Sunday, September 3, 2023

Study of the Watchtower, Why should we fear Jehovah?, Week of August 28 to September 3, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Study of the Watchtower, Why should we fear Jehovah?, 28-August-3-September-2023, Comments and Answers.

"Intimate friendship with Jehovah is for those who fear him" (Ps. 25:14).

1, 2. According to Psalm 25:14, what must we do to have a close friendship with Jehovah?

Those who want to have a close friendship with Jehovah must fear him.


According to Psalms 25:14, Jehovah invites us to draw close to him, he wants us to be his friends and also promises to draw close to us as well. Therefore we must fear him, since we will only be able to have a close friendship with him if we become God fearing people.

And that is despite the fact that we have been in the truth for as long as some of us have, we always have to keep that in mind.

Yes, as the brothers have already commented, some may think that it is arrogance, but it is the truth, since in the text it says to approach Jehovah and he will approach you, and those of us who are here know that if we become Jehovah's servants is because Jehovah has chosen us, and that is why he has brought us here, because he has found us.

In the Study Bible on this expression from David's Psalm, we are told that the expression intimate friendship conveys the idea of ​​two good friends having confidential conversations. And so it was in the case of Jehovah with Abraham. They had a close relationship and it is that with Jehovah we can have the honor of being his friends because he has made it possible and that is why we want to value this privilege.

And in this article we are going to answer some questions such as what does it mean to fear God? What will help us cultivate that healthy fear? And the third and last is that the examples of a steward named Obadiah, the High Priest Jehoiada and King Jehoash teach us about the fear of God?


3. How does fear protect us?

That kind of fear is healthy for us. Of course, because that fear helps us to act prudently and it is what we always have to do to act prudently.


Fear protects us because it helps us act prudently to avoid harming ourselves. For example, the fear of falling off a cliff will keep us from going too close to the edge, and that same fear will drive us away from dangerous situations. In the same way, the fear of losing a friendship that we value very much will prevent us from saying or doing something that hurts that person and damages our friendship.

When you are afraid, it is because you know that this thing can hurt you. So that is why it is a good fear, because it makes us act in a way that will not harm us.

In the paragraph we saw that the fear of losing a friendship is something that we value a lot and consider very important, because it will make us avoid making mistakes or saying things or doing things that could hurt them, because it is the same with Jehovah, we will have that fear not to lose that friendship that for us is something very valuable. 

4. How does Satan want us to feel toward Jehovah?

Well, he wants us to feel afraid of him and that fear reaches the point of paralyzing us and that we stop serving Jehovah.


Satan's goal is to make people afraid of Jehovah and, like Eliphaz, they all come to think that Jehovah is a vengeful God, full of anger, who is never pleased with us. His goal is to paralyze us with fear and stop serving him. Hence the importance of being God-fearing people so as not to fall into this trap.

Indeed, fear is one thing and fear is another, we obviously do not want to fall into this trap like the one Eliphas told Job, that Jehovah is a vengeful God who is full of anger and that he will never be happy with what we want is to be afraid of displeasing him and doing something that could damage our friendship with him.

Therefore, if we do not want to fall into the trap that Satan sets for us, what we have to do is cultivate the fear of God, or so to speak, the fear of displeasing Jehovah, which as we have seen is a positive, not a negative quality.

5. What does it mean to fear God?

To fear God is to feel a deep love and respect for Jehovah. In such a way, that that love and respect will prompt us not to do or say anything that endangers our friendship with him, or makes him sad.


Jesus with his example taught us what a God fearing person is like. He showed that what he felt for Jehovah was not terror, but a love so deep that it prompted him to obey and respect him, so he never did anything to make him sad.

Yes, as mentioned in the paragraph, fearing God is related to respecting and loving him. Therefore, if we see him for what he is, a loving God and our friend, this fear will make us not do anything that could harm our relationship with him.

And we have a beautiful example in Jesus, because there we see Jesus feared the Lord, in John 14:31 we see that for the world to know that I love my father I do exactly what the father has commanded me, he was a perfect man, but the motivation to obey Jehovah was his love.

I really like what the end of the paragraph says, that Jehovah is not indifferent. The actions we do are very important to him. For example in Psalms 78 he says that the Israelites saddened him with their versions but in Proverbs 27 he tells us that we can make Jehovah's heart glad. So what we do is very important, that is why we must think before acting and the best thing is to fear Jehovah.

