APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of October 23 to 29, 2023, Bible Course, lesson 16, Point 6 and “What some say”, Lesson 14, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: October 23-29, 2023, Bible Course, lesson 16, Point 6 and “What some say”, Lesson 14, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 mins.): lff lesson 16 point 6 and “What some say” (th lesson 14).

Publisher: Andrea, we have reached point 6 “Jesus worked miracles.” Now we will see the video "The healing of a sick woman." This video shows how Jehovah gave Jesus the power to perform many miracles. Let's look at it and then answer a couple of questions. How about?

Student: Yes, okay.

Publisher: Very good, according to the video, what was the sick woman sure of? 

Student: The woman was sure that Jesus was sent from God and that he had the power to cure her of the illness she had been suffering from for more than 12 years. She was totally convinced that just by touching the hem of Jesus' garment she could be cured. 

Publisher: Yes, this woman's faith was amazing and she sets an example for us to imitate. Now, what catches your attention the most about this miracle?

Student: Several details catch my attention. For example, first, the woman had suffered for 12 years and had spent all her money on medical treatments without finding improvement. Despite her desperate condition, she had faith that Jesus could heal her and she approached him in the middle of the crowd, seeking only to touch her garment. Her determination and trust in Jesus are inspiring to me, as this example drives me to emulate her faith and determination. And another notable detail is that Jesus was never too busy not to attend to the pleas of people who were suffering, and this was because for him we are all valuable, and what we can highlight is the love, compassion, power and mercy that Jesus demonstrated.

Publisher: Excellent reasoning Andrea. I congratulate you, your answers show that you are understanding this lesson very well. This miracle illustrates that Jesus was undoubtedly sent by Jehovah. This Miracle also shows the importance of trusting in Jesus as king of the Kingdom of God and how it benefits us to draw closer to Jehovah by exercising faith in Jesus. It also reminds us that we must rely on Jehovah for help, especially in the midst of our needs and afflictions. Now please read the text of John 5:36.

Student: Okay, it says like this……….. 

Publisher: According to the text of John 5:36, what do the miracles that Jesus did confirm or demonstrate? 

Student: Well, according to what I have understood from the text, the miracles that Jesus performed confirmed or demonstrated that he was sent by God. The miracles were a sign of the authority he had received from his father, Jehovah. They also testified to his special relationship with his father. These Miracles were tangible evidence that Jesus was the promised Messiah and the son of God.

Publisher: Very good Andrea, now please read the “Did you know?” 

Student: Okay, it goes like this……. 

Publisher: Andrea, if we want to know more about Jesus, according to this box, what books of the Bible should we read?

Student: We must read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, since these Apostles told different details of the work and life of Jesus, and if we read them all, we will be able to create a complete picture of his life. 

Publisher: Excellent answer Andrea, and what does the Gospel of Matthew focus on? 

Student:Focuses on the teachings of Jesus, especially those related to the Kingdom

Publisher: Very good, and what can we say about the Gospel of John. 

Student: This gospel says a lot about the personality of Jesus, since it includes many conversations of him with his close friends and other people. 

Publisher: And the gospel of Mark and Luke are also very important. What do we find in them? 

Student: The gospel of Luke highlights the importance of prayer and how well Jesus treated women. While the gospel of Mark is shorter, but it is still very exciting. 

Publisher: Excellent Andrea. So we have reached the section what some say, you can read it please.

Student: Yes, it says like this... 

Publisher: Yes, of course. Some say that Jesus was just a good man, and nothing more. 

Student: Thank you very much for your reading, what do you think of what you read? Will it be like this?

Publisher: Jesus was certainly a very good man, because he perfectly imitated the goodness and mercy of Jehovah. But Jesus is more than just a very good man. Jesus is the son of god. The promised or sent Messiah of God. The king of the Kingdom of God. 

Student: That's right. Excellent. Now let's continue………..
