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"I would lack time to speak to you about Gideon" (HEB. 11:32).
1. According to 1 Peter 5:2, what honor do Christian elders have?
Jehovah has entrusted the congregation elders with the responsibility of caring for his beloved sheep. So Christian elders have the honor of serving their brothers.
They have an honor that Jehovah has entrusted to them and that is to serve their brothers and they strive to be good shepherds. It is very good that we also enjoy these brothers who always have that effort that they make in the congregation and the brothers work with pleasure.
1 Peter 5:2. He shows that shepherding God's flock should be for Christian elders an honor and not an obligation. Nor should it be something that is done out of interest or with reluctance, but with commitment and willingly before God and before the brothers.
Indicates Peter's letter, they do it because the flock belongs to Jehovah God, which means that they do it very willingly and with determination, they take care of it with great value, it is as if now they will leave us in charge of a small child, a little nephew and we will be very careful that absolutely nothing happened to him and that he had everything he needed, since the same is to a greater extent the flock of the congregation of Jehovah.
Jeremiah 2:34 there is a promise of Jehovah for his people and I will put shepherds over them who truly shepherd them as we have seen heard in the speech they are always faithful to Jehovah and really teach the flock what his will is so that we can please .
2. What challenges do some seniors face?
For example, to take care of the congregation, the elders have to work a lot. An elder from the United States named Tony says that he realized that he had to be modest when it came to accepting responsibilities. During the Covid-19 pandemic, he became overloaded with the organization of the meetings, the preaching and things that came up every day, to the point that over time he began to neglect his Bible reading, his personal study and the prayers of he.
Seniors living in war zones also face many challenges. Ilir, an elderly man from Kosovo, says that it was very difficult for him to follow the organization's instructions. On one occasion the branch asked him to help the brothers who lived in a dangerous place. He tells that he was very afraid and his instructions did not seem very practical.
Missionaries also face many challenges. A brother from Asia named Tim says that it was hard for him to keep up with all his obligations, and at times he felt mentally and emotionally exhausted.
3. Why is it good for all of us to look at the example of Gideon?
It is good because today's elders, like Gideon, have the responsibility of caring for the people of God in a very difficult time. Therefore, they do well to look to Gideon's modesty, humility, obedience, and endurance for valuable lessons. As for the rest of the congregation, Gideon's example can help us to appreciate more the work of the elders and support them wholeheartedly.
Well, because we can extract very important lessons by looking at his modesty, his humility, the obedience he had and the endurance of Gideon, in addition, his example can also help us as a congregation to value the work of the elders more each day and support them wholeheartedly. .
It will also help us to be obedient, as it says in Hebrews 3:17, not that we are obedient and submissive, and this means that in order to be obedient and submissive, we will not always understand the reason for a decision or anything else, but it is what benefits us. if we do it.
And furthermore, since the qualities required of an elder are inherent to all Christians, it allows us to see how to put that into practice by observing them we can learn.
4. How did Gideon show that he was modest and humble?
Gideon demonstrated that he was Modest and humble by having a balanced view of himself, knowing his limits well, and respecting Jehovah and acknowledging his superiority. Therefore, when the Angel told him that Jehovah had chosen him to choose the Israelites to go against the mighty Midianites, Gideon humbly replied that his clan was less important than Manasseh's and that he was the least of the house. from his father, since he thought he was not up to the job.
Well, when an angel told him that Jehovah had chosen him to free the Israelites from the control of the powerful Midianites.
From the words that are recorded in judges, Gideon said my clan is the least important of Manasseh and I am the most insignificant of my father's house, clearly showing the humility that he had that he did not see himself qualified for this work that Jehovah had entrusted to him .
If the note clarifies this point, modesty is a person who has a balanced point of view about himself and knows his limitations in the case of humility, he is one who respects others and considers them superior, we see the relationship between both qualities and usually when someone is modest they are also humble.