And how good it is to know what it is to fear Jehovah and what it is not, as we have seen in the previous paragraph, the fear that Satan explains paralyzes us, but the fear based on love, which is what Jehovah really wants us to have, it helps us to act and makes Jehovah very happy.


6. What is one way to cultivate the fear of God? (Psalm 34:11).

Well, we are not born with that quality, but we have to cultivate it and, for example, observing creation, we perceive his love for us, and thus, respect and love for him grows.


It is not an innate quality, we are not born with it and we have to learn to cultivate it.

The text highlights that listening to Jehovah implies that he wants to teach us to fear him. And what he does is unites us with him and makes us love him more.

And part of that learning process is in creation, as has been said, I love that Psalm 111:2 says that all those who enjoy them study them and it is true if we look at it with different eyes, for example this summer the known perseids Like the tears of San Lorenzo, they are a prolific annual meteor shower during the months of July and August, they can be seen from Spain. Maybe I don't know but when one sees it, Jehovah feels how great you are and you have noticed me. That naturally provokes in us, I love you, I want to serve you, I don't want to do anything that displeases you, which instills fear in God.

In Psalm 34:11, he encourages us to listen to him and he will teach us the fear of Jehovah. Which implies that although we are not born with the qualities, we are born with the ability to learn, develop and reflect them with our actions. And one way to cultivate them is by observing creation and perceiving in all created things the different qualities of Jehovah. Among them, his wisdom, his power and his love for us. In this way, our love and respect for Jehovah will grow, making us God-fearing people.

We have an example of this in Sister Adrienne. She said that when she looks at Jehovah's creation and sees how wise he is of her, she feels admiration and is convinced that he is the best for her. The sister adds that after meditating on this matter, she came to the conclusion that for nothing in the world would she ever want to do something that would take her away from Jehovah, the God who gave her life.

Taking a little time and meditating on some aspect of creation, there are things so beautiful that this will help us respect and love Jehovah more every day.

7. How does prayer help us fear Jehovah?

Prayer helps us fear God, because the more we talk to him, the more real to us. Also, when we ask him for strength to endure a trial, we remember his power. When we thank him for the rescue, we remember how much he loves us, and when we ask for guidance, we remember his wisdom. All of this makes us respect and love him more and also make us much more determined to avoid anything that could damage our friendship with him.


Yes, the more time we spend having long conversations with him through our prayers and talking to him, as if we were doing it with a friend that we love very much, the closer we get to him and that helps us to respect it and be even more determined to avoid anything that could damage our friendship.

When we're out on the road and have car trouble, we know exactly who to call and what to do. In this case, when we have a problem in our life or need, as has been said, to go for strength to endure a test, we can also know what we should do, what it is to go to Jehovah, but it will only be real if we practice, if we put our life into practice talking to him. That way it will be a resource to which we can always turn safely.

By praying so often to see him as someone real, it will be as if we have a friend who is really there, and we do not want to harm him, because for us he is our friend. Then Jehovah has to come to do that, for us a friend so real that we can talk to him every day, and that we have that fear of doing something or saying something that he dislikes.

And when we pray for different things, from asking for strength to giving thanks to asking for guidance, all these different requests also show us different qualities of Jehovah, his power, his wisdom, his love, so when we pray in these different ways, we also remember that Jehovah has those qualities.

So as we see and prayer is so important to demonstrate that fear of Jehovah, we must analyze how our prayers are, if we simply pray several times a day to give thanks for food or if our prayers are heartfelt, we express to Jehovah how we are what happens to us what worries us in this way because we will always be willing to do nothing that displeases Jehovah.

8. What do we have to do to not stop fearing Jehovah?

The deep study of the Bible will help us not to stop fearing Jehovah in the correct way and at all times, since in its pages we can find good and bad examples of Biblical characters.

Yes, then when we study the Bible, we have to look at the good examples that are in the Bible and follow what they have done and also look at the bad examples but not to do what they have done.


9. How did the fear of God help Obadiah? (1 Kings 18:3, 12).

The fear of God helped Obadiah become an honest and trustworthy person. Thanks to that, the king appointed him in charge of the royal house. His fear of God also helped him find extraordinary courage and much needed in his time, since he lived during the reign of the wicked here that no one else was married to Jezebel, who hated Jehovah with all his being, my foolishness is going to end with pure duration in Israel and killed many of the prophets of the true God.


