Sunday, September 10, 2023

Study From The Watchtower, Week of September 4 to 10, 2023, Fearing God will benefit us now and in the future, Underlined Answers.

Study From The Watchtower, 4-10-September-2023, Fearing God will benefit us now and in the future, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Answer.

Dark Yellow: Additional Answer.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

"He who walks uprightly fears the Lord" (PROV. 14:2).

1, 2. How is our situation like Lot's?

WHEN we look at the moral standards of today's society, we feel like Lot, a righteous man from Biblical times. He “was greatly distressed by the shameless conduct of the wicked,” since he knew that our heavenly Father hates people to act like this (2 Pet. 2:7, 8). Of course, just as Lot loved Jehovah and respected him deeply, he also hated the immoral behavior of the people around him. Our case is similar. We live in a world that has little or no respect for God's moral standards. Regardless, if we love God and learn to fear him, we can stay morally clean (Prov. 14:2).

2 To help us do this, Jehovah encourages and motivates us with the book of Proverbs. All Christians —men, women, young, old…— can greatly benefit from the good advice we find in its pages.


3. What reason does Proverbs 17:3 give us to guard our hearts? (See also pictures).

3 A very important reason to protect our symbolic hearts is that Jehovah searches hearts. What does that mean? That he sees beyond what people see. He knows everything that is inside of us (read Proverbs 17:3). If Jehovah sees that we treasure his advice, he will love us. In a heart filled with that life-giving wisdom, there is no room for the toxic lies and corrupted standards of Satan and his world (John 4:14; 1 John 5:18, 19). And the closer we draw to Jehovah, the more we will love and respect him. We will not want to do anything to hurt our Father's feelings, we will even hate the idea of ​​sinning against him. When tempted, we will ask ourselves: “How could he purposely hurt someone who loves me so much and has done so much for me?” (1 John 4:9, 10).


Series of images: 1. A brother is taking a lunch break at his workplace, and a colleague offers him a coffee. 2. The same colleague invites her brother to go out with her and other colleagues after work. At work, we do not seek out the friendship of those who do not fear God or accept their invitations to participate in activities that make you sad. (See paragraph 3).

4. How did the fear of God protect a sister?

4 A sister in Croatia named Marta was tempted to do something immoral. She wrote: “I couldn't think straight. And I found it difficult to fight the desire to temporarily enjoy sin. But fearing Jehovah protected me.” As? Marta said that, thanks to that fear, she began to meditate on the consequences that she would have to make a bad decision. In the face of temptation, we can do the same. Let us remember that the worst of the consequences would be to sadden Jehovah and not be able to worship him forever (Gen. 6:5, 6).

5. What do you learn from what happened to Leo?

5 The person who fears Jehovah tries hard not to justify bad behavior and does not minimize the danger of having bad friends. That's something Leo had to learn. This brother from the Democratic Republic of the Congo began to associate with bad company four years after his baptism. He thought that as long as he personally did nothing wrong, he was not sinning against Jehovah. But his friends soon influenced him, and he began to drink excessively and practice sexual immorality. Then Leo began to think about all that his parents, who were Witnesses, had taught him and how happy he had been before. He reconsidered and with the help of the elders he returned to Jehovah. Today Leo is an old man and a special pioneer, and he is happy.

6. What two symbolic women will we talk about in this article?

6 Next we are going to analyze chapter 9 of Proverbs, which contains practical lessons for everyone, men and women. In this chapter, we talk about two symbolic women. One represents wisdom and the other, foolishness. As we study the next few paragraphs, let's keep in mind that Satan's world is obsessed with sex and pornography (Eph. 4:19). That is why it is essential that we continue to learn to fear Jehovah and that we stay away from evil (Prov. 16:6). The two women we are going to talk about address the inexperienced, "those who lack good sense." It is as if they were invited to enter their house and enjoy a meal (Prov. 9:1, 5, 6, 13, 16, 17). But the two invitations have very different results. Which are? Let's see.


7. According to Proverbs 9:13-18, how do the guests of “the foolish woman” end up? (See also image).

7 Let's start by talking about the invitation of “the foolish woman” (read Proverbs 9:13-18). She brazenly shouts: "Everyone who is inexperienced, come here!" She thus invites the inexperienced to enjoy a good meal. And how do those who enter his house end up? "There are those who are powerless in death." It is not the first time that Proverbs tells us about such a woman. In earlier chapters he warns us of the dangers of the "wayward woman" and the "immoral woman." He tells us: “Her house of hers sinks into death” (Prov. 2: 11-19). Proverbs 5:3-10 also tells us to beware of another "wayward woman." Of her he tells: "Her feet of hers go down to death."