5. What situations might test the modesty and humility of the elders?
Something that could test the modesty and humility of the elderly would be accepting many responsibilities and then seeing that they cannot handle all of them. They may also be tested by receiving criticism for how they handle an issue or receiving praise for a job well done.
Well, perhaps one of them is that you accept too many responsibilities and then have to admit that you can't handle all of them.
Situations how are you possibly receive criticism from someone saying that since I accepted so many responsibilities and I was not able to fulfill them and did not fulfill them well or sometimes you can even receive many compliments for a job well done but humility and modesty are at stake here.
6. How can the elderly be modest like Gideon? (See also image).
The elderly can be modest like Gideon if they ask for help when they see that they cannot handle everything. That was just what Gideon did. He asked others for help, called 10 men from among his servants and sent messengers to different territories. A prudent old man does the same. We have an example in the brother of the Enlightenment, he asks another brother for help to organize the preaching with the carts and thus demonstrates his modesty and humility.
We have the example of brother Tony mentioned in paragraph two. He says that because of his upbringing he used to accept more jobs than he could handle. For this reason, in a family worship he touched on the subject of modesty and asked his wife to give him his opinion. He also reviewed the video "Like Jesus, Empower Others and Trust Them." He then began to ask others for help. The result was excellent because everything in the congregation is well taken care of and he has more time to strengthen his friendship with Jehovah.
Yes, the elders who can imitate Gideon with the same modesty that he had who knew how to ask others for help because they do the same know when they can't with everything, they know how to delegate and they know how to ask for help when they need it, they are modest.
And that was what the old man mentioned in the paragraph did, he was used to saying yes to the responsibilities for his upbringing and that is why he talked to his wife and asked her opinion on this matter and that helped him a lot. having a balanced point of view and then also something he did was make an effort to train and delegate to others.
Yes, for example in 6:27 when I ask Jehovah to free them from the hand of the Midianites and I asked him for a test, then Jehovah tells him build me an altar sacrifice a bull and to do all that he does not do it alone but rather As the story mentions, he calls 10 men and does exactly what Jehovah had commanded him, so it shows the humility that he had.
They don't know which poster to put up so they decide among several because it is easier to decide as a team than to decide separately.
Adding that he is training is copying perhaps like the brother who saw the video, he reasoned and said I am not a superman, nobody is and he copied the example of Jesus Christ who instructed with patience and kindness and so in the future that other person can continue training and thus one can take care of his spiritual needs as well.
An elder shows another brother where the preaching carts are kept. Like Gideon, the elders who are modest ask for help, for example, to organize the preaching with the carts. (See paragraph 6).
7. How can the elders imitate Gideon when someone criticizes them? (James 3:13).
They can imitate you by staying calm when criticized. Gideon kept in mind that he was imperfect and that helped him stay calm. And when Ephraim's men criticized him, instead of getting angry, he was humble and listened kindly, and thus he managed to calm things down. Hence, in this type of situation, the elderly do well if they listen carefully and respond with the possibility. In this way, they will demonstrate wisdom as James 3:13 says and also contribute to the peace of the congregation.
Criticism is often instructive and sometimes corrects defects and also tendencies, therefore, as Gideon did, one must also listen to the opinion of the brothers and of course take it into account.
Judges 8:1 in 3 we see there that the Ephraimites say that they reproached him violently, so we can deduce that they were very upset and what Gideon did because Gideon, as the paragraph says, was humble, listened to them with patience and kindness and managed to calm them down. the spirits because he, thanks to that, avoided what could have been a tribal war.
8. How should the elders react when they receive praise? Give an example.
They should focus attention on Jehovah giving him all the glory. That's what Gideon did when he was honored for defeating the Midianites. In current times we can illustrate it with the following example: If even so they no longer congratulate him for his way of teaching, he can answer that what he has said comes from the word of Jehovah and with this he gives honor and glory to God .
They reacted many times as Gideon did when he won the battle, they wanted to make him governor, they called him govern, and he himself said that he did not, that it was Jehovah who governed him, so he focused his attention on Jehovah.
