Monday, September 11, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 11-17, 2023, Revisit, Tell the person about our Bible courses and give them a contact card for our Bible classes, Lesson 16, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  September 11-17, 2023, Revisit, Lesson 16, Assignment Prepared.

Revisit (3 mins.): Use the topic of ideas to discuss. Then tell the person about our Bible courses and give them a contact card for our Bible classes (th lec. 16).

Publisher: Hello, good morning, last time with you we talked about an interesting biblical topic, it was about what the words Kingdom of God mean in the Bible. 

Assistant: Yes, I remember come sit down, I was just remembering you. 

Publisher: As I said last time, we learned from the Bible that the Kingdom of God has a structure just like human governments and that its king is Jesus Christ, but what we were interested in knowing is that with that power things are sure. They are going to change. 

Assistant: What does that mean? 

Publisher: Let's look at one of the things to see so that you can see on the screen we see one of the things that the kingdom of God plans to do in the text of Psalm 72 16. Could you please read it?

Assistant: Okay, it says like this...

Publisher: Very good, thank you for your reading. According to the text read, we can see what it tells us about food, saying that there will be plenty. Do you think this makes a difference with the governments that exist here on earth? 

Assistant: Yes it makes a difference, I think the lack of food is one of the main problems that governments here on earth have to work with. 

Publisher: That is true and something important is that the Bible tells us how God is going to solve that problem. Realized?

Helper: Yes, it says that the mountains will be full of food.

Publisher: But, you have realized that today the mountains do not produce food even when human beings want it. What do you think is needed? 

Helper: I guess what is needed now is the power of God so that the earth produces in abundance. 

Publisher: That's what humans don't have, power over things, but God does.

Helper: It sounds amazing, but how long do we have to wait for the Kingdom of God to rule the Earth. 

Publisher: That is an interesting question. In our Bible courses we explore topics like this in detail. We have Bible classes where we talk about prophecies and teachings about the Kingdom of God and its impact on our lives. Here is a contact card with the information. of our classes.

Helper: That sounds very interesting. I would definitely like to learn more about these Bible classes. 

Publisher: Great, I will be happy to provide you with more details, you can contact us through the information on the card or visit our website, or if you wish I can visit you myself, we are sure that you will find the classes very enriching.

Helper: I would like you to visit me. 

Publisher: I'm glad to hear that. Then I visit you and we talk about the book we use and how to get the most out of it. 

Helper: Okay, I'll be waiting for you.

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