Monday, September 11, 2023

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week of September 11 to 17, 2023, Video: Become a friend of Jehovah: Brave as Esther, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: September 11-17, 2023, Video: Become a friend of Jehovah: Brave as Esther, Analysis and Answers.

Become a Friend of Jehovah: Brave as Esther (5 mins.): Analysis with the audience. Play the video. If possible, choose a few children beforehand and ask them:

How can you imitate Esther and be super brave?

Maintaining a firm position on my beliefs in front of my classmates and school teachers.


Going out to preach and talking to all the people about the Good News of the Kingdom.

Respecting and treating all people well, even those who do not serve Jehovah.

Making sacrifices for Jehovah and for my spiritual brothers, even if I have to do things that cause me some fear.

Striving to obey Jehovah Even if I have to make decisions or stop doing certain things that may sadden my parents and family, such as stopping celebrating birthdays and certain holidays that Jehovah does not approve.

Upholding biblical principles and Jehovah's righteous standards, when my family members ask me to do something or expect me to do something that Jehovah does.

Lovingly and respectfully explaining to people, including my family members, the reasons why I do not do certain things that they do or do not participate in certain celebrations.

Obeying Jehovah, especially to face difficult situations as she did.

Defending my faith and my loyalty to Jehovah even in pressure situations that cause me fear. 

Making decisions based on biblical principles and putting them into practice in school, in and in service, Even if fear comes.

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