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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023
Monday September 18
Who among the gods is like you, O Jehovah? Who is like you, who proves to be supreme in holiness? (Ex. 15:11).
Jehovah never asks us to do anything that puts us down. He is totally holy. This was made clear by the words inscribed on a gold plate that the high priest wore on his turban. They said, “Holiness belongs to Jehovah” (Ex. 28:36-38). What that plaque said made it clear to anyone who saw it that Jehovah is holy to the highest degree. But what if an Israelite did not see the plaque because he could not approach the high priest? Would he have any way of knowing that Jehovah is holy? Of course. All the Israelites could hear it when the Law was read before the men, women, and children (Deut. 31:9-12). If we had been there, we would have heard these words: “I am Jehovah your God, […] and you must be holy because I am holy” and “you must be holy because I, Jehovah, am holy” (Lev. 11 : 44, 45; 20:7, 26). w21.12 3 paras. 6, 7.
What do the words of Leviticus 19:2 and 1 Peter 1:14-16 teach us?
Let's focus on some words that were read to the entire nation of Israel and that we find in Leviticus 19:2. Jehovah said to Moses: “Speak to all the people of Israel and say to them: 'You must be holy because I, Jehovah their God, am holy ['].” The apostle Peter may have quoted these words when he told his fellow Christians: “Be holy” (read 1 Peter 1:14-16). It is true that we are not under the Law of Moses now, but what Peter wrote confirms what we learn in Leviticus 19:2: that Jehovah is holy and that those who love him should strive to be so. This applies to all of us, whether we hope to live in heaven or in a paradise on Earth (1 Pet. 1:4; 2 Pet. 3:13).
Why is it good for us to analyze chapter 19 of Leviticus?
Since we want to please our God, we want to know how we can be holy like him. So that we can achieve this, Jehovah gives us good advice. We find some of them in chapter 19 of Leviticus. Hebrew scholar Marcus Kalisch wrote: “This extraordinary chapter is perhaps the most complete, the most varied, and in some respects the most important section of Leviticus or even the Pentateuch.” Let's look at some verses from this chapter that have valuable lessons on various issues of daily life. As we review them, let us remember that, before giving us these lessons, chapter 19 begins by saying “You must be holy.”
What aspect of godly conduct is highlighted in Leviticus 19:3, and how should we view that command?
After telling the Israelites that they must be holy, Jehovah added: “Each of you must respect your mother and father […]. I am Jehovah his God” (Lev. 19:2, 3).
It is clear that we must obey the divine command to honor our parents. Let us remember that, on one occasion, a man asked Jesus: “What good things must I do to obtain eternal life?” And part of Jesus' response was that a man should honor his father and his mother (Matt. 19:16-19). Jesus even denounced the Pharisees and scribes because they managed not to fulfill that divine command. Therefore, he told them that they had thus “made void the word of God” (Matt. 15:3-6). The “word of God” included the fifth of the Ten Commandments and what we read in Leviticus 19:3 (Ex. 20:12). Again, remember that Leviticus 19:3's command to respect parents comes right after the words “You must be holy because I, Jehovah your God, am holy.”
What might we ask ourselves, according to the command of Leviticus 19:3?
Every Christian could ask himself: “Am I well fulfilling the divine command to honor my parents?” If we see that we have not done everything we should in the past, let's set a goal to improve. It is true that it is not possible to change the past, but from now on we can strive to do more things with and for our parents. Maybe we can spend more time on them. Can we offer them more material, spiritual or emotional support? If we do, we will be obeying the command of Leviticus 19:3.
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