Monday, September 4, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of September 4 to 10, 2023, Esther 1 to 2, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: September 4-10-2023, Esther 1 to 2, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Is 2:5. What discoveries seem to support what the Bible says about Mordecai? (w22.11 31 ¶3-6)

A history specialist said. That some cuneiform texts written in Persian mention a man named Marduka, which in Spanish means Mordecai, which shows that he is the same person found in other texts that are on tablets from Persepolis, found in the ruins of the treasury, near the city walls. These writings are in half language and contain various names that are mentioned in the book of Esther. So how do we notice this martuca that means on the tablets and the Mordecai that is mentioned in the biblical book of Esther. They lived at the same time in the same place, so they are the same person.


One of them is a discovery about his name and his position. For example, it is said that they had discoveries in a cuneiform text, where the name Marduka in the cuneiform text is very similar to the name of Mordecai. In the Bible, in addition to both the cuneiform text, with the Bible reference is made to Marduka or Mordecai as someone who held an administrative position in Susa, so we see that there is equality, that may show that he is the same person.

Another discovery is the time and location, for example both Marduka and Mordecai lived at the same time during the reign of Xerxes I, and in the same location as the Susa castle. So this coincidence of time and place reinforces the idea that it could also be the same person.

In addition, it is his language skills and position at court. For example, the cuneiform text mentions that Marduka was a translator in the Palace of Susa, which is consistent with the idea that Mordecai, having linguistic skills and holding a position in the court of King Ahasuerus, where he may have played a similar role. as counselor or interpreter.

Taken together these Archaeological discoveries support the historical authenticity of the figure of Mordecai in the book of Esther, providing further evidence that he existed as a royal figure in the Persian court. Archaeological finds often help to enrich our understanding of Biblical history. and to confirm the accuracy of the Biblical accounts in their historical context. 

There is also the discovery of the Persepolis tablets written in Elamite belonging to the time of King Xerxes I, which contain several names that are mentioned in the Biblical book of Esther. These tablets speak of a scribe from the Palace of Susa named Marduka who was a translator and these facts fit with what the Bible says in Esther in verses 2:19, 21 and in chapter 3 verse 3, regarding Mordecai being a court official of King Ahasuerus or Xerxes I, who spoke at least two languages.

Both the Cuneiform text written in Persian, and the Persepolis tablets from the time of Xerxes I, written in Elamite, contain similarities between the Marduka mentioned in these archaeological discoveries and the Mordecai mentioned in the Biblical book of Esther. Both lived at the same time and in the same place, and were officials in the same place. All of which indicates that it is the same person.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Esther 1:12. As for the reason for Queen Vashti's disobedience, some scholars think that she did it so as not to lower herself to the King's drunken guests. Or maybe this queen of Great External Beauty wasn't really submissive. Although the Bible does not explain the reason, the sages of the time saw in the matter a problem of disobedience to the husband and considered that the bad example of basti would influence all the wives of the Persian provinces.

Esther Chapter 2. This chapter leaves us great lessons, for example, you can see how the circumstances and the actions of the characters intertwine to lead to unexpected and beneficial results. This teaches us that, even in complicated situations, trusting in Divine Providence can guide events towards positive solutions.

Esther 2:15-17. We read that Esther captivates the king, however it was not just her appearance, but her wisdom and virtue. From this we can extract the fact that we must exercise self-control and follow advice. In this way we will demonstrate emotional intelligence and the ability to navigate delicate situations.

Esther 2:19-20. We read that Mordecai instructs Esther not to reveal her origin, and Esther did. This teaches us that it is important to be prudent in certain situations. 

Esther 2:1. King Xerxes' reflection on what he had done to Queen Vasti suggests that he was beginning to see things from his perspective. This highlights the importance of empathy in our relationships and decisions. By putting ourselves in the shoes of others, we can better understand their feelings and experiences, which helps us make more equitable and compassionate decisions.

Esther 1:16-18. The verses mention that queen vasti was an influential figure to other women in the kingdom. Her disobedience might have led other people to think it was acceptable to disobey their husbands or authority figures. This teaches us how our actions and choices can influence others, and how we should strive to be positive role models.