1 Kings 18:3,12 shows that Obadiah worshiped Jehovah with discretion, but without compromise. His fear of God was so exceptional that he instilled in him extraordinary courage, which was proven when Jezebel killed Jehovah's prophets.

Yes, well, we see that it helped him a lot because it made him an honest trustworthy man, such was the case that he was appointed manager of the royal house. King Ahab and his wife Jezebel who were both the worst.

And Obadiah demonstrated that fear of Jehovah even though he knew he could lose his life, in fact one of the things that Jezebel did was kill many of Jehovah's prophets because she was determined that the worship of Baal would be the only one in Israel, so despite this this man who feared Jehovah had enough fear to always do Jehovah's will.

10. How did Obadiah show extraordinary courage?

Obadiah showed extraordinary courage when Jezebel began to persecute Jehovah's prophets to kill them. That is why he hid 100 prophets in caves in groups of 50 and took it upon himself to give them bread and water, even though his life was at risk, because if Jezebel found out he would have him executed. Like any human being, Obadiah was surely very afraid of dying, but the love he felt for Jehovah and for his servants was greater than the love he felt for his own life.


When Jezebel began to persecute Jehovah's prophets to kill them, Abdias hid 100 of them in caves in groups of 50 and was in charge of giving them bread and water. If Jezebel had found out, Adbias would have been executed but the love she felt for Jehovah and his servants was greater than the love he had for his own life.

He mentions that he shows extraordinary courage because if you think about it, if you put 100 of them all in one place, it's okay, but having to distribute them from here to there, then feed them, give them duty, that would show that he would put his life in danger on several occasions.

And this example can also help us a lot because very difficult times are coming, we don't know what we will have to go through, maybe we have to help our brothers, we have to hide our brothers, maybe we also have to meet and preach in a prudent way and then It's going to take a lot of courage, so this example has made me think, I mean, it's wonderful to have it in mind because it's going to help us a lot.

In fact, we can imagine him because it is not the same to put something in his pockets and carry it to be able to bring him food and water, day after day he had to go with a car at least full of food to two different places, anyone could have betrayed him. because that was what he did day after day and that was risking his life but blatantly.

11. How do many of Jehovah's servants follow Obadiah's example? (See also image).

Many servants of Jehovah who live in places where our work is prohibited, follow the example of Obadiah, respecting the authorities, but without ceasing to give Jehovah the adoration that only corresponds to him, obeying men instead. preaching without attracting attention, meeting discreetly and making sure that his brothers receive the spiritual food they need so much.


We have an example of this in brother Henri, who serves in an African country. Our work was prohibited. During that time brother Henri volunteered to bring the brothers Bible literature. He tells that he is very shy, so he is convinced that it was the deep respect that he feels for Jehovah that helped him to be brave. As we see, courage is a quality that is cultivated through the fear of God.

Many of our brothers are living in places where the work is outlawed, so these brothers are risking their lives every day perhaps trying, as we saw in the image, to bring publications to their brothers, it is difficult for them to get them, but if these brothers have a strong faith, they know everything that Jehovah can do and they know that if the worst thing happens, that could be losing their life, Jehovah will resurrect it and have them back in paradise, then they do not have to fear anything that man can do.

We extract a very nice lesson from this subtitle and it is that fear, if it is based on love for Jehovah and our brothers, can lead us to do incredible things that we could not do otherwise. We have seen the example of Abdias, modern examples of brothers from our times that are acting with courage and always because they have a reverent fear of Jehovah but that is based on love.

An example, just as you can also follow the example of Acts 5:29, which Peter and the other Apostles said here, what they answered, we have to obey God as ruler rather than men.

Something that caught my attention in the paragraph is that it mentioned that the authorities are respected but that in Matthew 22:21 tells us to pay to Caesar what is Caesar but to God what is of God and the fear of God is above of those authorities, so we always have to respect them but Jehovah is always ahead of all this and our fear of not disappointing him and not failing him will make us is to take out that courage on occasions that we are going to go against what the authorities say. authorities say at that moment because we have to give Jehovah what corresponds to him.


The image is what you see, the shy young man gathers his courage and does an almost heroic act in a country where it is now prohibited and the sister according to Matthew 10 is being cautious.