The elderly must take care that what happened to brother Timothy does not happen to them. He recounts that when he was made an elder he prepared his talks in a way that drew more attention to himself than to Jehovah or the Bible. Fortunately, he understood that he had to change the way he taught so as not to attract too much attention. Now his speeches are very helpful to the brothers in the congregation and he feels much happier with the comments he receives, in contrast to the praise he received years ago.
For this reason, it is also good that the elders, when they present a speech, always give glory later with their comments when the brothers congratulate Jehovah, because the same thing could happen to us as in the example of this brother Timothy he said that he was preparing some introductions some very good illustrations but he realized that this called attention more to himself than to what should be Jehovah, so he had to think about reflecting then changing his way of speaking to teach so that the teaching remained because in the end the glory went to Jehovah.
And that is what we see when the elders who make speeches to us that have his outline tinge with it and we see that the true teaching comes from Jehovah then they feel very happy when we tell them it has helped us to overcome a problem that it has brought Jehovah closer and that is what gives glory to Jehovah but they also feel very honored and dignified.
Yes, because it is also true what Proverbs 27:21 says, praise received puts a person to the test and that is that all the gifts we possess we possess thanks to Jehovah, then we will demonstrate modesty and humility if we really give praise to him.
And what good reasoning we find in the first of Corinthians 4:6, 7 someone can have a gift but even if we had it, who has given it to us then if Jehovah has given it to us because we were going to brag about it, well, if we meditate on these words It will surely help us give all the credit to Jehovah.
9. In what situations were Gideon's obedience and courage tested? (See cover drawing.)
They were put to the test when he received the dangerous mission of destroying the altar of Baal that his father had. In addition, he had to fulfill the mission of building an altar to Jehovah, sacrificing his father's young bull to make a burnt offering using the wood of the sacred pole that he had cut.
Gideon raised an army of 32,000 men to face the Midianite army of about 135,000 soldiers. But twice he asks her to reduce his army so they don't think they'll save themselves because of his own courage. First Gideon calls for all who are afraid to withdraw and 22,000 men stand aside. Jehovah then instructs him to take the remaining 10,000 men to where there was water to test them, thereby ruling out all who kneel to drink. Only 300 men passed the test and with them Gideon attacked the enemy camp in the middle of the night.
Yes, in the first one it must not have been easy at all because Jehovah asked him to destroy the altar to Baal and he probably did not feel any sympathy towards that altar but it was his father's altar so it must not have been easy at all.
The second time was when Gideon was ordered to raise a large army but Jehovah twice told him to reduce it first by 10,000 and then by 300.
And the third was when by order of Jehovah, Gideon had to attack the enemy camp in the middle of the night.
Well, as that army was reduced because what Jehovah wanted is that the victory the merit should not be given to them but to go to Jehovah, the first time those who were afraid told them to withdraw and thousands withdrew and then there Jehovah put to the test in the water, he only accepted those who were, as the verse says, licking the water, those who were attentive with one hand on the spear and drinking only with one hand, then it was already reduced to 300 and with that little amount they could win.
Gideon watches as some Israelite men drink water. One of them takes the water to his mouth with his hand. The others kneel down and drink water by lapping it up. Gideon was obedient and reduced the size of his army; he was left with 300 men who showed that they were alert. (See paragraph 9).
10. How can an elder's obedience be tested?
The first thing that is mentioned here very well is that sometimes there are so many instructions that are received and one wonders if all of them can be fulfilled or if they remember all of them, that is the first test we have.
It may also be that sometimes they receive instructions that do not seem practical or wise.
And also when he is asked to do something that endangers his own freedom.
James 3:17 shows that elders should be ready to obey and willingly follow the guidance given by the Bible and God's organization, as well as to set a good example for all others. However, that obedience can be tested because it is not always easy to obey. Sometimes it can happen that the elderly have a hard time keeping up with all the instructions they are carrying. It may also happen that they come to question whether certain guidelines are the most practical or wise and may find it difficult to do something that endangers their freedom.
