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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 54.
1. Who is “the faithful and prudent slave”?
The faithful and prudent slave, is a small group of elders, who are Anointed Christians who direct the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and provide spiritual food, this is known as the Governing Body.
After the death of Jesus, this group was made up of the Apostles and elders of Jerusalem who led the congregation. Today it is made up of anointed brothers who await the time when they will rule with Christ in his heavenly kingdom, when his life on earth ends.
Jehovah has always occupied a group of men to direct his people, and in Acts 15:2 and after the death of Jesus he mentions that Paul and other Apostles other elders were in charge of directing the congregation, so now Jehovah uses the faithful and prudent slave who would be a small group of elders the governing body that is in charge of supplying spiritual food and directing the preaching.
Yes, they are elders but they are also Anointed Christians and right now they help lead the work here on earth and in the future their hope is to rule heaven with Jesus.
2. What is the spiritual food provided by the faithful slave?
The spiritual food provided by the faithful Slave is a guide based on the word of God, which gives us strength to be loyal to Jehovah and fulfill the work that Jesus entrusted us with. This spiritual nourishment comes to us through meetings, assemblies, and Bible-based publications and videos.
It is the food that keeps us strong and healthy in a spiritual sense, and that comes to us at the right time through meetings, assemblies, publications and videos based on the Bible. All of which works as a guide based on the word of God to give us strength to remain loyal to Jehovah, and to fulfill the work that Jesus entrusted to us, to help us understand what Jehovah wants of us and so that we can have a strong friendship with the.
As we can see from the pictures, we need the faithful and prudent slave or governing body to supply us in due time with the spiritual nourishment, instructions, and practical help that we need. Which comes to us through meetings, publications such as the Watchtower and Enjoy Life book, and broadcast videos through our jw.org website and our jw library app.
Like the physical food that we consume to stay alive, spiritual food is the guide based on the word of God that helps us to stay real and to fulfill the work that Jesus has entrusted to all of us.
And this food comes to us through meetings like today, also through video publications and especially assemblies like we have had recently when we listen to a program like the one we have had we realize that this faithful slave truly gives us food just at the right time.
Yes, as we have seen, they are in charge of preparing the spiritual food but also of providing instructions to the entire organization, that is why we can be proud that our organization is united in every way, broadcasting, for example, a world program in charge of mainly members of the governing body the faithful and prudent slave the construction works the preaching the manuals we use magazines pamphlets videos everything is under supervision, even the assignments in the meeting because for example for a public talk one has an outline that has been supervised by the faithful and prudent slave.
Images of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world receiving and following the guidance of the Governing Body: 1. A family watching a JW Broadcasting program. 2. Witness volunteers loading a truck with relief supplies. 3. Two Witnesses preaching next to a literature cart. 4. An elder reading a letter at a congregation meeting. The Governing Body provides spiritual nourishment, instructions, and practical help to Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the world.
3. Jehovah's people must be organized
Jesus directs the Governing Body to organize the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. In the first century, the Christian congregation functioned in a similar way. Watch the video.
VIDEO: Jehovah Organizes His People (6:18)
Read 1 Corinthians 14:33, 40 and discuss the following:
According to these verses, does Jehovah want his Witnesses to be organized? Why do you think so?
Of course it is, because it indicates that God is not a God of confusion, but of peace, and that all things must be done in an orderly and harmonious way. Therefore, it can be understood that Jehovah wants his witnesses to be organized so that they can carry out their preaching and teaching work effectively and without confusion. In addition, the organization allows us to support each other and work together to achieve our spiritual goals.
Yes, in fact the Bible shows that the early Christians were organizing themselves. Acts 15:2 describes a situation that arose in the congregation of the first century, which is solved thanks to the fact that the Christians were organized. For its part, Acts 16:14 shows us that the Apostles and the elders in Jerusalem gave spiritual food, guidance and practical help to the people of God and as a result the congregations were happy, grew and were united. the same is happening today.
1 Corinthians 14:33,40, shows us that to worship Jehovah as he wants we must be organized. Since thanks to being organized it is possible to meet, have the same beliefs, form a world brotherhood, preach the good news throughout the world and carry out relief work among brothers as soon as possible at the time of an emergency.