Esther 2:1. King Ahasuerus had made an impulsive decision to banish Queen Vashti for refusing to obey her command. However, over time, his anger subsided and he began to reflect on the decision he had made. This reminds us of the importance of not making important decisions in moments of intense emotion, since the consequences can be serious. That is why it is vital to take the time to reflect and consider the implications of our actions.

Esther 1:16-18. The verses show us the importance of obeying the authorities, in this case, the king. Vashti decided not to obey the king's order to appear before him, which caused trouble and discontent. The lesson that this verse leaves us is about how essential it is to be respectful and obedient towards the authority figures in our lives, such as our parents, and the authorities, and even within the congregation to show due respect to the elders, mainly to Jehovah.

Esther 1:15. Verse 15 also gives us another lesson regarding the balance between authority and respect. Despite his authority, King Ahasuerus is taking into account the opinions and knowledge of his officials. This is a great lesson that reminds us that even within the congregation, those who occupy a position of responsibility a position in which they can copy the example of the king and show a balance between exercising his authority and respecting the perspective and inference of the the rest. This Balance is essential to maintain harmony in decision-making, but without forgetting that we must always seek Jehovah's guidance when making decisions. 

Esther 1:15. The king asked what action should be taken, King Ahasuerus was considering the consequences of his decisions. This text reminds us that our actions can have a significant impact on the lives of others, so it is important to reflect on the possible consequences before acting or deciding on any matter.

Esther 1:13. We see that the king did not act impulsively, but consulted wise men who were well acquainted with legal precedents, Since the King's affairs were dealt with by all experts in law and legal cases, and he sought the advice of experts before making any decisions. important decisions. The lesson we can take is that before making significant decisions, it is wise to seek information and advice to avoid possible mistakes. In this way, we will be prudent like the king.

Esther 1:12. In this text we also see that King Ahasuerus reacted with anger and fury to the queen's refusal. This teaches us the importance of knowing how to manage emotions, especially anger, when we face difficult situations, and that impulsive and angry responses can aggravate problems instead of solving them.

Esther 2:17.7. It reminds us of the importance of cultivating good qualities in our lives, these qualities can not only improve our personal relationships, but can also help us to set a good example for other brothers who are also servants of Jehovah and by bringing many people to know the God we serve. 

Esther 2:15. This text reminds us of the importance of maintaining annoyance and humility in all circumstances of life, even when they change. For example, Especially when one reaches a position of responsibility in the congregation, one should always do a self-examination to continue cultivating qualities, such as modesty. Which will make us good shepherds. And in this way Jehovah will continue to use us to fulfill his will.

Esther 2:10. In this text we can also see that Mordecai was a more mature member of the community, as he provided guidance and wisdom to Esther, who was younger and inexperienced in matters of the royal court. This relationship exemplifies the importance of learning from those who have more experience and wisdom. And young people can greatly benefit from seeking guidance and counsel from more mature and experienced people in the congregation so that they can make wise decisions.

Esther 2:10. Highlight the importance of wisdom and prudence in the decisions we make in life. In this case, Mordecai, Esther's cousin, advised him not to reveal her identity, as he knew that this could lead to prejudice and difficulties. We, too, can become Wise if we spend time acquiring Jehovah's wisdom through study and meditation of God's word.

Esther 1:13. The fact that the king consulted experts on laws and legal cases demonstrates his respect for the legal system and the established order. This approach leaves us a great lesson, which is the importance of respecting and complying with the rules and laws of the society in which we live.

Esther 1:12. The verse shows the importance of obedience and respect towards the authorities and the decisions made by them. In this case, the king issued an order from Queen Vashti, and her refusal to obey caused conflict. This teaches us that obedience and respect for authorities are crucial values ​​in most societies and can prevent discord and tension. 

Esther 1:11. We can also make another important point, since it reminds us that external beauty is fleeting, while internal qualities are what really matter in a relationship, and we must keep this in mind when choosing a spouse, cultivate good qualities and value the inner beauty of a person, are fundamental to building and maintaining a strong and lasting marriage.