11. What can help elders to be obedient?
What can help the elderly to be obedient is to pay attention to the instructions and follow them. Gideon received instructions from God and did not question them, but obeyed them to the letter. He destroyed his father's altar, built an altar to Jehovah, and sacrificed the animal indicated to him and made the burnt offering according to his instructions. Today, the elders receive instructions, announcements and guidelines through letters from Jehovah's Organization to which they must pay attention and obey because they are for the benefit of the entire congregation.
The words written in the psalm give the perfect answer it says that I am determined to obey your rules all the time until the end, that means that the work of the body of elders can sometimes be a little easier other times very hard but if the personal opinion It is up to each one to obey Jehovah to comply with these words. What is clear is that Jehovah is going to help them so that the congregation remains in peace.
He left a very good example because when he had to destroy the altar of his father, Jehovah told him that he had to take the pole and make firewood with it and take the bull that the insight says was surely reserved for Baal and Gideon did not say good because he did not destroy it but I take the sticks from another side and I take another bull that doesn't matter, because I knew that then the impact that Jehovah wanted to generate was not going to be the same, so the elders when they follow the instructions to the letter know that they will to ensure that the message that Jehovah wants to convey is transmitted, not just a part of it, and we do well to support them by not going against it or being complainers.
12. How can elders put Hebrews 13:17 into practice when Jehovah's organization recommends a change?
They can put it into practice if they are willing to adapt and apply the changes that Jehovah's organization recommends. That was what Gideon did when Jehovah told him that he had to keep less than 1% of his soldiers to face the large Midianite army. Gideon adapted to the change and applied Jehovah's instructions without questioning or doubting the results.
In 2014 Congregation Elders had the opportunity to put Hebrews 13:17 into practice, when the governing body changed the way it financed Kingdom halls and assembly halls. Since in the past, congregations received a loan for construction and then they had to repay the money. Now instead, there is a common fund with the money of all the congregations of the world in order to build meeting places where it is needed, no matter how much the congregations in the area can contribute.
It will not always be easy for elders to put Hebrews 13:17 into practice. We have the example of an old man named Joseph. When he heard about the change in the financing of the construction of our meeting places, he had doubts. He thought that change would not work in some places. However, after meditating on proverbs 3: 5, 6, and remembering that he should put his trust in Jehovah, he supported the measure. Over time, he has seen how many Kingdom Halls have been built and how they have also learned to do their bit to make compensation happen.
Maybe an old man who lives in a territory says I know my territory well I know what needs there are and here we have the example of Gideon they had been suffering the oppression of Midian for seven years I knew what they were like a field of locusts that could not be counted and now suddenly he has to face an army of 130,000 people with 300, it was a very large proportion but he still obeyed and this is the example for the elders to trust in Jehovah because they know that in the end he is behind this work.
Yes, the one in Proverbs 3 when it is said that you trust in Jehovah with all your heart, although the brother thought it was not practical for his area, he acted trusting in Jehovah and saw the results.
13. a) Of what was Gideon convinced?
Gideon was fully convinced that Jehovah would help him protect his people. Therefore, he obeyed despite the dangers and his own fears.
Well, because Jehovah was always going to help him protect his people, the same has happened today with the elderly and they are sure that if they comply with the rules and guidelines, the branch remains and the faithful and prudent slave will also be protected.
13. b) What can the elders do to be like Gideon? (See also image).
For example, the elderly who live in places where our activities are prohibited, can be like Gideon, if they courageously continue to organize the meetings and lead the preaching despite the fact that they may be arrested, interrogated, fired from their jobs or treated with violence.
During the great tribulation all the congregation elders should be like Gideon, since it will require them to be very brave to follow the instructions no matter the danger they are in, since perhaps the instructions have to do with the proclamation of the message of condemnation symbolized by large hailstones or related to what we have to do to survive Gog of Magog's attack.
