Friday, August 11, 2023

The Study Watchtower, «Article 24», Week of August 7 to 13, 2023, You can achieve your spiritual goals, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, «Article 24», 7-13-August-2023, You can achieve your spiritual goals, Answers.

"Let us not stop doing what is right, for in due time we will reap if we do not get tired" (GAL. 6:9).

1. What struggle do many of us have?

The common struggle as servants of God to achieve spiritual goals in service to God. For example, many brothers have had difficulties in fulfilling their spiritual objectives, whether it is praying frequently, arriving on time to the preaching meetings, or completing the Bible reading. These spiritual goals are important in Jehovah's service.

2. Why shouldn't we get discouraged if we have a spiritual goal that we haven't reached yet?

We should not get discouraged, because the fact that we are striving to achieve our spiritual goals shows that we value our relationship with God and want to do our best in that service. Also, even the smallest ones require time and effort. And trying to achieve them helps us grow and improve spiritually.

Also, God never asks us for something impossible. He understands our limitations and capabilities. And Psalm 103:14 highlights Jehovah's understanding of our human nature. And when we put in effort, He appreciates the work we're doing.


3. Why is it important to be motivated?

Motivation is like the fuel that drives our effort and determination to achieve spiritual goals. Staying motivated allows us to persevere, improve the quality of our work, find creative solutions, and experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction on our spiritual path.

Motivation helps us stay focused, and not give up easily in the face of difficulties. When we are genuinely motivated, we are more willing to persevere despite setbacks, as the paragraph mentions, it is like the wind that pushes the sailboat. Likewise, motivation pushes them or brings us closer to our goals.

Positive motivation can affect our attitude and mood significantly. Being motivated helps us to maintain a positive attitude and face challenges with an optimistic mindset.

4. What can we ask Jehovah? (Philippians 2:13; see also image.)

We can pray and ask Jehovah to give us the necessary motivation to reach our spiritual goals. He can instill in us the desire and determination to carry out what we have set out to do.

If we feel that our attitude or our desires are not aligned with our spiritual goals, we can ask Jehovah to help us change our perspective and develop a willing heart to do his will.


A man in a small boat with full sails. Ask Jehovah for more motivation. (See paragraphs 3 and 4).

5. What can we meditate on to be more motivated?

Reflecting on the manifestations of love, care, and kindness that Jehovah has shown toward us throughout our lives can generate a deep sense of gratitude and motivation to serve him with dedication.

6. What else will help us to be more motivated?

Focusing on advantages and benefits that we will obtain by reaching our spiritual goals will help us strengthen our motivation and maintain a constant commitment to our spiritual growth and service to Jehovah.

Reflecting on how achieving the goal will contribute to the growth and strength of our faith can inspire us to try harder and harder. Considering that it does not draw closer to God and will help us serve him more effectively can be a very significant incentive.

7. What did Julio and his wife do to reach their goal?

Julio and his wife took the initiative to surround themselves with people who would support and encourage them in the pursuit of their goal. They sought out the company of friends who had already achieved similar goals and who could provide valuable advice based on their experience. This strategy allowed them to receive practical guidance and motivation to move forward with their plans.

They also recognized the importance of seeking the support and companionship of people who shared their goals and could understand their challenges. By connecting with friends who had had similar experiences, they were able to receive encouragement and relevant advice.

In addition, Julio and his wife did not keep their plans a secret, but instead talked openly with friends about their goals and the steps they were taking to achieve them. Sharing their progress and difficulties with others allowed them to receive motivation.


8. What might happen if we only put in effort when we feel motivated? (See also image).

It is important to recognize that motivation can be variable and will not always be constantly present. To achieve sustainable and effective progress on our goals, it is essential to develop the ability to keep going and push ourselves even in times when motivation is low.

Another important point is that if we only depend on the motivation to take action, we could find many occasions in which we do not feel motivated enough to do something. This could lead to a lack of Progress on our goals and objectives.


The same man rowing to continue his journey. He keep trying. (See paragraph 8).

9. Is it okay for us to strive for a goal if we don't feel like doing it?

Striving for a spiritual goal even when we don't feel like it can be an expression of discipline and commitment toward our service to Jehovah. Although the Bible emphasizes serving God with joy and from the heart, it also recognizes the importance of self-discipline and personal sacrifice in our spiritual lives.

The example of the apostle Paul is relevant in this sense. Despite his personal challenges and struggles, Paul disciplined his body and strove to fulfill what Jehovah expected of him, even when he did not necessarily feel motivated, his focus and determination in serving God were rewarded and approved by Jehovah.

It is important to note that there are times when our motivation may be low due to various circumstances, emotions, or external factors. However, making the decision to strive and meet our spiritual goals despite a lack of immediate motivation can demonstrate deep commitment and a desire to please God.

10. What are the advantages of striving for a goal even when we don't feel motivated?

Strive to meet our goals despite the lack of motivation, Show our love and commitment to Jehovah. This reflects our willingness to do his will even in times of difficulty.

Jehovah values ​​and recognizes our sincere efforts, and even when we are not motivated. By acting in obedience and dedication, despite the circumstances, we can earn his approval and blessing.

Making an effort despite the lack of motivation can lead to a change in our attitude and perception of the activity. As we experience the blessings and satisfactions derived from our efforts, our attitude toward the task at hand is likely to change in a positive way.

Another advantage is that it can have lasting effects on our relationship with Jehovah, our spiritual growth, and our ability to face challenges. Although motivation fluctuates, our dedication and constant effort can lead to significant blessings and the strengthening of our faith.