Yes, because as we see in the texts, he wants us to adore him in order, in peace and in a dignified manner, not for each one to go their own way and do what seems right to them, but in order and, above all, worthy of him.
One of the advantages, for example, is that we can meet to adore Jehovah, if there was no organization or order, perhaps all the members of the five congregations would be stuck here tight and disorderly, it also allows us to have the same beliefs every day. Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world hold the same beliefs it also allows us to form a global brotherhood to be able to preach the same message around the world and do relief work.
As it happened with the first century that Christians enjoyed benefiting from good guidance and unity, we see how they solved a problem they had and the result of how they followed the instructions we can see in 1 Corinthians 16:5 that it contributed to their happiness it contributed to unity, peace and spiritual growth of the congregation and strengthened their faith.
4. The faithful slave organizes our preaching
For the early Christians, preaching was the most important activity. Read Acts 8:14, 25 and discuss the following:
In the first century, who led the preaching?
In the first century, the apostles led the preaching.
The preaching was conducted by the Apostles and the elders of Jerusalem who carried out the work of the Governing Body at that time.
What did Peter and John do with the instructions the other apostles gave them?
They immediately obeyed and went out to preach.
Peter and John followed the instructions given by the other Apostles and carried out their preaching and teaching work effectively and in harmony with the other Christian leaders.
They followed the instructions and went to Samaria. And after giving a complete testimony and preaching the word of Jehovah, they went back to Jerusalem declaring the good news in many villages of the Samaritans.
Preaching is the most important activity organized by the Governing Body. Watch the video.
VIDEO: We focus on preaching (1:24)
Jesus stressed how important it is to preach. Read Mark 13:10 and discuss the following:
Why does the Governing Body place such importance on preaching?
Because they are part of what Jesus commanded to do, it is part of the biblical prophecies and it is the most important work and they as a governing body also participate in this work.
In Mark 13:10 we see that Jesus stressed the importance of Preaching the message of the kingdom to all nations before the end comes, for this reason the governing body gives so much importance to preaching, because it considers that it is a fundamental responsibility of the Christians and a way to fulfill Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations. In addition, preaching is a way to share the message of hope and salvation found in the Bible and to help others to know Jehovah and his purpose for humanity.
Because the end of this evil system of things is very near, and the message of the Good News of the kingdom has to reach all people just as Mark 13:10 mentions.
Why do we need “the faithful and wise slave” to organize this worldwide work?
To give a complete message and thus be able to reach all people.
We need the faithful and prudent slave to organize this worldwide work because it is a huge and complex task. The preaching of the Gospel requires strategic planning, and coordination and direction to ensure that all nations and all people are reached effectively.
Because for any human being, it would be impossible to do such a great work as it is to preach the good news of the opportune kingdom on earth in an effective way. And because we are organized by the faithful slave, we get the guidance that comes from Jehovah to be able to bring the Kingdom message to people.
5. The faithful slave guides us
The Governing Body guides Christians throughout the world. How do you decide what instructions to give? Look at how the governing body of the early Christians did it. Read Acts 15:1, 2 and discuss the following:
What issue caused a disagreement among some first-century Christians?
The matter of circumcision, the text mentions that a group of men had started to teach the believers of that place that unless they were circumcised they could not be saved.
In the text it is mentioned that some men who had arrived taught the brothers that, in order to be saved, it was necessary to be circumcised and to keep the Law of Moses. This caused disagreement among some first-century Christians, as some believed that salvation was obtained by faith in Jesus alone, while others believed that it was necessary to follow Jewish laws and customs to be saved.
The issue that caused a disagreement among some first century Christians was that some men who came down from Judea began to teach the brethren that unless they were circumcised according to the Mosaic Law, they could not be Saved, but Paul and Barnabas they did not agree. Therefore, a discussion arose about it.
To whom did Paul, Barnabas, and other Christians turn to clarify this matter?
Paul, Barnabas, and some other Christians went to Jerusalem to discuss this matter with the Apostles and the elders of the congregation. They wanted to clarify whether it was necessary for Gentiles to be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses in order to be saved. This meeting of the early Christian governing body in Jerusalem was called to discuss this matter and come to a decision in harmony with Biblical teachings.
