Sunday, September 10, 2023

Watchtower Study, Why Should We Fear Jehovah?, Week of September 4-10, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Watchtower Study, Why Should We Fear Jehovah?, September 4-10, 2023, Comments and Responses.

"He who walks uprightly fears the Lord" (PROV. 14:2).

1, 2. How is our situation like Lot's?

Our situation is similar to Lot's in that we live in a world that has little or no respect for God's moral standards. Just like Jehovah's servants today, we are distressed by the brazen conduct of those around us, just like Jehovah, we hate immoral behavior.


Well, since we live in a similar situation, in Lot's day people were very moral, as mentioned in Second Peter 2:7 and 8, it says that Lot was distressed by the shameless behavior of the wicked and also that his soul was tormented. Because of all the bad things I saw and heard, in our case it is the same at this moment in history, there is such a great moral degradation that it is difficult to live in this world.

But just like Lot, he had a lot of love for Jehovah, right now we see all things but Jehovah is always ahead of us.

The text of Proverbs 14:2 stands out in which it says that he who walks in righteousness fears Jehovah but who walks a crooked path despises him and this is because if we are willing to love Jehovah and above all be afraid of displeasing him, we Let's keep clean in this immoral world we are living in. 


3. What reason does Proverbs 17:3 give us to protect our hearts? (See also images).

Each of us wants that when Jehovah examines our hearts he sees a heart that does not have anything toxic from the world of Satan.


The reason that Proverbs 17:3 gives us is that Jehovah examines hearts and knows everything that is within us. Therefore, if Jehovah sees that we treasure his advice, he will love us. But if on the contrary, he sees that our hearts are full of toxic lies and the corrupted rules of Satan and his world, he will feel hurt and move away from us.

Looking at the photo that comes here, the one on the right side caught my attention, which is the time of leaving work, but there is nothing that indicates a holiday like Christmas or something, it could be very obvious that I cannot go and celebrate the Christmas with them but they are inviting him to something now I have to start thinking about what that something is, so it is a very deep meditation that I have to do in my heart to avoid that type of company and then sadden Jehovah.

And one thing that will help us strengthen our heart is to develop love for our father. Jehovah raises the first text of John chapter 4 verse 9 which mentions that Jehovah was even willing to give his son for us for each of us. When we love Jehovah for what he has done for us, we can ask ourselves the question posed at the end of the paragraph: how can I hurt someone who has done so much good for me with my actions?

Jehovah examines our hearts, it is a very nice idea because we do not have to take many steps to please Jehovah and for Jehovah to be happy with us, just thinking about it and evaluating whether what we are going to do is right or wrong will make us happy. to Jehovah and that idea is very nice that we take it into account.

My attention is drawn to the Illustration on the left side where the brother who is sitting during his break time and that companion is very kind, even bringing her some coffee and how she is dressed she even looks like a Christian but as I mentioned the epigraph says that we are not We look for friends who do not fear God, so we want to please Jehovah so that when he examines our hearts he really sees that we are loyal.


In the Illustration we see a young brother at his workplace. As he is a God-fearing person, he does not accept invitations to participate in activities that may grieve Jehovah. The same goes for the rest of the brotherhood. The closer we get to Jehovah, the more we love and respect him. Therefore, we don't want to do anything that hurts his feelings. Hence, we hate even the very idea of ​​sinning against him.

Series of images: 1. A brother is taking a lunch break at his workplace, and a colleague offers him a coffee. 2. The same colleague invites her brother to go out with her and other colleagues after work. At work, we do not seek out the friendship of those who do not fear God or accept their invitations to participate in activities that make you sad. (See paragraph 3).

4. How did the fear of God protect a sister?

Marta, a sister from Croatia, was tempted to do something immoral. This temptation clouded her thinking so much that she found it very difficult to fight the desire to temporarily enjoy sin. But thanks to the fact that Martha is a person who fears Jehovah, she was able to meditate on the consequences that she would have if she made a bad decision and that protected her from it. 


