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"I would lack time to speak to you about Gideon" (HEB. 11:32).
1. According to 1 Peter 5:2, what honor do Christian elders have?
JEHOVAH has charged Christian elders with the responsibility of caring for his beloved sheep. They value the honor of serving their brothers and strive to be good shepherds (Jer. 23:4; read 1 Peter 5:2). It's good that there are such hard-working brothers in the congregations!
2. What challenges do some seniors face?
2 In tending to their responsibilities, the elderly face many challenges. For example, to take care of the congregation, they have to work a lot. Consider what happened to Tony, an elderly man in the United States. He realized that he had to be more modest when it came to accepting responsibilities. Tony explains:“When the COVID-19 pandemic began, there was a lot of work to organize the meetings and the preaching work, and I did not say no to anything. But no matter how hard I tried, there was always something else to do. Over time, I began to neglect reading the Bible, personal study, and my prayers.” Ilir, an elder from Kosovo, faced a different situation. He lived in a war zone and it was very difficult for him to follow the instructions of the organization. He says: “When the branch asked me to help the brothers who lived in a dangerous place, I was scared. Being brave was not that easy, and on top of that the instructions did not seem very practical. And a missionary from Asia named Tim found it difficult to keep up with all of his obligations. He confesses: "Sometimes he was mentally and emotionally exhausted."What can the elderly do to overcome situations like these?
3. Why is it good for all of us to look at the example of Gideon?
3 Elders can learn much from Judge Gideon's example (Heb. 6:12; 11:32). He protected and shepherded God's people (Judges 2:16; 1 Chron. 17:6). Today's elders, like Gideon, have a responsibility to care for God's people in a very difficult time (Acts 20:28; 2 Tim. 3:1). Therefore, they can draw valuable lessons by looking at Gideon's modesty, humility, obedience, and endurance. In addition, the example of this judge will help the rest of the congregation to appreciate more each day the work of the elders and to support them wholeheartedly (Heb. 13:17).
4. How did Gideon show that he was modest and humble?
4 Gideon was modest and humble. Told by an angel that Jehovah had chosen him to free the Israelites from the control of the powerful Midianites, Gideon humbly responded: “My clan is the least important of Manasseh, and I am the least of my father’s house” ( Judges 6:15). He thought he wasn't up to the job. But Jehovah knew that he could do it, and with his help Gideon succeeded.
5. What situations might test the modesty and humility of the elders?
5 Elders do their best to always be modest and humble (Mic. 6:8; Acts 20:18, 19). They don't brag about their abilities or accomplishments, and they aren't too hard on themselves when they mess up or something doesn't go right. But there are situations that can test your modesty and humility. Let's give a couple of examples. Perhaps an old man accepts many responsibilities and then finds that he cannot handle all of them. Perhaps he receives criticism for how he handled an issue or praise for a job well done. In cases like these, how might Gideon's example help the elderly?
6. How can the elderly be modest like Gideon? (See also image).
6 Ask for help. The modest person knows that he cannot handle everything. Because Gideon was modest, he asked others for help (Judg. 6:27, 35; 7:24). Wise elders do the same. Tony, mentioned in paragraph 2, explains: “Because of my upbringing, I used to take on more work than I could actually handle. So I decided to talk about modesty in our family worship and asked my wife to give me her opinion. I also went through a video on jw.org called Just Like Jesus, Empower and Trust Others.” Tony began asking others for help , and he tells us what the result was: “Everything is taken care of in the congregation, and now I have more time to strengthen my friendship with Jehovah.”
An elder shows another brother where the preaching carts are kept. Like Gideon, the elders who are modest ask for help, for example, to organize the preaching with the carts. (See paragraph 6).
7. How can the elders imitate Gideon when someone criticizes them? (James 3:13).
7 Stay calm if criticized. Being criticized can test an elder. Once again, the example of Gideon can be helpful. He kept in mind that he was not perfect, and when the men of Ephraim criticized him, he kept his cool (Judg. 8:1-3). Instead of getting angry, he was humble and listened to them, and with a lot of kindness he managed to calm things down. The wise old men are like Gideon. When someone criticizes them, they listen attentively and respond mildly (see James 3:13). By doing this they contribute to the reign of peace in the congregation.