Esther 1:12. This text emphasizes the idea that, in the context of marriage, the wife must show respect and submission to her husband, following the example of how the Christian congregation submits to Christ. This is considered a form of worship to God, since it obeys a Biblical principle. 

Esther 1:11. The lesson that can be drawn from this passage is the importance of cultivating inner qualities, such as humility, obedience, and respect, instead of relying solely on outer beauty, since physical beauty is ephemeral and can fade with time. time, but the qualities of the spirit, such as kindness, patience, love, wisdom, are lasting and contribute to building solid relationships, it is also what helps us cultivate a close relationship with our creator. 

Esther 2:12. This text shows us that it is not bad for women to get beauty treatments, but it is important to maintain a balanced attitude on this matter, since for the people of the world this is the most important thing. So regardless of whether he is young or old, whoever listens to Biblical advice will find the secret, not only of beauty that does not fade, but of how to be satisfied and love oneself.

Esther 1:22. This teaches us how Jehovah established a principle of leadership in the man, since he is the head of his wife and the Christ is the head of every congregation. So if we abide by these principles of the Bible we will always do well.

Esther 2:9,15. In these texts we can see Esther's excellent reaction when her life suddenly changed. She was beautiful and for a year they treated her with all kinds of attention. She was surrounded by women who were vying for the king's attention. But she did not lose her composure and she continued to be respectful. She did not make herself show off or immodest even when the king chose her as queen. This teaches us that we must be like Esther, we must not think that we are better than others. We may not say it, but our way of acting can show that we believe it, so as Christians we must be very careful.

Esther 1:12. It also shows how much the example we set for others can influence, in this case the queen was going to set a bad example for the king's subjects, that is why in the Bible one of the requirements for elders and ministerial servants is that his family must be an example for the brothers of the Congregation. 

Esther 1:17. This text teaches us that the wives of the elderly should set a good example for the other Christians in the Congregation to imitate them, they should be respectful, kind, trustworthy women, in this way they will set a good example in the congregation.

Esther 1:15. In the text we note that the king asked what could be done to Queen Vashti for disobeying. This teaches us that today in the congregation if we make a serious mistake, we will have consequences such as expulsion. And as Christians we must accept discipline even if it is painful because it is Jehovah who disciplines us.

Esther 1:5. This reading teaches us that, like King Ahasuerus, he celebrated a banquet with his subjects. In the same way, we can celebrate an important event, be it an anniversary, a wedding or share with the brothers and celebrate together in a healthy and joyful way.

Esther 2:23. It shows us how Mordecai was recognized and rewarded for his loyalty to the king. This reminds us that Jehovah will always reward his servants for being honest and loyal.

Esther 1:8. This text shows that sometimes the decisions we make are not what the Bible advises us to do. For example, this King said that there was no limit to drinking, and of course we know the consequences that happen when this principle of being moderate with drink is violated, if we do not do it, the consequences will come in the end.

Esther 2:23. It shows Esther's statement about Mordecai, as this was crucial to his recognition and reward before the king. Which teaches us the importance of being honest and loyal not only with our actions, but also with our words.

Esther 1:11-12,20. In the verses we can see that the king calls Vashti to show him her beauty and she refuses to come, and the king follows the advice of the court officials, pointing out this bad example because the king could lose prestige . This example teaches us that when a woman marries she places herself under the authority of an imperfect man, then Christians can set a good example by being obedient to their husbands.

Esther 2:20. It shows us Esther's wisdom and obedience in following Mordecai's instructions. This teaches us the importance of being prudent and wise when sharing personal information and also shows us how it is sometimes necessary to keep certain details private to protect our safety and Jehovah's plans for our lives.

Esther 2:23. It shows us how Mordecai was recognized and rewarded for his loyalty to the king. This teaches us that Jehovah does not forget or overlook our righteous and faithful actions. Sometimes our good deeds may not be immediately recognized, but Jehovah is in control and in his perfect timing he will reward us.

Esther 2:17. In this verse we see how Jehovah exalted Esther to the position of queen and how through her beauty and grace she won the favor of the king. This lesson tells us about the importance of honoring Jehovah in everything we do and how our actions can open doors of opportunities and blessings in our lives and in the lives of our brothers.