Sister Marta's example teaches us that to protect ourselves from temptation we must meditate on the consequences of making a bad decision. The God-fearing person will think before doing something that could grieve Jehovah and cause him to lose his approval and the privilege of worshiping him forever.

It is interesting that Sister Marta says that in that situation when she was tempted to do something immoral, she could not think clearly, her heart and her mind were not clear, but she says that the fear of Jehovah helped her to think about what happens if I am going to do something immoral. That's how Jehovah reacts to my brothers, my family, and that helps him make the right decision.

And the text of Genesis 6:5 and 6 came to her which says that Jehovah saw that the evil that man did on the earth and that the thoughts of his heart were inclined towards evil all the time, we see that this sister perhaps was A spiritual sister may have been a sister who was centered, but as the text says, evil was growing on earth and we can all be subject to that evil and it can affect us at any moment, but we see how being awake and having that fear present Jehovah made him react at the right time and not make mistakes.

And verse 6 tells us that Jehovah was now saddened by seeing the situation that verse 5 told us about, so to think that Jehovah, how is his feelings going to be good, how are they going to be when he sees us sinning and doing bad, well, surely we will to make us not want to lose our friendship with him and choose well. 

5. What do you learn from what happened to Leo?

From Leo's experience I can learn the importance of choosing my friends wisely, and not underestimate the impact they can have on my decisions and behavior. I also learn that it is essential to remember the values ​​and teachings that our Christian parents have instilled in us and that we must seek help from the elders when we stray from the right path.


I learn that I shouldn't justify bad behavior or minimize the danger of having bad company. Leo thought that as long as he did nothing wrong, he was not sinning against Jehovah, even though he had bad company. Leo forgot that bad companies have a negative influence on others. Therefore, he soon began to drink excessively and practice immorality. Fortunately, he remembered what his parents had taught him and how happy his life was before him. Thanks to the help of his parents, who are Jehovah's Witnesses, and the help of the elders of the congregation, Leo was able to reconsider and today serves Jehovah as an elder and special pioneer.

Well, we cannot minimize the danger that bad friendships can have on us because this brother Leo thought that it was not going to happen to him that he could continue keeping these bad company as long as he did not personally do anything bad because it was not going to happen to him. nothing, however, although he thought they were not going to influence him, they did and he began to change his behavior.

We are also seeing here the danger of justifying ourselves or trying to downplay the importance of following Jehovah's advice, which is why we must watch the reasoning of our hearts because on the one hand, as we have seen, Jehovah cares a lot about what is in our hearts and on the other hand because As we are warned so much in the Bible, it is very treacherous and inclined to sin so it can lead us astray.

And we can also analyze the importance that our fear of Jehovah remains constant. Here it is not said that Leo began to get together like the companies before he was baptized or just after, but that 4 years passed, so it is very important that this fear be constant and that we never let our guard down. . 

6. What two symbolic women will we talk about in this article?

About two things that obsess the world today: sex and pornography.

In this article we will talk about two symbolic women: One represents wisdom and the other represents foolishness. These symbolic women address the inexperienced and offer different invitations, with very different results.

These two women address inexperienced people and what we are going to see is the consequences. These women invite foolish people to their home and there are people who react to the instructions of the sensible woman and then there are other people who do not react to the invitations of the other woman who is foolish, then we will see the consequences. 


7. According to Proverbs 9:13-18, how do the guests of “the foolish woman” end up? (See also image).

According to Proverbs 9:13-18, the guests of the foolish woman end up in the grave. This foolish woman is described as scandalous, ignorant and without knowledge. She invites men to her house, as we see in the image of her, promising them pleasure and satisfaction, but in reality her path leads to death and destruction.

Well, they end up in the grave as we have read at the end of verse 18, so in the end it is a disaster that is death for those who listen to the advice of this foolish woman.

