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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023
Sunday September 17
The glory of young people is in their strength (Prov. 20:29).
As we grow older, we may be frightened by the thought that we will no longer be as useful to Jehovah as we once were. It is true that we may not have as much strength anymore, but we can use the wisdom and experience we have gained over the years to help young people become more useful in Jehovah's organization and take on new responsibilities. If the elders want to help the younger ones, they must be humble. The person who is humble thinks that others are superior to him (Phil. 2:3, 4). Elders who demonstrate this quality are clear that there are often many biblical and effective ways to do things. So they do not expect everyone to do them as they did before (Eccl. 7:10). Although they have a lot of experience to share, They know that “the scene of this world is changing” and that they may need to adapt to new circumstances (1 Cor. 7:31). w21.09 8 paras. 1, 3.
How do circuit overseers display an attitude similar to that of the Levites?
Older brothers who are humble understand that as they get older they can no longer do as much as they did in the past. For example, consider the case of circuit overseers. When they turn 70, they are given a new assignment. That may be very difficult for them, because they loved serving their brothers that way. They carried that assignment deep in their hearts, and in fact they continue to carry it. But they understand that it is better for younger brothers to take care of her now. Their attitude is like that of the Levites of ancient Israel who, when they turned 50, had to stop serving in the tabernacle. His joy did not depend on any particular responsibility. They enthusiastically did everything they could and helped the younger ones (Num. 8:25, 26). Today,
What does Dan and Katie's example teach you?
Let's look at the example of Dan, who was in circuit work for 23 years. When he turned 70, he and his wife, Katie, were appointed special pioneers. How are you doing on your new assignment? Dan says he is busier than ever attending to congregational responsibilities, helping brothers become ministerial servants and training others for preaching in metropolitan areas and in prisons. Older brothers, whether in full-time service or not, can do much to help others. As? Adapting to their new circumstances, setting goals and focusing on what they can do.
Why is it wise to be modest? Give an example.
The person who is modest recognizes his limitations (Prov. 11:2). She doesn't demand more of herself than she can give and, as a result, she is happy and productive. Someone who is modest could be compared to someone who is driving a car uphill and, to continue going uphill, must change to a lower speed even if that means going slower. Similarly, the modest person knows when he must “shift down a gear” in order to continue serving Jehovah and helping others. (Philipp. 4:5)
How did Barzillai show that he was modest?
Let's look at the example of Barzillai, who was 80 years old when he received the invitation from King David to join the royal court. This man was modest and rejected the king's offer. He recognized that at his age he already had certain limitations and therefore recommended that Kimham, a younger man, go in his place (2 Sam. 19: 35-37). Like Barzilái, the older brothers are happy to give the younger ones the opportunity to attend to certain responsibilities.
How did King David show modesty when he wanted to build the temple?
King David also set an excellent example of modesty. He desired with all his heart to make a house for Jehovah. But when Jehovah told him that he had decided that young Solomon would build it, David accepted it and gave his full support to the work (1 Chron. 17:4; 22:5). He did not think he was best suited to do this job because Solomon was young and inexperienced (1 Chron. 29:1). David knew that success depended on Jehovah's blessing, not on the age or experience of those directing the works. Like David, older Christians today remain active even as their responsibilities change. And they know that Jehovah will bless the young people who now attend to the tasks they did before.
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