11. How does Jehovah help us to have more self-control?

The Bible describes self-control as part of the fruit of the spirit, which is why when we ask Jehovah for his Holy Spirit, we are inviting that quality to develop in us. The holy spirit gives us the strength and guidance necessary to exercise self-control in our actions and decisions.

As David's example teaches us, we can pray to Jehovah for help in developing self-control. Prayer is an effective way to communicate with God and request his support in our struggles and challenges.

And finally Jehovah also helps us through the Bible as it provides us with instruction and examples of characters who exercised self-control in various situations. By studying and meditating on the scriptures, we can learn valuable lessons on how to manage our emotions and actions in a balanced way.

12. How does Ecclesiastes 11:4 help us reach our spiritual goals?

This verse teaches us that we should not wait until we have all the conditions perfect before taking action. And as it applies to achieving spiritual goals, he urges us not to sit around waiting for all circumstances to be ideal before starting to work on our goals.

If we wait for all circumstances to be perfect to make a decision and start working on our goals, they can lead us to inaction and spiritual stagnation. Instead, we must take action and start working on our goals, even if the conditions are not ideal.

13. What are the advantages of going from less to more?

This is an excellent strategy, since going from less to more is an effective way to address goals and challenges, since it allows you to progressively build the path to success, enjoy constant achievements and maintain sustainable motivation over time.


14. What obstacles might we face?

The obstacles we might face are unexpected events that can disrupt our time and planning, thus making it difficult to focus on our goals. Also problems and difficulties can discourage us and exhaust us emotionally. Either our imperfection can lead us to make mistakes or face challenges that hinder our Progress, or physical and mental fatigue are the obstacles that can sometimes prevent us from reaching our goals.

15. Why don't we give up on obstacles? (Psalm 145:14).

We do not give up in the face of obstacles, because we recognize that a step back does not equal a final defeat. The Bible teaches us that we will face difficulties in life, but it also assures us that with Jehovah's help we can overcome challenges and continue moving toward our goals. 

Perseverance and determination are very valuable qualities in our spiritual life. That's why it's not about how many times we fall, but about our willingness to get up and keep going. As Philip's example mentions, the important thing is not to avoid falls, but to have the will to get up and continue. Also, like David, we can see problems and bad days as opportunities to show our love and devotion to Jehovah.

By not giving up in the face of obstacles, we will be demonstrating our determination to please Jehovah and fulfill our spiritual goals. Since every time we overcome an obstacle, we will be strengthening our relationship with God and thus demonstrating our faithfulness. Jehovah values ​​our efforts and supports us in our quest to fully serve him.

Imagining Jehovah's smile when he sees us struggle and persist in the midst of difficulties can be a source of motivation and comfort. And we say this because knowing that we are doing what is pleasing in his eyes encourages us to move forward and bravely overcome obstacles with the full confidence that he will help us.

16. What can obstacles teach us?

Obstacles give us the opportunity to develop resilience and perseverance. Learning to overcome challenges helps us strengthen our resolve and face future obstacles with greater confidence. They also challenge us to find creative solutions and adapt to changing situations. Because as we face difficulties, we will learn to think outside the box and find different ways to approach problems.

Obstacles also remind us of the importance of depending on Jehovah and seeking his help in times of difficulty. We learn to trust his guidance and pray for strength and direction. And they can teach us very valuable spiritual lessons, such as the importance of patience, trust and perseverance in our life of service to Jehovah.

17. Why should we keep in mind what we have already accomplished?

Remembering that the spiritual achievements and goals we have already achieved gives us a sense of fulfillment and encourages us to keep going. Seeing how we have progressed in the past also motivates us to continue to strive and overcome present challenges.

Reflecting on the goals we have met in the past shows us that we are capable of achieving what we set out to do. This reflects our spiritual growth and gives us confidence in our abilities to face new goals.

Our achievements and spiritual efforts are recognized by Jehovah, and he does not forget our works when we remember what we have achieved, we also remember Jehovah's love and approval towards us.

18. What should you do as you move toward your goal? (See also image).

Just as many sailors enjoy the journey to their destination, we can find joy and fulfillment in every step we take toward our spiritual goals. Instead of focusing solely on the end goal, we must learn to appreciate the growth and blessings we experience along the way.


The same man watches from the boat a group of dolphins that jump at sunset. Enjoy the ride. (See paragraph 18).


What will help us to be more motivated to reach a goal?

What will help us to be motivated to achieve a goal is to reflect on everything that Jehovah has done for us, or so to speak in Jehovah's manifestations of love. If we do, we will feel a great desire for gratitude, which will become or transform into the motivation we need to continue serving Jehovah fully.

If we imagine the advantages and benefits that we will have if we reach our spiritual goals, we will strengthen our motivation and thus maintain a constant commitment to our spiritual growth. 

What can we do when we lack motivation?

When we lack motivation, what we can do is pray to Jehovah and ask him to give us the necessary motivation to achieve our goals in a spiritual sense. This will influence in us the desire and determination to fulfill our objective of reaching spiritual goals.

How should we view the obstacles?

If we see obstacles as opportunities we will develop perseverance, because if we learn to overcome these challenges, we will be able to strengthen our determination and thus face future obstacles with confidence. Also those obstacles train us to find creative solutions And in this way we adapt to changing situations. Every time we face difficulties, we will be able to think outside the box and thus find different ways to approach the problems that arise.

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