And also in previous chapters of Proverbs we are mentioned similar things about similar women and all the endings are similar, such as in 2:8 and 19 it talks about her house joining death or her feet going down to death. death, it is not good at all to obey or listen to this kind of woman. 


Well, you see this foolish woman who is drawing the attention of someone who passes by, as we have seen and we will continue to see, now there is an issue that is put in front of the person, he looks and sees it because he is not blind but he is going to stop. Is he going to accept that invitation or is he going to continue walking as it seems he is doing? He doesn't stop to inquire and see what he wants and all these things, but for the moment it seems that he has made the decision to move forward.

It is also a little far from the city because it is not a normal street and if we see it is also at dusk at dusk, this means that we also have to think about certain places where we should not travel at certain times because it can be confused. 

A prostitute from biblical times stands at the entrance to her house inviting a man inside. Accepting the invitation of “the foolish woman” has tragic consequences. (See paragraph 7).

8. What decision do those who hear the voice of “the foolish woman” have to make?

When someone hears the voice of the foolish woman, and is tempted to commit a sexual sin or comes across a pornographic image, the decision to make is to flatly reject that invitation and resist the temptation.

Well, if they accept or reject the invitation, and for example in our case, it could happen that sometimes we are not tempted to commit some immoral sin or, as they say, some image of pornography appears, well, what do we decide to do in those moments.

9, 10. Why should we avoid immoral sexual behavior?

Well, the first letter to the Corinthians 6:9, 10 is proving us right because if we practice any of those things, we will not inherit the kingdom of God. We are saying that we love and want to fear Jehovah and that for us would be the worst, a spiritual death. but there is also a literal death because by not obeying that you can contract diseases that can even lead to literal death.


We must avoid immoral sexual conduct for several compelling reasons. First, the stolen waters represent immoral sexual relations that violate God's law. These actions are often carried out in secret, but Jehovah sees everything and we cannot deceive him. In addition, leading a sexually immoral life can lead to guilt, shame, loss of self-esteem, unwanted pregnancies, and the destruction of the family. Hence, those who fall into sexual immorality not only suffer a spiritual death, but can also contract diseases that lead to a literal death.

In short, we can say that we must avoid immoral sexual conduct in order to preserve our emotional, spiritual, and physical integrity. As well as to maintain Jehovah's approval.

These sexual relations are only correct when they are within marriage. Jehovah instituted it that way and it is what must be respected, therefore any other sexual relationship outside of marriage violates Jehovah's law and is something that does not please him.

And when verse 9 of first Corinthians 6 is saying do not be deceived, it is true because many think that by carrying out this bad behavior in secret, no one will see them when we know that Jehovah sees everything and no one deceives him, so what we have What to keep in mind is that by doing this you can lose God's approval and that is not sweet at all.

And furthermore, these people who live immoral lives, although the offer is usually that, cannot be happy because they cannot live a happy life, they cannot have stable families, they cannot have their children, they cannot have normal family relationships, but on the contrary, they live lives. Sad people do not feel self-esteem for the type of life they lead and obviously more complex situations can occur such as having unwanted pregnancies and some could go one step further in trying to hide this situation, even causing abortions.

11. Why is watching pornography so bad?

It is very bad because in addition to being degrading, it is addictive. Pornography fixes immoral images in the mind and fuels evil desires, making it easy for a person to fall into sexual immorality.


Because as the paragraph says, it is a harmful, degrading and addictive trap. Furthermore, when you see these types of images, it is very difficult to forget them because they remain quite engraved in the mind and that is why it makes bad desires come alive and could be the consequence of it ending. falling into sexual immorality.

For example, the one in the letter of Colossians 3:5 says to put to death the members of your body that are on earth in what has to do with sexual immorality. If we watch pornography we are not putting to death those feelings, on the contrary. We are encouraging and causing us to ultimately fall into them.

