Monday, September 4, 2023

Study of the Book of the congregation, Week of September 4 to 10, 2023, Lesson 56, and notes 6 and 7, Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, 4-10-September-2023, Lesson 56, and notes 6 and 7, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 56 and notes 6 and 7.

1. What characteristics of the people of God stand out?

One of the characteristics that draws the attention of the people of God is that regardless of the country or geographical location, Jehovah's Witnesses have a remarkable unity and familiarity in worship and beliefs, although the language may be different, the structure and the content of their Meetings and Bible studies are similar throughout the world.

In addition, Jehovah's Witnesses strive to show love and support in the congregation, this love and care for others is a characteristic that stands out in congregations, which creates a welcoming and family atmosphere. 

So we can say in conclusion that Bible study, brotherly love and devotion to Jehovah are notable characteristics of Jehovah's Witnesses and can be observed in Congregations all over the world.

2. How can you contribute to the unity of the congregation?

Instead of focusing on the flaws of others, we can recognize and appreciate the good qualities of our beloved brothers. In this way we can promote an atmosphere of familiarity and mutual respect in the Congregation.

Another way to contribute to the unity of the congregation is that instead of limiting myself to interacting only with those who have more things in common with me, I can make an effort to get to know people and brothers of different origins and cultures better. This will encourage love and unity in the congregation to grow more and more.

It is important to recognize and address any prejudices we may have in our hearts, as actively trying to eliminate prejudices will help foster the kind of love that 1 Peter 2:17 speaks of loving the entire association of brethren. 

According to the box we can show love to the Congregation when we have a contagious disease, this implies acting responsibly and considerately towards others to take measures to prevent the spread of the disease and protect the health of the congregation. This reflects the biblical principle of loving your neighbor as yourself and seeking the well-being of others above all personal interests. 

3. What will you do when you have a disagreement with another Christian?

The Bible urges us to forgive each other, since we are all imperfect and can hurt or disappoint each other. Following the advice of Colossians 3:13, we should generously forgive others, remembering that Jehovah forgives us too.

If we realize that we have hurt someone or if there is a disagreement, we can take the initiative to address the situation AND try to make things right. This involves communicating with the person, listening to their point of view, and being willing to resolve the conflict amicably.

The Bible also encourages us to seek reconciliation with our fellow believers. Jesus taught in Matthew 5:23-24, that if we are offering a sacrifice on the altar and we remember that someone has something against us, we must leave our offering and reconcile with that person first.


Think about ways you could contribute to the peace and unity of the congregation.


Images of a brother making amends: 1. Another brother talks harshly to you. 2. He keeps thinking about what the other brother told him. 3. he Meditates on what the Bible says we should do when someone offends us. 4. he Meets with the other brother to have coffee and make up.

What steps will you take to make amends?

4. Overcome prejudice

We want to show love to all our brothers. But we may find it difficult to accept some, such as those who seem different from us. What can help us? Read Acts 10:34, 35 and discuss the following:

Jehovah accepts people from all backgrounds to be his Witnesses. With this in mind, how should you view people who are different from you?

We must remember that God is not partial and does not show favoritism toward any particular nationality, race, or ethnic group. as Christians, we must follow his example and see people as Jehovah sees them with equality and Justice.

God accepts people of all backgrounds who fear him and practice justice. Therefore, we must be willing to accept and show love to people of different cultural, ethnic, or social backgrounds in our congregation without prejudice or discrimination.

Where you live, what prejudices do people tend to have? Why shouldn't you get carried away by those prejudices?

Where I live there is a lot of discrimination or prejudice towards people of different races or ethnicities, as well as prejudice or discrimination towards people of different religions or discrimination based on social class or economic status. And we shouldn't get carried away by prejudice because it leads to discrimination and unfair treatment of people because of their personal characteristics, such as their race, gender, religion or nationality. This is profoundly unfair because we are going against what Jehovah asks of his servants to love their neighbor as oneself.

Read 2 Corinthians 6:11-13 and discuss the following:

What could I do to love all the brothers and sisters more and more?

We must be willing to show a lot of affection and love without restrictions. We should not skimp on showing affection and appreciation towards the other members of the congregation, just as we should set limits on our affection and we should also be receptive to the love and affection that others show. 

We must also reciprocate the love we receive from others with love, appreciation, and gratitude. This strengthens the bonds of unity and brotherhood, and just as we are urged to open our hearts in this passage, we must be receptive to the emotional and spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters. Listening, understanding and being willing and available to support them in times of difficulty is a way of opening our hearts.

5. Forgive generously and make amends

Although we will never have to forgive Jehovah, he forgives us generously. Read Psalm 86:5 and discuss the following:

What does this verse teach us about the way Jehovah forgives?

The verse emphasizes that Jehovah is willing to forgive. This means that God is not reluctant or restrained in his desire to forgive those who come to him for forgiveness.

The expression "Loyal Love" indicates a constant and faithful love. God shows an immense and lasting love towards those who call on him. His love does not depend on our past actions, but is always available to those who sincerely seek it.

The verse indicates that Jehovah's forgiveness is available to all who call on him. This means that there are no restrictions based on origin, history or personal circumstances, as anyone who sincerely turns to God can expect forgiveness from him.

Do you feel gratitude for Jehovah's forgiveness? Because?

Of course I am grateful because knowing that Jehovah forgives us takes a weight off our shoulders, we also have the assurance that we can approach him with a clear conscience and that by having his Forgiveness we can ask for help when we need it.

In what situations might it be difficult for us to get along with others?

