Monday, September 4, 2023

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week from September 4 to 10, 2023, Video: What other young people think: Appearance, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: September 4-10-2023, Video: What other young people think: Appearance, Analysis and Answers.

What other young people think: Appearance (5 min.): Analysis with the audience. Put the video. Then ask: 

Why can it be difficult to maintain a balanced attitude about our physical appearance?

It can be difficult because some young people are affected by the influence of television and other media that portray and sell stereotypes of women and men as perfect appearances, which can make some people feel "Awful."

From an early age, society tends to value and emphasize physical appearance as an important factor in people's lives. So this can create constant pressure to meet certain beauty standards, which can make people feel insecure if they don't meet those standards. 

Mass media such as television, movies, and social media often promote images of idealized beauty, which can be difficult for most people to achieve. So this can lead to unhealthy comparisons and a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's appearance.

It also happens that some people are so obsessed with their physical appearance, that logically, it is very difficult for them to maintain a balanced attitude in this regard.

It can happen that some people feel self-conscious about some of their physical features or their entire physical appearance, so they focus on these imperfections and do not see the many good things that they surely have. And that, of course, will make it much more difficult for you to have a positive attitude about your own appearance.

There are always those who are obsessed with wanting to imitate the appearance of celebrities and that logically ends up unbalancing the attitude they have about their own appearance.

How can what 1 Peter 3:3, 4 says help us to achieve this?

1 Peter 3:3,4. He teaches us that what adorns a person is not his outward appearance, his hairstyles, his gold garments or his luxurious clothes, but the qualities with which he has built the secret person of his heart. While it is true that physical beauty immediately attracts attention, what can really make someone significant and beautiful in the eyes of God and others are their good qualities.

The verse highlights that the true adornment is not in the external appearance, such as elaborate hairstyles, expensive jewelry or luxurious clothes, but in the interior of a person. This reminds us that beauty and worth should not be based solely on how we look on the outside, but on who we are on the inside.

The text emphasizes the importance of cultivating a kind and peaceful spirit instead of focusing on vanity and external ostentation, this encourages us to develop qualities such as kindness, humility, peace in our lives that are valuable characteristics in our relationship with others. others and in the eyes of God. 

The passage emphasizes that a gentle and quiet spirit is of great esteem before God. This teaches us that what really matters is the quality of our character or how we treat others, rather than our appearance. God values ​​inner qualities and how we relate to others, more than superficial concerns about our appearance. 

Applying 1 Peter 3:3,4, as far as the balanced attitude that one has of appearance, will help the person feel good about himself, accept and love himself. This will be reflected in her face and others will notice and be drawn to her, not because of her physical appearance, but because of the qualities she reflects.

1 Peter 3:3,4, can help us maintain a balanced attitude regarding our physical appearance, because it teaches us that instead of wanting to draw attention to our physical appearance through external adornments, those of us who profess reverence for Jehovah, should keep good judgment and assign more importance to the secret person of the heart, because this is the one that is of Great value in the eyes of God.

The text of 1 Peter 3:3,4, can also help the person to maintain a Balanced attitude about their physical appearance, because although it does not say that dressing up, adorning or paying attention to their physical appearance is bad, it does advise cultivating the qualities that build the inner person. This highlights the importance of achieving balance in this regard.

1 Peter 3:3,4, Helps us maintain a balanced attitude about appearance, because it reminds us that we are all beautiful. Therefore, there is something beautiful in everyone, whether on the outside or inside. We just have to realize it.

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