In the image we can see Brother Henri bravely visiting some older brothers to bring them the publications. Although our work was prohibited in this country, the brother, knowing the importance and the need for all the brothers to receive spiritual nourishment, bravely offered himself for this mission. His love for Jehovah moved him to overcome his weakness and take the risk that this implied for his own safety. As we see, God fearing people cultivate other qualities. Like Obadías, Brother Henri cultivated courage.

A brother enters the home of a Witness couple. He gives the husband a publication while the wife keeps watch at the entrance of the house. In a place where our work is prohibited, a brother plucks up his courage and brings Bible literature to other Witnesses. (See paragraph 11).


12. How did Jehoiada and his wife show that they were very loyal to Jehovah?

Jehoidah and his wife proved their loyalty to Jehovah when Jezebel's daughter Athaliah illegally seized the throne of Judah. Athaliah was a fearsome, cruel woman with such a thirst for power that she tried to kill her own grandchildren because they were the king's heirs.


Jehoidah and his wife Jehosabeat saved one of these little children, Jehoash, and hid him and took care of him. In this way, they protected the lineage of David, from which the promised Messiah would come. No doubt his fear of God prompted him to act instead of Athaliah becoming paralyzed with fear.

On the throne was a cruel and fearsome woman like Atalia, Jehoiada and his wife not only demonstrated great fidelity but also that their fear of Jehovah was much greater than the fear of man by being willing to risk their lives hiding and taking care of Jehoiada when he was just a child.

We have seen from the beginning that fear is something that paralyzes, however, the fear of Jehovah is what drives us to do positive things, good things to stay loyal, that is why he says that Jehoiada was loyal to Jehovah but did not sit idly by, that fear of Jehovah prompted him to do things in this case to save the boy's life.

And as he says in Proverbs 29:25, trembling before men is a trap, but he who trusts in Jehovah will be protected, that is why it is so important to pray and that Jehovah give us courage.

Yes, I love to see the example of Jehoiada that this fear and loyalty to Jehovah helped his wife to demonstrate fear and loyalty to Jehovah, so it teaches me that if we fear Jehovah, it can also help other members of the congregation or our family to have such a healthy fear of Jehovah. 

13. How did Jehoiadah prove his loyalty again?

Jehoiadah continued to demonstrate his loyalty to Jehovah in many ways. He first devised a plan so that Jehoash would become a common king, due to being the legitimate Heir to the throne of David. This plan could have cost him his life, but thanks to Jehovah's blessing and the support of the heads of the father's houses and the Levites, it was successful. 

Jehoiada also ordered that the wicked Athaliah be killed and made a pact between Jehovah, the king, and the people, where they were to remain Jehovah's people. He also placed the gatekeepers by the gates of the house of Jehovah so that no one who was unclean would enter.

Well, when Jehoas was 7 years old, Jehoiada once again demonstrated his loyalty to Jehovah and made a plan for Jehoas to be the legitimate king that belonged to him, however, if the plan went well, he would be king, but if it failed, he would possibly lose his own life, without However, the plan was successful because it received Jehovah's support.

And this was a very brave act because he had kept Haggai hidden for 7 years, probably very few people knew of his existence or no one, and the story says that he had to go all over Judah to gather the Levites, the heads of the paternal houses, he did not know if they are going to agree if not on this appointment and do it because his life was at stake.

And his loyalty was down to the smallest details because verse 19 also tells us that he placed gatekeepers next to the doors of the house so that no one who was unclean would enter, which in the midst of all the situation he was already experiencing seemed like a simple detail. but it was not for true worship and even of that he was careful.

Anyone who reads the story may think that it was one of those conspiracies that exists in all kingdoms, I now put mine but in this case it was not like that, what he did was do what Jehovah had commanded that there be a king of the dynasty of King David and that is why he kept Jehoash because if all the descendants of David had not died and what he did when he made him king was precisely to restore him again to the Davidic dynasty, then we see the fear of Jehovah led him to that point until he risked his life so that there would be a king of that dynasty.

14. What honor did Jehoiadah receive for honoring Jehovah?

Jehovah fulfilled the promise recorded in 1 Samuel 2:30, and he honored Jehoiada for honoring him. Jehovah saw to it that the good things that this high priest did were written in the Bible so that they would not serve as an example and when Jehoiada died he received the special honor of being buried in the city of David with the kings. Honor that he received for all the good that he did for Israel and for the house of true God.

