Monday, September 4, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 4 to 10, 2023, Answers to the First Conversation Video.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 4-10-2023, Answers to the Video of the first conversation.

Video of the first conversation (5 min.): Analysis with the audience. Play the video First Conversation: The Kingdom (Mt 6:9, 10). Pause the video at each pause and ask the questions that appear in it.

What should you say or do when greeting?

We can start by greeting the person with courtesy. And one of the many ways we have to do it is by saying, for example. Hi, good morning, good afternoon, how are you? Is it a pleasure to see you again? After greeting, we can show genuine interest in the person's well-being by asking questions such as: How is she? or using expressions like How do you feel today? How has your day been? or How have you been since the last time we spoke?

Once we have asked about your well-being, it is a good time to introduce ourselves, say our name and, if necessary, then mention the purpose of the conversation or the topic that they are going to discuss. And often we can say something like I'd like to talk to you about a topic at hand.

How could I continue the conversation? 

We would start first by showing empathy towards the other person's possible surprise and recognizing that it is an unconventional concept, we could say something, as I understand that this idea can be surprising, but I would like to explain our approach to supporting the Government of God . 

Also to continue the conversation, another thing that could be done is to explain from our perspective that we do not see God only as a divine figure, but also as a supreme ruler. We can highlight that, just like human governments, they establish laws and principles for the well-being of society, since God also establishes guidelines and norms for the spiritual and moral well-being of humanity.

What could you say or what text would you use?

What could be said is that it is necessary to highlight the key differences between choosing in this case, the Government of God compared to the human government, we can mention for example: Values ​​such as justice, love, understanding and impartiality, which are they consider fundamental in the government of God as opposed to some of the human limitations that can affect earthly governments.

And as for the text of what would be used, we could use Isaiah 9: 6 and 7, because this passage highlights that Jesus would carry sovereignty on his shoulders and that his Government will be established with justice and rectitude. The throne of David is also mentioned, implying a figure of leadership and government, this interpretation can be used to support the idea that God has a Divine Government and that Jesus plays a central role in it.

Another text that we can use is Daniel chapter 2 verse 44, in these verses we can highlight that it speaks of a Kingdom that God will raise up, a Kingdom that will be eternal and will not be destroyed, and this implies that God is acting as a supreme Government , establishing his own Kingdom that will prevail over all human kingdoms.

Finally, another text that we can use is Matthew 6:9 to 10, from there the phrase your Kingdom come stands out, and this is a statement that reflects the desire for the Kingdom of God to manifest and establish itself on earth, indicating that God has a Kingdom that is expected and desired to come.

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