And the other text James 1:14 and 15 mentions the process of what happens when one is tested and attracted by one's own desire. In the end, that desire is realized and produces death and that is what happens to people. When you watch pornography it is a desire that makes it increasingly addictive and in the end the consequences are unfortunate because, as has been mentioned, they can lead to other worse acts being committed.

12. If an image appears to us that could awaken immoral desires in us, what should we do?

Well, we must stop looking at it immediately and something that can help us react is to remember that for us there is nothing more valuable than Jehovah.


We should immediately stop looking at any pornographic image or image that might arouse immoral thoughts in us, as we value our friendship with Jehovah very highly. Therefore, we do not want to commit adultery even in our hearts. In this sense, the example of brother David can help us, since when certain images appeared to him, he immediately wondered if Jehovah would approve of him continuing to look at her and that made him make good decisions.

We must also avoid any type of pornographic images but also those images which, although they are not considered directly pornographic, awaken bad desires in us since these dangerous feelings can grow until they take root in our hearts.

The reaction has to be as immediate as when we are cooking and we pick up something or take a hot object and let it go suddenly because if we don't get burned, the same thing happens with these images. If we leave them and let them go suddenly, we stop seeing them, we avoid the risk of getting burned.

Continuing with the comments related to not seeing images that may not be pornographic or are not pornographic at all and still not seeing them, this is very related to what we keep in our hearts. Christ said it very well in Matthew chapter 5. Verses 28, 29 If we are already harboring desires in our hearts that are not appropriate, we have to get them out of our minds. Therefore, we have to go further. Not only do we want to stay with the obvious, but as that brother's experience shows, we ask ourselves if what We are seeing that Jehovah really likes us.

And the truth is that we are not going to jump if we do not prepare beforehand and do not prepare ourselves before it happens, if we spend time meditating on how we would react to this situation or how I would prepare, we could then follow the advice of Matthew 5:29 if We know that we have a weakness or we have a problem at a certain point. It is better to gouge out our eyes, that is, it is better to take measures before it happens so that when it happens we are prepared. 

13. What will help us make good decisions?

Something that can help us will be to apply Proverbs 9:10, since this text encourages us to cultivate a healthy fear of displeasing Jehovah.


Yes, one thing that will help us is to cultivate a healthy fear of displeasing Jehovah, right, and that way we will be able to make good decisions. As the previous paragraph said, we have nothing that is more valuable than our friendship with Jehovah and we do not want to spoil it for something like that, so even though Satan's world promotes this everywhere, we will undoubtedly make good decisions.

And if we really love Jehovah we will realize that all his advice is for our good. Chapter 9 of Proverbs is cited in general and there are some verses for example 12 that says if you become wise it will be wise for your own benefit if you are a mocking Well, you will only suffer the consequences if we really realize this that everything Jehovah tells us is for our good because it is not going to go well.


14. What other invitation do we find in Proverbs 9:1-6?

We find an invitation from Jehovah, our creator and source of wisdom. He invites us to follow his wise advice, if we do so, then he welcomes us.


Yes, there he invites us to abandon that inexperience and trust in all the things that Jehovah tells us because he really is the source of wisdom, a generous God who wants good for us, so if we listen we will be wise. but if on the contrary we will have to suffer the consequences.

And that makes us think about the generosity of Jehovah, who is a God who gladly receives what they want to follow wise advice and we have to do what he says and always be loyal to him.

And the results of the woman we saw earlier than this one are completely opposite verse 6 says now she talks about living live abandon inexperience so this is the path or this is the woman we want to listen to. 

15. What invitation does God make to us?

Well, in order to protect his children, that is, to protect us and give us wisdom, he invites us, as Proverbs 9:2 says, to eat from his banquet.


Jehovah invites us to accept the wisdom that he offers us. Jehovah wants to protect us by giving us wisdom so that we do not have to learn the hard way or regret past mistakes. If we accept the invitation we will be obedient to his wise advice, fearful of God, and very happy.