8. How should the elders react when they receive praise? Give an example.
8 Give all credit to Jehovah. When Gideon was honored for defeating the Midianites, he focused the attention of the people on Jehovah (Judg. 8:22, 23). How can the elders follow his example? Giving all the glory to Jehovah when they accomplish something (1 Cor. 4:6, 7). For example, if an elder is complimented on his way of teaching, he may reply that what he has said comes from God's Word and that we all learn a lot from the education Jehovah's organization gives us.It is good that sometimes the elders wonder if their way of teaching honors Jehovah or only honors them. Let's think about what happened to a brother named Timothy. When he was made an elder, he loved to give public talks. He recounts: “I used to prepare long and elaborate introductions and examples, and for that the brothers would shower me with flowers. Unfortunately, the center of attention was me, and not Jehovah or the Bible.” Over time, Timothy saw that he had to make changes in his teaching so as not to attract too much attention (Prov. 27:21). How did he do? He explains: “Now there are brothers who tell me that my talk helped them cope with a problem, endure a trial, or feel closer to Jehovah. I am happier with these comments than with those praises that I received years ago”.
9. In what situations were Gideon's obedience and courage tested? (See cover drawing.)
9 After Jehovah appointed Gideon as judge, his obedience and courage were put to the test. He received a very dangerous mission: to destroy the altar of Baal that his father had (Judg. 6:25, 26). Later, Gideon formed a large army, and on two occasions Jehovah told him that he had to reduce it (Judg. 7: 2-7). Finally, by Jehovah's command he had to attack the enemy camp in the middle of the night (Judg. 7:9-11).
Gideon watches as some Israelite men drink water. One of them takes the water to his mouth with his hand. The others kneel down and drink water by lapping it up. Gideon was obedient and reduced the size of his army; he was left with 300 men who showed that they were alert. (See paragraph 9).
10. How can an elder's obedience be tested?
10 Elders must be ready to obey (James 3:17). When an elder is obedient, he gladly follows the guidance of the scriptures and God's organization, thus setting an example for others. But it may not always be easy for you to obey. Sometimes he may have a hard time keeping up with all the instructions that come his way. Sometimes you may wonder if following a certain guideline is the most practical or the wisest thing to do. Or you may be asked to do something that endangers his freedom. In situations like these, how can the elders imitate Gideon's obedient attitude?
11. What can help elders to be obedient?
11 Pay attention to the instructions and follow them. God told Gideon how to destroy his father's altar, where to build an altar to Jehovah, and what animal he had to sacrifice. Gideon did not question the instructions; he followed them without thinking twice. Today, elders receive instructions from Jehovah's organization through letters, announcements, and guidelines. All this is to take care of ourselves physically and spiritually. Because our elders follow the guidance of Jehovah's organization to the letter, we love them very much. Thanks to their obedience, the entire congregation benefits (Ps. 119:112).
12. How can elders put Hebrews 13:17 into practice when Jehovah's organization recommends a change?
12 Be willing to adapt to change. Let us remember that Jehovah told Gideon that he had to keep less than 1% of his soldiers (Judg. 7: 8). He maybe he thought: “But will it be necessary to make this change? Will things work out?" Despite everything, Gideon obeyed. How do the elders follow his example? Applying the changes recommended by Jehovah's organization (read Hebrews 13:17).For example, in 2014, the Governing Body changed the way it financed Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls (2 Cor. 8:12-14). In the past, congregations were given a loan to build the hall, and then they had to repay the money. But now there is a pool of money from all the world's congregations to build meeting places where they are needed, no matter how much the local congregations can contribute.When an old man named José heard about this change, he had his doubts. He thought: “That will work in other parts of the world, but not here. You'll see, not a single Kingdom Hall is going to be built.” However, he supported this new measure. Because? He recounts: “I remembered what it says at Proverbs 3:5, 6, that I have to trust in Jehovah. And the results have been amazing! Not only have we built more Kingdom Halls, but we have learned to do our bit to make compensation happen.”
13. a) Of what was Gideon convinced? b) What can the elders do to be like Gideon? (See also image).