Being the victim of slander or mistreatment can cause great emotional pain. This emotional wound can make it difficult to forgive and get along with those who have wronged us.

Feeling that we have been treated unfairly can breed resentment and bitterness towards others. This can make it difficult to get along with those we perceive as bullies.

What should we do to imitate Jehovah, and thus stay united with our brothers? Read Proverbs 19:11 and discuss the following:

When someone does something that upsets or offends you, what could you do to improve the situation?

Well, the first thing we can do is try to understand the reasons behind the other person's actions, as that can help soften our feelings of annoyance or offense. Empathy can lead to more effective communication and a more peaceful resolution of the problem. 

Rather than hold a grudge or resentment, we can choose to overlook the offense and seek reconciliation with the person involved. This involves forgiving and working together to resolve any misunderstandings or conflicts.

By following the example of Jehovah who is patient and compassionate, I can strive to maintain peace and harmony in my relationships with others. This includes being patient and forgiving when necessary.

Sometimes we are the ones who offend others. When that happens, what should we do? Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: The Blessings of Restoring Peace (6:01)

How did the sister in the video manage to make amends?

The sister remembered what Matthew 5:23 and 24 said, where it mentions that if we are in trouble if we are going to serve Jehovah, we should first fix our problems and then take our gift to the altar. So the first thing she did was go to the sister and fix the problem. Which brought her much happiness and she was also able to continue serving Jehovah happily and be closer to the congregation.

6. Notice the good things about your siblings

When we get to know our brothers better, we not only see their strengths, but also their weaknesses. How can we focus on their strengths? Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: Be even more beautiful! (5:10)

What might help you notice the positive things about your siblings?

As we can see in the video, the sister followed Jesus' example of using empathy and putting herself in the place of the brothers and seeing their needs, which made her understand the brothers and see the qualities that each of them had. 

Jehovah focuses on our qualities. Read 2 Chronicles 16:9a and discuss the following:

How does it feel to know that Jehovah focuses on the good things you have?

Knowing that Jehovah is watching and watching our actions with love and care is comforting. He reassures us that we are not alone in our efforts to serve him and live a life that pleases him. We also strive to serve Jehovah sincerely and with a complete heart.

Also knowing that God watches our actions makes us feel responsible for our decisions and behaviors. This encourages us to be aware of how we live our lives and strive to do what is right.

A ring with a diamond.

Even a beautiful diamond has flaws, and yet it is worth a lot. Something similar happens with our brothers: they are imperfect, but for Jehovah they are all very valuable.

WHAT SOME SAY: "For me to forgive someone, they first have to show me that they are sorry."

Why should we always be ready to forgive?

Being always ready to forgive is beneficial both for our emotional and physical health as well as for our interpersonal relationships, and above all our relationship with Jehovah. In addition, forgiveness is an expression of love, compassion and humility that contributes to the personal and prepares us for the future to live in harmony with people.


If you forgive your brothers and show love to all, you will help keep the congregation together.


How can you overcome prejudice?

We must remember that God is not partial and does not show favoritism toward any particular nationality, race, or ethnic group. As Christians we must follow his example and see people as Jehovah sees them with equality and Justice.

What will you do when you have a disagreement with another Christian?

By following the example of Jehovah, who is patient and compassionate, I can strive to maintain peace and harmony in my relationships with others. This includes being patient and forgiving when necessary.

Would you like to forgive others as Jehovah does? Because?

We must learn to forgive because we are imperfect and we are always going to make mistakes, also the forgiveness that we show works as a gauge so that Jehovah forgives us. So if we want to be forgiven by Jehovah, we also need to practice forgiveness with people.


6. Contagious diseases

Because we love people, we are very careful not to transmit any contagious diseases. We act like this whether we know that we are infected or if we suspect that we might be carriers of such a disease. And we do this to obey the following biblical mandate: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" (Romans 13:8-10).

What does it mean to obey this command? Anyone with a contagious disease should avoid physical contact with others, including kissing, hugging, or shaking hands. And you shouldn't be offended if someone doesn't invite you home because he wants to protect his family. Before being baptized, he should tell the coordinator of the body of elders that he has a contagious disease so that he can be baptized without putting others at risk. And, if someone has been exposed to a contagious disease, he should be willing to have a blood test before dating. By doing these things, we show that we care about others and that we are not looking only for “our own interests, but also those of others” (Philippians 2:4).

 7. Business and legal matters

We save ourselves a lot of trouble if we put in writing any agreement that has to do with money, even if it is done with another Christian (Jeremiah 32:9-12). Still, Christians may sometimes have a minor disagreement over money or other matters. If that happens, it is hoped that they can solve it as soon as possible, calmly and in private.

But how should serious matters, such as fraud or slander, be resolved? (Read Matthew 18:15-17). Jesus said that he would have to take the following three steps.

Those involved should try to settle the matter among themselves (see verse 15).

If that doesn't work, they can ask one or two older brothers from the congregation to join them (see verse 16).

If after doing this the problem is still not resolved, only then should they speak to the elders (see verse 17).

In most cases, we should not take our brothers to court, as this would tarnish the reputation of Jehovah and the congregation.—1 Corinthians 6:1-8. But there are situations that may have to be resolved in court: divorces, child custody, alimony, insurance claims, bankruptcy or wills. If a Christian tried to resolve these matters through legal means in the most peaceful way possible, he would not go against what the Bible advises.

Similarly, a Christian reporting a serious crime to authorities—such as rape, child molestation, assault, grand theft, or murder—would not be disobeying the Bible's counsel.

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