A prostitute from biblical times stands at the entrance of her house inviting a man to enter. Accepting the invitation of "the foolish woman" has tragic consequences. (See paragraph 7).

8. What decision do those who hear the voice of “the foolish woman” have to make?

8 Everyone who hears the voice of “the foolish woman” has a choice to make: accept her invitation or reject her. When could something like this happen? For example, when we are tempted to commit a sexual sin or if a pornographic image suddenly appears before us. What decision will we make in that situation?

9, 10. Why should we avoid immoral sexual conduct?

9 There are compelling reasons to avoid immoral sexual conduct. According to the book of Proverbs, "the foolish woman" says: "The stolen waters are sweet." What do the “stolen waters” represent? In the Bible, sexual relations within marriage are compared to refreshing waters (Prov. 5:15-18). The man and woman who are legally married can enjoy sexual relations that are appropriate. But “stolen waters” are very different. They probably represent immoral sexual relations, which violate God's law.Generally, people who practice sexual immorality do so in secret, just like a thief stealing. These “stolen waters” can seem very sweet to those who think they are keeping their misconduct a secret. But they fool themselves. Jehovah sees everything, he is not deceived. There is nothing more bitter than losing his approval; there is nothing sweet about him (1 Cor. 6: 9, 10). And that's not all.

10 Those who lead sexually immoral lives may feel shame, lose self-esteem, have unwanted pregnancies, or destroy their families. Obviously, the wisest thing to do is to decline the invitation of "the foolish woman." Many of those who fall into sexual immorality not only die spiritually, but also contract diseases that lead to literal death (Prov. 7:23, 26). Verse 18 closes chapter 9 with these words: "His guests are in the depths of the Tomb." So how is it possible that so many people accept an invitation with such a tragic ending? (Prov 9:13-18).

11. Why is it so bad to watch pornography?

11 Pornography is a widespread trap. Some think that there is nothing wrong with seeing it, but that is not true. Pornography is harmful, demeaning and addictive. Immoral images are not easily erased from the mind, it is very difficult to forget them. Furthermore, pornography does not kill evil desires; rather, it enlivens them (Col. 3:5; Jas. 1:14, 15). In reality, many who view pornography end up falling into sexual immorality.

12. If an image appears to us that could arouse immoral desires in us, what should we do?

12 What should a Christian do if a pornographic image appears when using an electronic device? He should stop looking at her immediately. Something that can help us react in this way is to remember that for us there is nothing more valuable than our friendship with Jehovah. Now, there are images that are not generally considered pornographic but that could arouse immoral thoughts in us. We should not look at these types of images either. Because? Because we don't even want to commit adultery in our hearts (Matt. 5:28, 29). An elderly man in Thailand named David says: “I often ask myself, 'Will Jehovah like me to keep looking at these images even though they are not pornographic?' Thinking like that helps me make a good decision.”

13. What will help us make good decisions?

13 If we cultivate a healthy fear of displeasing Jehovah, it will be easier for us to make good decisions. No wonder Proverbs 9:10 says that “the fear of Jehovah is the beginning [or foundation] of wisdom.” This idea is very clear in the first part of chapter 9 of Proverbs, where we find a symbolic woman who represents "true wisdom."


14. What other invitation do we find in Proverbs 9:1-6?

14 (Read Proverbs 9:1-6). Here we find an invitation that comes from Jehovah, who is our Creator and the source of wisdom (Prov. 2:6; Rom. 16:27). On this occasion, Proverbs tells us about a big house that has seven columns. That makes us think of the generosity of Jehovah, a God who welcomes all who want to follow his wise advice.

15. What invitation does God give us?

15 Jehovah is generous and gives us many good things. This is clearly seen in the woman in Proverbs chapter 9 who represents "true wisdom." She has everything ready: she has prepared the meat and wine well, and has set the table (Prov. 9:2). Also, according to verses 4 and 5, “true wisdom” says to those who lack sense: “Come, eat of my bread.” Why should we accept this woman's invitation? Because Jehovah wants to protect his children and give them wisdom. He doesn't want us to learn the hard way or spend our lives regretting past mistakes. Therefore, "he reserves practical wisdom for those who are upright" (Prov. 2:7).If we fear Jehovah, we will want to please him and follow his wise counsel. Acting like this makes us happy (James 1:25).