Esther 2:9. It shows that Esther gained the favor and grace of those around her. This teaches me the importance of living in a way that pleases Jehovah and allows us to get along with others. This verse teaches that when we live with integrity and humility we are more likely to earn Jehovah's blessings and the favor of others.

Esther 2:7. It shows us the hand of Jehovah in the life of Esther. She was an orphan, but Jehovah took care of her and guided her through Mordecai and later used her to carry out her purposes. This teaches us that Jehovah can use ordinary and apparently insignificant people to accomplish important things in the fulfillment of his purposes. It also shows us how Jehovah is present in our lives and especially in our most difficult circumstances.

Esther 1:19,20. He shows how King Ahasuerus, influenced by the advisers and by his own anger, makes the decision to destroy Queen Vashti. This teaches us that before making drastic and permanent decisions, we must seek Jehovah's wisdom and guidance.

Esther 1:10,11. This passage shows King Ahasuerus under the influence of wine making an impulsive and dishonorable decision to order Queen Vasti to appear before him and her guests to display her beauty. This teaches us the importance of wisdom and discernment in decision making, especially when our emotions are running high. Hence, we must be cautious and think about the consequences before acting rashly.

Esther 1:8. He shows that King Ahasuerus and his officials allowed the people to drink as he wished and without restriction. This attitude and lack of control led to negative consequences later on. This teaches us the importance of moderation and self-control, as well as avoiding excesses that may lead to reckless decisions.

Esther 1:8. It shows what appears to have been a Persian custom of encouraging each other to drink a certain amount of wine. Today, some people in different countries also have the habit of encouraging each other to drink alcohol and even competing to see who can hold out or drink more, many times with fatal consequences. At this banquet King Ahasuerus, pride was behind this action. We can use this text in the Ministry to lead the person to reason about what drives some to want to do the same today and thus motivate them to reflect.

Esther 1:17. It reminds us of the example of the families and spouses of those named or siblings who occupy service privileges, their conduct, their words influence the rest of the congregation, without a doubt, this motivates us to strive not to be a foot of I stumble in front of others.

Esther 2:1-4. On this occasion something like a beauty contest occurred, today this type of event also occurs, however, the Bible teaches that external beauty is deceptive and fleeting, but the woman who spoke and feared Jehovah will be praised as mentioned Proverbs 31:30.

Esther 2:10. On many occasions it is good that we be reserved and take care of the words or the private information that we reveal to others, since eventually this can be used against us, it is a practical point that Mordecai transmitted to Esther.

Esther 2:10. In this text I also see some that Esther accepted the guidance and advice of a mature servant of Jehovah. In our case, the wise course is to be obedient to those who take the lead among us and to be submissive as encouraged by Hebrews 13:17.

Esther 2:10. This text encourages us not to watch with personal interest only our own affairs, but also those of others as mentioned in Philippians 2:4. We see that Mordecai was looking out for Esther to support her, not harm her, without a doubt, being aware of our brothers and supporting them in difficult times will be of great encouragement.

Esther 2:12. Many people give excessive importance to external appearance and forget that inner beauty is also important, There are people who are physically very attractive, but on the inside they are not attractive at all, This text encourages us to show good judgment, which does not mean that we are going to to neglect our external appearance but we must see the inner beauty with more importance.

Esther 2:15. Esther showed annoyance and self-control by not asking for more jewelry or finer clothing than Hegai gave her. She was the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible garment of the quiet and peaceful spirit, and this is what brought Esther into favor with the king.

Esther 2:21-23. Esther and Mordecai were good examples of submitting to higher authorities and this eventually brought them blessing. So everything we do, be it for better or for worse, will come to us later and many times even with an extra profit, says the Bible. So let's look at what we give, not what we receive, but what we give to others.

Esther 2:12. It teaches us that although our Meetings are not a beauty contest, they are not a catwalk and models, we must strive to take care of our appearance by attending meetings and clean, well dressed, we take care of details such as our breath, colors and avoid flashy styles of clothing that is too tight, too short or too revealing in order to set a good example in the Congregation. 

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