In The Watchtower of July 2019 in its Article "Let us continue to serve Jehovah in the midst of the ban" We are taught that even in these circumstances, Jehovah will continue to fulfill the promise of Isaiah 65:13,14 so that his servants are well spiritually nourished. In the same way we are told that through the branches we will be given the instructions for the Meetings and the Preaching.
And there is also talk about the issue of the meetings that the elders are going to organize in such a way that they do not attract too much attention and we also have to be obedient to the guidelines that they give us.
In this case, an old man cannot be seen, we imagine that he could be preaching with courage, and also with an affable face, it seems that the one who is most afraid or surprised is the person to whom he is speaking and we see that a security agent is nearby, so he obeys the guidelines that are said from society and preaches with courage despite the fact that it may put his freedom at risk.
In the Illustration we see an old man who, like Gideon, obeys and follows instructions despite the risk and his own fears. He adapts his preaching but courageously continues to do the work, trusting that Jehovah protects the people from him.
A casually dressed brother preaches to a man who is waiting for the bus. In the background is a policeman. We can boldly preach even in places where our activities are prohibited. (See paragraph 13).
14. How was Gideon's endurance tested?
As Israel's judge, Gideon's endurance was put to the test because it meant physical wear and tear. For example, during the night battle against the Midianites, Gideon and his army were very tired. Still, they pursued their enemies across rivers bordered by thorny scrub until they caught up with and defeated them.
Well, we see here how Gideon and his 300 men, although they were already tired after having chased to the river, they did not give up there but continued with the persecution and now until they reached the Midianites and defeated them because they knew that they had the approval of Jehovah and they were following his guide so until he reached the end they did not give up they continued until they achieved their goal.
Of course, apart from the fatigue that has just been mentioned, perhaps mental exhaustion due to the responsibility they had on them, but both judges 7 and 8 mention that there were probably thorn bushes on the edges of the rivers, so probably they also received injuries for doing this work in that way as Jehovah had told them and of course that was a physical consequence that weakened them.
15. What can test the endurance of an old man?
It can test the stamina of an Elder, when he has to take care of the congregation and take care of his own family, which can wear the elders physically, mentally and emotionally.
16, 17. (a) What helped Gideon to endure?
Gideon endured because he trusted that Jehovah would give him strength and Jehovah did not fail him. For example, on one occasion Gideon and his men pursued on foot two Midianite kings who appeared to be fleeing on camels. But with Jehovah's help, Gideon and his men managed to catch up and defeat them.
It was the full confidence in Jehovah that he was going to give him all the strength he needed, in fact in judges 6:14 what Jehovah said to him is very nice, perhaps I am not the one who sent you and in number 34 we see that he did not it failed because then the spirit of Jehovah came upon Gideon and gave him strength.
16, 17. (b) Of what can the elders be sure? (Isaiah 40:28-31; see also photo).
Well, he will give them strength whenever they need it.
Today's elders can be sure that they can trust that Jehovah, the God who never tires or runs out, will give them strength whenever they need it. As Isaiah 40:28-31 says, Jehovah strengthens the weary, fills the weak with vigor, and restores strength to those who trust in him so that he can take flight like eagles' wings so that he can run without fear. get exhausted and walk without getting tired.
We have an example of this in brother Matthew who is a member of the hospital liaison committee. He tells that he has lived in his own flesh what Philippians 4:13 says. When he is very tired and feels that he can't take it anymore, he prays to Jehovah intensely and begs him to give him physical and mental strength to continue supporting the brothers. He then feels like an injection of energy that helps him to continue enduring and supporting the brothers as we see in the Illustration.
The expression that says that Jehovah never tires and runs out is very beautiful and if we run out of strength he helps us to recover them so that we can take flight as if we were eagles, it is comforting for everyone and in this case especially for the elderly .