And apart from what we have learned from his example, it also says that he received a very special honor because when he died, it says that he was buried in the city of David along with the kings, since he is with all those who did good things or supported God. true and his people.

15. What does the history of Jehoiada teach us? (See also pictures).

It teaches the elders of the congregation that they must be vigilant in order to faithfully protect the flock of God.

Well, one of them is that just as Jehovah has used and gave Jehoiada the honor of setting his example in the Bible so that today we can learn from him, younger brothers can look at older brothers who have a long history in the truth and learn from them and that they teach us with their experience perhaps to face certain problems and that for us is also a blessing today.

Yes, this story also teaches me how I have to really support those who lead the congregation, not as Hebrews 13:17 says that I have to be obedient and submissive to those who lead.

Another lesson we learn is that Jehoiada was probably around 100 years old when all this happened, he was a very old man, however, Jehovah used him to fulfill his purpose, just as Jehovah can currently use older brothers to fulfill his will.

He teaches older brothers that as long as they are God-fearing and loyal people, Jehovah will continue to use them to accomplish his will.

We also see that Jehoiada risked his life so that the path and pure worship would continue as Jehovah wanted thanks to that fear of Jehoiada, the elders also have a good example by staying vigilant to loyally protect the flock of God and fulfill their commission.

It teaches the young that they can imitate the dignified and respectful way in which Jehoiada treated older brothers, and especially those who have a long and faithful record of sacred service.

And to all servants of Jehovah, it teaches us that we must legally support and obey those who lead us.


Well, we can see that they are sharing their experience, they are showing the affection they have for Jehovah and they are doing it with joy, and at the same time we see how the young people are showing the respect, affection and appreciation they receive from them, and that is what they do. it is to distinguish ourselves from the world because the world does not have that affinity between young and old but what it does is that we show the love and fear due to Jehovah.

What is interesting to see in the images is also how these brothers are totally valid for Jehovah, as the paragraph says, it does not exclude them, Jehovah is waiting for him to give him the best and although sometimes they feel older and feel that they cannot give the best but Jehovah does not see it that way.

In the Illustration for this paragraph we see a young sister learning to preach on the phone by watching an older brother. We also see an older brother showing courage by participating in the public witness and a brother with a lot of experience teaching other brothers how to do maintenance work at the Kingdom Hall. This teaches us that we can support each other and that we can strengthen and grow spiritually with the help of those who are spiritually mature. But it also teaches us that for this cycle to continue, we must strive to be spiritual people. Otherwise we will not be able to support anyone and we ourselves could become weak.

If we fear Jehovah like Jehoiada the high priest, we will be loyal to our brothers and help them. (See paragraph 15).


16. How did Jehoash show that he was spiritually weak?

Jehoash showed that he was spiritually weak because he only strove to please Jehovah while under Jehoiada's influence. But when Jehoiada died, Jehoash listened to the apostate princes and both he and the people began to serve the sacred poles and idols. Furthermore, when Jehovah sent him prophets to bring him back to pure worship, he did not listen. He did not even listen to the prophet and priest Zacharias, who was the son of Jehoiada and his cousin. And although he owed his own life to this family, Jehovah was so ungrateful, that he had him killed.


Well, while Jehoidad lived and thanks to the guidance and instruction that he gave him, he remained faithful to Jehovah, but at the moment that guidance and that support lacked, then he began to stray, he listened to the princes who were apostates and began to do things As serious as serving the sacred poles and idols, this teaches us that we cannot base our spirituality on the figure of any person, which is why he was spiritually weak. Spiritual strength must be based on the relationship we have with Jehovah.

When Jehoas fell into apostate practices, another detail that he was spiritually weak was that despite the fact that Jehovah repeatedly sent prophets to make him change, he rejected him and even had one of them killed by Zacharias, this shows us how he had allowed these bad feelings to grow and took root in his heart because he did not have a strong fear of Jehovah.

17. How did Jehoash end up?

For having stopped fearing God, Jehoash paid dearly. 1 Samuel 2:30, declares that you have despise Jehovah will be despised. Therefore, Jehoash, despite having a large army, was defeated and wounded by a small Syrian army. And then, being seriously wounded, he was killed by his own servants for having killed Zacharias. In addition, because of his wickedness, he was not even buried in the tomb of the kings where he belonged.