After much discussion, they went up to Jerusalem to take the matter before the Apostles and the Jerusalem elders who functioned as the governing body.
We see there that they went up where the elder apostles were to talk about that matter, so they went to the governing body of that time.
Read Acts 15:12-18 and 23-29, and discuss the following:
Before making a decision, what did the first-century governing body do to get God to guide it in this matter? (See verses 12, 15, and 28.)
He mentions that they listened attentively, then they saw the scriptures what the scriptures contained and they also went to Jehovah, then they also prayed.
Before making a decision, the first-century governing body sought God's guidance by hearing testimonies, considering the scriptures, and seeking the direction of the Holy Ghost before making an important decision. This demonstrates the importance of seeking divine guidance in decision making, and the first century governing body strove to do so.
As we have read in the account, they gathered together and asked Jehovah the Holy Spirit to guide them. They also analyzed what the scriptures say in order to make a decision in accordance with Jehovah's will.
Read Acts 15:30, 31 and 16:4, 5, and discuss the following:
How did the early Christians react when they received instructions from the governing body?
They obeyed her and this helped or contributed so that the town continued to grow.
We see there that they used letters and used responsible brothers to deliver instructions.
In verse 31 of Acts 15 it says that when they read the letters the Christians felt happy because of what the topic of discussion was clear and also the words of encouragement they received.
They reacted happily, since the instructions served as a source of encouragement to continue.
In Acts 15:30, it is mentioned that when the brothers in Antioch received the letter, they were glad and encouraged. This indicates that they accepted and abided by the instructions of the governing body with joy and gratitude.
In Acts 16:4, it is mentioned that while Paul and Silas were visiting the congregations, they handed over the decisions made by the governing body for the congregations to observe. This shows that the early Christians diligently and respectfully obeyed and followed the instructions of the governing body.
How do we know that Jehovah blessed his obedience?
It relates how the early Christians accepted the directions of the ruling body with joy and carried them out, culminating in a strengthening of their faith and an increase in congregations. This illustration highlights how Jehovah blessed the obedience shown by the early Christian followers to the directives of the governing body.
It is mentioned that the early Christians received the instructions of the governing body with joy and put them into practice, resulting in a strengthening of the faith and a growth in the number of congregations. This example shows us that Jehovah blessed the obedience of the early Christians to the instructions of the governing body.
We know this because as time went by they became firmer in their faith and growing day by day, which allows us to see the advantages of obeying the instructions that Jehovah's organization gives us.
Read 2 Timothy 3:16 and James 1:5, and discuss the following:
When the Governing Body today has to make decisions, what do you do to receive the guidance you need?
Yes, as mentioned in the biblical reference, they seek the guidance of Jehovah, they ask Jehovah God for constant wisdom through prayer and, as we know, our father will respond to their requests in such a way that the requests are based on his will. .
When today's governing body has to make decisions, it relies on scripture for the guidance it needs, as it is inspired by God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and instructing in justice. In addition, the governing body can also ask God for wisdom, as mentioned in James 1:5, trusting that he will give them the wisdom they need to make wise and just decisions.
When making decisions today's governing body turns to Jehovah in prayer, asking him to give them the wisdom to make the right decisions. They express their concerns to him and seek his guidance, and Jehovah's holy spirit makes them better understand the Biblical passages and principles they need to analyze. In this way, they have your approval and can make the right decisions.
WHAT SOME SAY: "Obeying the Governing Body is really following men."
What convinces you that Jesus is leading the Governing Body?
Although the Governing Body is composed of imperfect men, his role as the faithful and wise slave chosen by Christ and his seeking divine guidance through scripture and prayer are evidences that Jesus is leading the Governing Body.
The Governing Body is “the faithful and prudent slave” that Christ chose. This slave gives instructions and spiritual nourishment to Christians all over the world.
Who chose the “faithful and prudent slave”?
The "faithful and prudent slave" was named by Jesus himself.
How does the Governing Body care for us?
Well, it provides us with spiritual nourishment and practical guidance to help us live according to Biblical Principles. It also provides us with help in practical situations, such as natural disasters or medical emergencies.
Do you believe that the Governing Body is “the faithful and prudent slave”?
Of course, because until now he has taken good care of Jehovah's people, always providing us with what is necessary and at the right time.
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