition I may encounter in my family, loved ones, and friends to make me give up my desire to know and worship Jehovah. And although it may not always be easy for me, I must strive to make the necessary changes to live according to Jehovah's standards.

Publisher (a.): Excellent. And why should you ask Jehovah to help you continue studying the Bible? 

Student: Because the more I study the Bible, the closer I will get to him, and the more my faith and love for him will grow and strengthen, and something very important is that Jehovah will value my efforts to seek him earnestly as Hebrews 11:6 says. 

Publisher (a.): That's right Laura, Without Faith, it is impossible to please God. And asking Jehovah for help to continue studying the Bible not only demonstrates Faith. It also demonstrates a humble and submissive attitude typical of God-fearing people. That is why Jehovah is so pleased and that is why he helps and rewards us greatly with knowledge, understanding, guidance, protection, comfort, among many other blessings now and for the future in paradise. Of course, the most important things are worth putting in the effort. So far, what do you think of the study we are having?

Student: Well, the truth is that everything I'm learning seems very interesting to me.

Publisher (a.): Okay, now we've gotten to the "Pitch This" part. Here it is suggested that you continue receiving Bible classes at least once a week. It is also suggested that if for some reason your circumstances will change, you should find another time in order to continue the Bible course. But after studying this lesson, what other goals can you set for yourself? 

Student: What I am going to propose is to better organize my activities, with the aim of finding more time to dedicate to my Bible study preparation in order to get more out of it.

Publisher (a.): I congratulate you. It seems like an excellent objective to me. Jehovah bless your effort and help you achieve it. Now let's move on to the "Discover something else" part 