16. Because Alain fears Jehovah, what good decision did he make, and what was the result?

16 Let's look at an example that shows that fearing Jehovah helps us make good decisions. Alain is a congregation elder who works as a teacher in a school. He recounts: "Many of my co-workers believe that pornographic films are useful for sex education." But Alain knows that thinking like this is a delusion. He explains what he did: “Because I fear Jehovah, I absolutely refused to watch those movies. And I also explained the reason to the other teachers.” Thus he put into practice this advice of “true wisdom”: “Advance in the path of understanding” (Prov. 9: 6). Some of his co-workers were so impressed by his strong stance that they began studying the Bible and attending meetings.

17, 18. What do those who accept the invitation of “true wisdom” already enjoy? And what awaits them in the future? (See also image).

17 Through these two symbolic women, Jehovah shows us what we must do to have a happy future. Those who accept the invitation of “the foolish and scandalous woman” want to enjoy the “sweet” pleasures of sexual immorality. They only think about living in the present, and they don't realize that their actions can affect their future. The reality is that they will end up “in the depths of the Grave” (Prov. 9:13, 17, 18).

18 However, how well it goes for those who accept the invitation of “true wisdom”! They are happy because they enjoy a well-prepared spiritual banquet, with many delicious and healthy dishes (Is. 65:13).Jehovah says through the prophet Isaiah: “Listen carefully to me and eat what is good, and you will enjoy the best foods.” That's right, we are learning to love what Jehovah loves and hate what he hates (Ps. 97:10). In addition, it fills us with satisfaction to invite others to benefit from "true wisdom." We are like the maidservants in Proverbs chapter 9, who cry out "from the high places of the city." Like them, we say: "Everyone who is inexperienced, come here!" Both we and those who accept this invitation receive many benefits now, today. But that is not all. We will also benefit in the future. If we keep going “in the way of understanding,” we can live forever (Prov. 9:3, 4, 6).


A woman from ancient Israel invites a married couple to enjoy a meal of healthy and delicious dishes at her home. Those who accept the invitation of "true wisdom" can be happy now and live forever. (See paragraphs 17 and 18).

19. According to Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14, what should we do? (See also the sidebar “Benefits of Fearing God.”)

19 (Read Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14). Although we live in the last days, surrounded by evil, we want to continue to fear Jehovah. Thus we will protect our hearts, we will stay morally clean and close to Jehovah. Because we deeply love and respect it, we will continue to invite everyone we can to seek “true wisdom” and make the most of it.

Benefits of fearing God

It brings us closer to Jehovah (Ps. 25:14; Heb. 5:7).

It makes obeying Jehovah “a great pleasure” (Ps. 112:1).

It helps us to be humble and wise, and to hate evil (Job 28:28; Prov. 8:13).

It gives us the courage and strength to do what is right (Ex. 1:15-17, 21).

It motivates us to be good and trustworthy people (Neh. 5:15; 7:2).


How does fearing God protect us?

In every way, both physical, moral, and above all spiritual, it keeps us alive, physically and spiritually.

It protects them because it helps us meditate on the consequences of making a bad decision. In the face of temptation, we can do the same. Let us remember that the worst of the consequences would be to sadden Jehovah and not be able to worship him forever.

What can we do to decline the invitation of “the foolish woman” and save ourselves a lot of trouble?

Do not turn to look at her, move on, get out of there, if possible, run away, not out of fear but out of prudence, before she manages to fool us.

We can reject any proposal or commit immorality, wherever, with whomever, that is, reject fornication and adultery.

We can also categorically, radically reject pornography, as well as sinuous images. That is why it is very important to ask ourselves this question: Will Jehovah like me to continue looking at these images even if they are not pornographic? Thinking like this helps me make a good decision.

In what ways does accepting the invitation of “true wisdom” benefit us?

It benefits them because we become happy, and it is so because we enjoy a well-prepared spiritual banquet, with many delicious and healthy dishes. Jehovah through the Prophet Isaiah encourages us to listen carefully and eat what is good, and enjoy the best foods. And in that way we will learn to love what Jehovah loves and hate what He hates.

If we keep advancing on the path of understanding we can live forever.

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