If any of those who do not have experience, especially young people, although today young people know many things like others, also for a moment of pleasure, some have lost their lives in the spiritual sense and the physical sense as well because through those relationships, well certain diseases are transmitted that never have a cure.

If we see that everything is intertwined, not because Jehovah said our happiness is when we have Jehovah, that is the basis for wisdom and the truth is wisdom is going to make us happy, so we see that what Jehovah really needs is to protect us and our happiness and he He has really shown us that he is generous and that he always gives us good things when we listen to him.

If in the case of the foolish woman we saw that not only did death result, but throughout her life those who make those decisions have bad consequences, then this other woman has wisdom because it helps us not only to have life in the future but May the decisions we make now also help us be happy and not have to regret it.

If we observe in the case of the two women the invitation is the same, come all those who are inexperienced come here but we see the background while in one what is behind it is immorality pornography etcetera in that case not here there is a well prepared table and food There are delicious things to enjoy, there is wisdom, and that is the difference between choosing the entertainment in the world or fearing Jehovah. 

16. Because Alain fears Jehovah, what good decision did he make, and what was the result?

Since Alain is not only a school teacher, but also a Congregational Treasurer, he rejected the belief of his co-workers that pornographic films are useful for sexual education. Therefore, he flatly refused to watch those movies, although he gave her an explanation of his reasons. The result was that some of his classmates were so impressed by his firm stand that they began to study the Bible and attend meetings.


If we can that he did not give in to the pressure that his classmates could exert on him in terms of teaching sexual education classes using pornography, and it was necessary to have the wisdom, faith and fear necessary, I can face this and I can explain their reasoning and thanks to this we see how even some of their companions could begin to study the Bible and attend meetings.

Well, the fact of inviting you to this sensible and wise woman not only benefits us but our example, the people who observe us from the outside can say look how well things are going for her or what good reasoning and we can help others too. follow this woman.

It also teaches us, as we had already commented in a few previous paragraphs, that in order to make this decision one has to be prepared in advance, hate it from the beginning and deny it from the beginning in one's heart, so when this comes it is easier to make that decision. and so he did he had enough courage to do it.

We also live now in times where we are seeing a lot of sexual relations in our environment in this country at least and the experts already say that it comes from the result of this pornography. Even yesterday a teacher spoke about the lyrics of the songs, it was quite striking then when We expose ourselves many times that what we think about all this attracts these people who are realizing that it is bad and as happened to the brother, it may be that we bring people to the truth who see that these values ​​that Jehovah instills in us are very positive and very good. 

17, 18. What do those who accept the invitation of “true wisdom” already enjoy? And what awaits them in the future? (See also image).

Those who accept the invitation of true wisdom enjoy a well-prepared spiritual banquet, with many delicious and healthy dishes as we see in the Enlightenment. Furthermore, they learn to love what Jehovah loves and hate what he hates. They experience satisfaction in inviting others to benefit from this wisdom. And both they and those who accept the invitation not only receive these benefits in the present but will also benefit in the future, since they will be able to live forever.


We enjoy a well-prepared spiritual banquet with many delicious and healthy dishes, and as Psalm 97:10 mentions, we are learning to love what Jehovah loves and hate what he does not.

And as we can see in the image, there is a banquet of excellent foods placed before us. They are well-prepared, nutritious foods that allow us Christians to be healthy in a spiritual sense with the expectation of receiving more blessings in the future from Jehovah while we could To say that the foolish woman, the type of food she offers us is junk food or junk food that does not provide any nutrients and that on the contrary can destroy our spiritual health.

And given that this very nutritious spiritual nourishment gives us life in the end, it is normal that we want to share it with others, that is why we invite other people to also nourish themselves in a spiritual sense so that they can make good decisions in their lives. It is curious that in proverbs it is He talks about the maids who are telling the people about everything, he tells the inexperienced to go to the banquet, he is not talking about literal food to the inexperienced who need to know what Jehovah's will is. 