And we have the example of Matthew who is a member of a hospital liaison mission, we know that they can receive unexpected calls at any time and any day and this brother also has a family because there is work because we understand the effort that this must entail but he He says many times when I'm tired and I feel like I can't take it anymore. He prayed intensely to Jehovah and says that Jehovah gives him an injection of energy to endure that, totally in accordance with Isaiah chapter 40.
He mentions, for example, Psalm 116:1 where he says I love Jehovah because he hears my voice my prayers for help, when an old man feels that Jehovah hears his voice hears his prayer, he is filled with confidence, he gives him that injection and brother Matthew says that I beg you to give me physical and mental strength, so an elder must be specific in a prayer that Jehovah give him both power and desire.
Well, it is a stressful situation of exhaustion because there is a lot involved, you see young parents who have their daughter hospitalized, it can be something serious and they also have the responsibility of looking after their physical and spiritual well-being for the elderly and that is why they are also doing Well, I use the Bible because Jehovah transmits strength in this way and it is an instrument. Being an elder is a responsibility, but it is also a privilege to be able to collaborate with Jehovah in this way to transmit encouragement and affection to the brothers in the congregation.
Why can he do it because it is annoying and then Jehovah rewards him with wisdom and if we see the image we remember the little brother who is now helping is the same one who was with the carts, so since he exercised modesty and trained others now he can comply with labor and encourage and shepherd Jehovah's sheep.
Generate appreciation thanks that these brothers always work so hard for the congregation.
I was going to say that the clock shows 7 but if you look at the window I think it's more like 7 in the morning than at night because, as has been said, you can receive a call at any time.
Yes, when talking about modesty it has to do with prayer also because of course we have strength to a certain degree, a notion of modesty is turning to Jehovah to give us strength because sometimes one does not have them and as Philippians 2:13 says he fills them with energy giving them both the desire and the strength to act sometimes we don't have the strength but this is true about hospitals if sometimes things go wrong you don't have the strength and there are compromising situations but Jehovah always gives the strength.
In a hospital room, an elderly man comforts a couple with the Bible. Next to them is a young woman in bed. The elders lovingly strengthen those who need support. (See paragraphs 16 and 17).
18. According to what we have seen, how can the elders imitate Gideon?
Whether it is that they should be modest and humble when it comes to accepting responsibilities and receiving criticism or praise.
They can imitate him by being modest and humble when it comes to accepting more responsibilities and receiving criticism and praise. They also do when they are obedient and brave, especially now that the end of this system is nearing. In the same way, they imitate him if they trust that whatever happens, Jehovah will give them the strength they need to continue enduring.
They also have to be obedient and brave, especially now that the end of the system is near.
And they must also trust that whatever happens, Jehovah always gives them the strength to endure.
His modesty and his humility
They are modest because sometimes they know that they cannot cope with everything and they ask for help, they also remain calm if they are criticized, we know that it is not right to criticize them, but they can take a positive side and realize that maybe they can improve in something and also by giving it all credit to Jehovah when they make a speech or do something good.
Elders can honestly reflect on their abilities, limitations, and motivations. Acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses will help them maintain a down-to-earth and humble attitude.
When taking on new tasks or responsibilities, elders can do so with humility and a willingness to work as a team, recognizing that they are serving Jehovah and the congregation.
His obedience and his courage
They can imitate Gideon by being willing to follow the scriptural directions of Jehovah's Organization, even when they may seem challenging or difficult to understand. And face challenges and opposition boldly, trusting in Jehovah's protection and help instead of giving in to human fear.
Yes, well, pay attention to the instructions and follow them, also be willing to adapt to changes and when we see ourselves under ban, be brave and preach with courage.
your stamina
Trusting in Jehovah that he will give us strength.
Like Gideon, the elders must recognize that they are not supermen and that they can feel tired and exhausted. It is important that they are realistic about their abilities and not push themselves. And in the face of fatigue and difficulties, the elderly must turn to Jehovah in prayer, asking for strength and endurance to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to them.
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