13 Do the will of Jehovah with courage. Gideon obeyed Jehovah despite the dangers and his own fears (Judg. 9:17). After Jehovah confirmed his support, a). Gideon was fully convinced that God would help him protect his people from him. The elderly who live in places where our activities are prohibited are like Gideon. Courageously, they organize meetings and lead the preaching work despite the fact that they may be arrested, interrogated, fired from their jobs, or treated with violence. During the great tribulation, b). the elders will have to be very brave to follow the instructions no matter the danger they are in.Perhaps the instructions have to do with the proclamation of the doom message symbolized by large hailstones. Or perhaps they relate to what we have to do to survive Gog of Magog's attack (Ezek. 38:18; Rev. 16:21).
A casually dressed brother preaches to a man who is waiting for the bus. In the background is a policeman. We can boldly preach even in places where our activities are prohibited. (See paragraph 13).
14. How was Gideon's endurance tested?
14 As Israel's judge, Gideon had to wear himself out physically. When the Midianites fled in that night battle, he pursued them from the Jezreel Valley to the Jordan River, which probably had its banks lined with thorny thickets (Judg. 7:22). What did he do then? He stopped him? Of course not! Although he and his 300 men were tired, they crossed the river and continued the chase. In the end, they overtook the Midianites and defeated them (Judg. 8:4-12).
15. What can test the endurance of an old man?
15 Caring for the congregation and family can wear down an elder physically, mentally, or emotionally. How can elders who feel like this follow Gideon's example?
16, 17. (a) What helped Gideon to endure? (b) Of what can the elders be sure? (Isaiah 40:28-31; see also photo).
16 a). Trust that Jehovah will give you strength. That is what Gideon did, and Jehovah did not fail him (Judg. 6:14, 34). On one occasion, Gideon and his men pursued on foot two Midianite kings who appeared to be fleeing on their camels (Judg. 8:12, 21). But, with Jehovah's help, these persevering Israelites caught up with them and defeated them. b). Today's elders can also trust in Jehovah, the God who “never gets tired or exhausted.” He will give you strength whenever you need it (read Isaiah 40:28-31).
17 Let's look at the experience of Matthew, who is a member of a Hospital Liaison Committee. What helps you endure? He says: “I have lived firsthand what Philippians 4:13 says. Many times, when I'm tired and feel like I can't take it anymore, I pray intensely to Jehovah and beg him to give me the physical and mental strength I need to support the brothers. In those moments I feel that Jehovah gives me an injection of energy to endure.” Like Gideon, the elders go out of their way to lovingly shepherd the flock despite obstacles.Of course, they have to be modest and realize that they cannot always do everything they would like to do. But, in any case, the elders trust that Jehovah will hear their prayers and give them the strength to carry on (Ps. 116:1; Philip. 2:13).
In a hospital room, an elderly man comforts a couple with the Bible. Next to them is a young woman in bed. The elders lovingly strengthen those who need support. (See paragraphs 16 and 17).
18. According to what we have seen, how can the elders imitate Gideon?
18 As we have seen, elders can learn much from Gideon's example. They must be modest and humble when accepting more responsibilities and when receiving criticism or praise. They must also be obedient and brave, especially now that the end of this system is near. And they must trust that whatever happens Jehovah will give them the strength to endure. No doubt we greatly appreciate and “always hold in high esteem” these hard-working pastors (Phil. 2:29).
His modesty and his humility
The modest person knows that he cannot handle everything. Since Gideon was modest, he asked others for help. Wise elders do the same.
Gideon, instead of getting angry, was humble and listened, and with great kindness he managed to calm things down. The wise old men are like Gideon. When someone criticizes them, they listen carefully and respond mildly.
Giving all the glory to Jehovah when they accomplish something.
His obedience and his courage
They imitate the example of Gideon Paying attention to the instructions and following them to the letter.
Today, elders receive instructions from Jehovah's organization through letters, announcements, and guidelines. All this is to take care of ourselves physically and spiritually. Our dear elders follow the guidance of Jehovah's organization to the letter.
During the great tribulation, the elders will have to be very brave to follow the instructions no matter the danger they are in.
Perhaps the instructions have to do with the proclamation of the doom message symbolized by large hailstones. Or perhaps they have to do with what we have to do to survive Gog of Magog's attack.
your stamina
Caring for the congregation and family can wear down an elder physically, mentally, or emotionally. Yet they can trust in Jehovah, the God who “never tires or runs out.” He will give you strength whenever you need it.
They must be modest and humble when accepting more responsibilities and when receiving criticism or praise.
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