Friday, August 4, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Tuesday September 5, 2023, No one can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him (John 6:44).

DAILY TEXT, From today  Tuesday September 5, 2023,  No one can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him (John 6:44).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Tuesday September 5

Escape the Devil's trap (2 Tim. 2:26).

Capture or kill its prey: that is the goal of every hunter. To achieve this, he can use various traps, such as those mentioned by one of Job's false friends (Job 18: 8-10). And how does he manage to lure an animal into his trap? Studying him to find out where he moves, what he likes and what can take him by surprise. Satan does the same. He notices us and studies us to see where we move and what we like. So, he sets a trap for us, with which he hopes to take us by surprise. Even so, the Bible tells us what we must do to avoid falling into its traps. And, if we fall into one of them, what to do to free ourselves. Two of Satan's most effective traps are pride and covetousness. They have been giving it good results for thousands of years. He is like a bird catcher who lures his prey into a snare or net (Ps. 91:3). But we don't have to be fooled by his tactics, for Jehovah has revealed to us what they are (2 Cor. 2:11). w21.06 14 pars. 1, 2.

Why did Jehovah include in the Bible examples of people who gave in to pride and covetousness?

What is one of the ways that Jehovah warns us of the dangers of pride and covetousness? Leaving real life experiences registered so that we can learn from them. In the examples that we are going to analyze, we will see that Satan was able to trap even very experienced servants of Jehovah. Does that mean we are doomed to fail? Of course not. Jehovah included these accounts in the Bible “as a warning to us” (1 Cor. 10:11). He knows that we can draw lessons from them and thus avoid or free ourselves from the Devil's traps.

Where can pride lead us?

Satan wants us to become proud. He knows that if this feeling dominates us, we will be like him and lose eternal life (Prov. 16:18). For this reason, Paul warned that if someone is filled with pride, he will receive "the same condemnation that the Devil received" (1 Tim. 3: 6, 7). That can happen to any of us, whether we have been serving Jehovah for a few or many years.

According to Ecclesiastes 7:16, 20, how does a proud person behave?

The proud person is selfish. Satan tries to get us to think of ourselves rather than Jehovah, especially when we have problems. For example, has he ever accused us of something we haven't done? Have we been victims of an injustice? Satan would love for us to blame Jehovah or our brothers. Furthermore, he wants us to think that the only solution is to do things our own way instead of following Jehovah's guidance in his Word.—Read Ecclesiastes 7:16, 20.

What does what happened to a sister in the Netherlands teach us?

Let's look at the case of a sister from the Netherlands who couldn't stand the imperfections of her brothers. She got to the point that she didn't want to be around them anymore. She recounts: “I felt very alone. She was unable to see the brothers any other way. So I told my husband that we had to change congregations.” She then watched the March 2016 JW Broadcasting® show, which gave tips for dealing with the imperfections of others. The sister explains: “I understood that I had to be humble and admit my own mistakes, instead of trying to change the brothers in the congregation. The program helped me focus on Jehovah and his sovereignty.” The point is clear: when we have a problem, let's not forget Jehovah; let us beg him to help us see the brothers as he sees them. Our heavenly Father sees his mistakes; even so,

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