Sunday, October 8, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of October 9 to 15, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 16, Point 5, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 9-15-October-2023, Bible Course, Lesson 16, Point 5, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 mins.): lff lesson 16 point 5 (th lesson 16).

Publisher: Azucena, let's move on to point 5. "Jesus taught very valuable lessons." At this point we will see that in addition to preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God, Jesus taught practical lessons. For some examples, let's look at a small portion of his Sermon on the Mount. You can please read Matthew 6:14,34 and then Matthew 7:12.

Student: Yes, of course, it says there….

Publisher: Azucena Thank you very much for your reading. Now according to the text read from Matthew 6:14, what good advice did Jesus give in this verse? 

Student: Well there we can see that Jesus advised that we forgive the offenses of others so that Jehovah may forgive ours. But I'm going to tell you one thing, Maria, that's easy to say, but putting it into reality is not so easy.

Publisher: I understand you, Azucena. However, if we focus on the lesson we can extract from this verse, I assure you that it will be much easier for us to forgive others. Notice one thing, the debt of sin that Jehovah has forgiven each of us is infinitely greater than all the offenses that anyone may have committed against us. Furthermore, Jehovah forgives us every day. Therefore, if we make a little effort we will be able to forgive the offenses of which we are victims from time to time. Don't you think so?

Student: MarĂ­a, the truth is that what you say makes a lot of sense.

Publisher: Very good, I'm glad you understood, now according to Matthew 6:34 What good advice did Jesus give in this verse?

Student: According to this text, Jesus advised that we should not worry about the next day, because each day will bring its own worries and the problems of each day are enough. Oh Maria, you will say that I am a negative person. But how can we not worry about the future, if what we see is that things are getting worse every day.

Publisher: Very good question, you are very right. However, Jesus' words mean that we should not worry too much about tomorrow's problems and that instead it is better to face problems one day at a time. As you can see, it's not about not thinking about tomorrow or not making plans for the future. The idea is not to become so distressed thinking about what might happen in the future that we lose our joy, our inner peace and also divert our attention from what we have to do at the moment.

Student: Now I understand. 

Publisher: Excellent, Now according to Matthew 7:12 What good advice did Jesus give in this verse?

Student: Yes, in my preparation I was looking at that verse and there we see that Jesus advised that we do for others, everything that we would like others to do for us.

Publisher: Exactly, as you can see, this advice encourages us to treat others with respect, kindness, affection and understanding, because that is how we like others to treat us. This type of treatment strengthens relationships in marriages, between parents and children, between friends and coworkers or students, and with neighbors in general. 

Student: That's true. I wish everyone would learn and apply this advice. If they did, the world would be very different.

Publisher: I'm glad you think that way, so do you think these tips can help people today?

Student: Yes, of course in Matthew 6:14 34, it can help people today to trust that Jehovah can meet our needs, it can also help people understand that there is no need to become excessively anxious or worried or stressed. all the time. As for Matthew 7:12, it can help people not to be so divided and to stop being so aggressive and uncomprehending. I think that if you apply these tips in interpersonal relationships, they would be healthy and harmonious and the result would be that we would have a better society.

Publisher: Excellent response Azucena. Let's continue with the study……… 

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