A woman from ancient Israel invites a couple to enjoy a meal of healthy and delicious dishes at her home. Those who accept the invitation of “true wisdom” can be happy now and live forever. (See paragraphs 17 and 18).

19. According to Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14, what should we do? (See also the box “Benefits of fearing God”).

We must fear Jehovah, protect our hearts, and keep ourselves morally clean and close to him. We live in the last days, so we are surrounded by much evil. That is why it is so important to deeply love and respect Jehovah. Furthermore, we must continue to invite people however we can to seek and make the most of true wisdom.


Well, as we have just read, we have to continue fearing Jehovah and obeying him and by doing so we will be protecting our hearts by keeping ourselves morally clean and thus we will be closer to Jehovah.

Well, it fits perfectly in Proverbs 11. He who stands firm in favor of justice is on his way to life, but he who pursues evil is on his way to death. In short, Jehovah teaches us to be firm because that firmness will give us life to be able to see the kingdom of Jehovah.

One of them is that it brings us closer to Jehovah. Psalm 25 reads that intimate friendship with Jehovah is for those who fear him and the best model we have is that of Jesus, he loved and feared his father above all else.

It also makes obeying Jehovah a great pleasure as Psalm 112:1 says and it also says it brings us happiness.

Furthermore, as proverb 8:13 says, it helps us make wise men more humble and hate evil just like Jehovah.

According to the box, we must seek wisdom by approaching Jehovah and obeying, because wisdom will help us to be humble and wise, to hate evil, to be courageous, to have the strength to do what is right, and to be motivated and inclined to be good people. and trustworthy people who live by Bible principles and Jehovah's standards.

Benefits of fearing God

It brings us closer to Jehovah (Ps. 25:14; Heb. 5:7).

It makes obeying Jehovah “a great pleasure” (Ps. 112:1).

It helps us to be humble and wise, and to hate evil (Job 28:28; Prov. 8:13).

It gives us the courage and strength to do what is right (Ex. 1:15-17, 21).

It motivates us to be good and trustworthy people (Neh. 5:15; 7:2).


How does fearing God protect us?

Well, it helps us avoid everything that endangers our relationship with him.


By constantly reminding ourselves of the spiritual consequences of our actions and prioritizing our relationship with God, we can strengthen our resolve to live according to the principles and values ​​that Jehovah teaches us.

It is a very important quality because fearing God is based on respect for love and obedience and he helps us protect our hearts and not fall into sin, especially pornography and sexual immorality.

And it is also a help to think about the consequences of sin.

Yes, also having fear of Jehovah helps us because we know that Jehovah is the one who examines hearts, so we will always try to take care of our hearts.

What can we do to reject the invitation of “the foolish woman” and save ourselves a lot of trouble?

We must cultivate a healthy fear of displeasing Jehovah, prioritizing our relationship with him over other considerations. This helps us make decisions that are in line with our spiritual values ​​and our desire to maintain a close friendship with God.


Well, we saw that if, for example, an erotic image or pornography appears directly to us, we must stop looking immediately and remember that we have nothing more valuable than our friendship with Jehovah and we could lose it.

Proverbs 9:10 was telling us that the fear of Jehovah was the beginning of wisdom, so we have to do everything possible to cultivate that fear because then we will make good decisions.

We were looking at sexual desires about pornography because it says precisely that pornography leads to committing sin because it does not kill bad desires, on the contrary, it fuels them. 

In what ways does it benefit us to accept the invitation of “true wisdom”?

It benefits us because we enjoy a well-prepared and healthy banquet, which symbolizes emotional spiritual satisfaction in the present. This translates into a full and meaningful life full of wisdom and knowledge that comes from God, allowing us to make wise and moral decisions in life and in the future those who accepted the invitation will receive benefits, such as the possibility of living eternally.


Well, by accepting true wisdom we can be happy now and live forever in the future.

Yes, we can enjoy today and in the future also a very good and beautiful relationship with Jehovah and we can also enjoy a clean conscience. 

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