The Jehoas example is a clear example of the difference between fearing men and fearing Jehovah, he feared and pleased men because he did bad things and that ended because he could not trust them because in the end they killed him themselves but fearing Jehovah what he gives us are blessings and a good life.

If the paragraph by contrast recalls the good example of Zacharias that Jehovah does remember, Jesus himself said that Zacharias was a just man and an interesting note appears here because Jesus refers to Zacharias as the son of Malachi, well it could have been another name for him or perhaps simply that he was an ancestor in any case he speaks of Zacharias Jesus remembers him in the Bible it is written and his example has endured over time unlike Jehoas.

18. According to Jeremiah 17:7, 8, what do we have to do to not be like Jehoash?

According to Jeremiah 17:7,8 in order not to be like Jehoash, we must put our trust in Jehovah. Our true Peace, security and salvation depend on Jehovah. So we shouldn't entrust them to anyone else. Jehovah's history teaches us that we cannot fear Jehovah just because other brothers or relatives do or encourage us to serve him. To be spiritually strong, we need to nurture our love and respect for Jehovah by studying the Bible, meditating on it, and praying regularly.


Yes, well, as we have seen, we do not want to look like Jehoas in any way, we want to be a tree that has strong roots that does not collapse in the face of any storm, so for that we have to feed our faith the love and respect we feel for Jehovah and this we are going to achieve it by studying, meditating and praying regularly.

We can not only fear Jehovah because we have family or friends or relatives who, thanks to them, are our support and thanks to them we go to the meetings and for those of us who preach, that does not work like that because at some point they are not there or They go to serve another place or something happens, so it will happen to us that we will not have a well-founded root and that is when our relationship with Jehovah will be in danger, so we ourselves have to become strong and fatten our roots .

And of course we can say without a doubt that this paragraph is ideal to keep in our personal library because, as has been said, it contains a very valuable lesson. Each one of us must strengthen ourselves spiritually individually, if we want to have a fear of Healthy Jehovah, a reference based on love, we cannot be, as has already been commented, clinging to external things that it is okay for us to lean on our family, our brothers, but it is our responsibility to grow spiritually by ourselves because that is going to be what is going to happen. make a difference in the future when things get much more complicated and we have to use our own resources to be faithful to Jehovah.

19. What does Jehovah expect of us?

Well, that sums it up very well in Ecclesiastes 12:13, where it says that the true God obeys his commandments because that is all that man should do. 

Ecclesiastes 12:13 sums it up this way: What Jehovah reasonably expects of us is to be God-fearing people and to obey his commandments. This is reasonable because it is within the reach of all of us, and it is also for our own benefit. The obedient and God-fearing person can face any difficulty with the firmness that Obadiah and Jehoiada showed, and also have an indestructible friendship with Jehovah as they did, despite all the difficulties they had to face.


What does it mean to fear Jehovah?

It is a deep respect and love for Jehovah that motivates us not to do anything that might put our friendship with him in jeopardy.

The person who deeply fears or respects God loves him and does not want to do anything that jeopardizes his friendship with him. A good example of someone who feared God was Jesus.

What valuable lessons can we learn from Obadiah and Jehoiada?

We learn that we can be loyal and brave, in places where the work is prohibited, we also learn that we can support our brothers by supporting preaching, meetings and helping them to have spiritual food and physical food.


We learn from Obadiah that he was not a superman, he was afraid of being captured and killed as we would have been, but the fear of Jehovah gave him the strength to overcome the fear of man.

In the case of Jehoiada, that fear does not understand the age that any brother can be brave to continue fulfilling Jehovah's will to continue having that fear and it does not matter how old Jehovah will continue to use him.

What do we have to do to not be like Jehoash?

We cannot fear Jehovah just because other brothers or relatives do and give us their support. To be spiritually strong, we need to nurture our love and respect for Jehovah, and we do this by studying, meditating, and praying regularly.


Well, as we have seen in paragraph 18, we have to have strong roots for any storm, any problem we have, so be strong and firm to Jehovah so as not to fall as it did.

We have seen that to do this, we have enough tools to have strong roots, one for example is to pray to Jehovah regularly, to make meaningful prayers, also to study and meditate. 

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