Monday, August 7, 2023

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week of August 7-13, 2023, “They Work Hard for Us”, Video: The Life of a Circuit Overseer in a Rural Area, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: August 7-13, 2023, Video: "They work hard for us" Analysis and Answers.

“They work hard for us” (15 min.): Analysis with the audience and video.

What sacrifices do circuit overseers and their wives make out of love for the congregation?

Overseers and their wives have to travel a lot. And we say this because each week they visit a different congregation. In the video we see that the superintendent and his wife took a boat trip to a rural area. They then moved to their lodgings in a horse-drawn cart. And as if that were not enough, they had to raise their suitcases to a second floor using some pulleys. We imagine how tired they were. However, the next day, very early, the brother was already working with the brothers of the congregation, reviewing the cards of the Publishers.


Sometimes the places where circuit overseers and their wives stay do not have many amenities, especially in congregations where the brothers are of limited financial resources. However, they are always accommodating and are very appreciative of the hospitality extended to them.

We all have our favorite foods and foods we don't like so much. However, circuit overseers and their wives always give thanks and say that the meal was delicious.

Overseers do not have much free time during visits to congregations. Just installed and start working. The brother reviews the publishers' cards and gives their talks. He goes out to preach with the brothers of the congregation and also accompany them to make visits and give Bible courses. In the same way, he Accompanies the elderly on shepherding visits. And as we saw in the video, they sometimes have to move from one end to the other, which must be quite strenuous for them on such a busy day.

Superintendents' wives don't have much free time either. They also go out to preach, make return visits and give Bible courses with the sisters of the congregation. And when their husbands are in the meetings of elders and ministerial Servants, they take the opportunity to feed themselves spiritually by doing their personal study or reading the Bible and they also take the opportunity to do their chores.

Circuit overseers are appointed to provide spiritual support and counseling to congregations within an assigned circuit. They and their wives often face significant sacrifices in their labor of love. As an example: these full-time servants invest a great deal of time and effort to serve the congregations under their care.

They constantly travel from one place to another visiting different congregations and providing spiritual support and counseling to all members of each congregation. Being responsible for multiple congregations within a circuit, circuit overseers and their wives must often be away from home. and family for extended periods, this requires them to constantly adapt to the places they visit and also make a personal sacrifice to fulfill their responsibilities.

Often these dedicated servants live in small houses or accommodations provided by the organization, which means giving up the comfort and amenities they might enjoy if they had a larger or private home.

Their work involves attending Meetings, giving trainings, visiting homes, offering advice, and providing emotional and spiritual support to members of the congregation. This workload can be demanding, but they do it with love and dedication.

By serving as circuit overseers, they may forgo job opportunities that could provide them with greater income. However, overseers accompanied by their respective wives dedicate themselves fully to serving God and the congregation.

Despite their own needs and challenges they focus on encouraging and strengthening the brothers in the congregation they visit, their goal is to provide encouragement and spiritual support, even when they themselves may feel tired or discouraged, these sacrifices demonstrate the deep love and dedication that circuit overseers and their wives have toward the congregation and toward Jehovah.

Their selfless service and willingness to attend to the spiritual needs of others make them worthy of admiration and respect. Their inspiring example motivates many to continue serving Jehovah with devotion and dedication in all areas of life.

How have they helped you personally?

The presence and service of the circuit overseers and their wives have been a valuable support in my spiritual life. Their devotion and dedication to the congregation and to Jehovah's work have been an example to follow, and have encouraged me to persevere in my service to God and to continue growing in knowledge and spirituality.


I am grateful for their work and for the positive impact they have had on my life and the lives of many other Jehovah's Witnesses.

As a pioneer, the visit of overseers is highly anticipated by me. Because when I attend the pioneer meeting with the superintendent, I receive encouragement and advice to improve my service, which motivates me to keep trying.

Personally, they have helped me a lot, since on one occasion they paid me a pastoral visit to encourage me, since I was going through a rather serious health situation.

Sometimes we are going through difficult situations, but during the visit we meditate on the encouragement, enthusiasm and endurance that the circuit overseer and his wife convey to us and that motivates and strengthens us a lot.

Another thing that helps me a lot during the circuit overseer's visit is the enthusiastic and empowering speeches they give at the meetings.

The words of commendation in the valedictory speech that the superintendent gives when his visit is over is something that I have always liked very much. I see that we really are a family and that Jehovah lovingly cares for and supervises us.

The superintendents' wives are very loving to everyone and always try to cheer us up with their words.

The visits of the circuit overseer and their wives and encouragement to the entire congregation, especially our elders, ministerial servants, and pioneers.

As a Jehovah's Witness I can share how circuit overseers and their wives have helped me personally in my spiritual experience. On several occasions I have had the opportunity to receive visits from circuit overseers and their wives in my congregation, during those visits they have given me words of encouragement and spiritual advice that have helped me strengthen my faith and trust in Jehovah in times of difficulty or proof.

Their presence and compassion have been a great emotional support, knowing that they are willing to listen and understand my concerns and challenges has been comforting and motivating.

During their visits, circuit overseers offer Bible-based trainings and talks, which have broadened my understanding of the scriptures and helped me apply Bible principles in my daily life.

Their work has helped foster a spirit of unity and love among the members of the congregation, their example of collaboration and teamwork has been inspiring for all of us, seeing how they dedicate their time and energy to serve the congregation, and Jehovah with selfless love has inspired me to be more generous and diligent in my own service through their speeches and guidance they have constantly reminded the importance of preaching and the scope of the work of preaching about the Kingdom of God. 

What can we do to encourage them?

Encouraging circuit overseers and their wives is an opportunity to show our love and gratitude for their dedication to the congregation and to Jehovah. Their selfless work and inspiring example deserve our support and affection, and by doing so we help strengthen their spirit and determination in the important work they do for the spiritual welfare of Jehovah's entire organization.


A word of sincere thanks for their dedication and service can have a great impact on them, showing appreciation for their effort and sacrifice for the benefit of the congregation and Jehovah's work will encourage them and remind them that their work is valued and recognized.

One thing we can do to encourage ourselves is to support by attending meetings and preaching during the visit. We can also offer to host them or invite them to eat.

One thing we can do to encourage them is to go out with them on return visits and invite them to join us for our Bible studies.

Surely something that can be very encouraging is knowing how much we appreciate everything you do for us. Whether we tell you personally through a card or note.

Including them in our personal and congregational prayers is an important way to show our spiritual support, since asking Jehovah to give them strength, wisdom and blessings in their service will make them feel more encouraged and strengthened so that they can continue with this important work.

Whenever they visit our congregation, we can offer them hospitality, either by providing them with accommodation or inviting them to share a meal in our home, this will make them feel welcome and appreciated, showing respect and obedience to the indications that they can give us during their visits or training shows our appreciation. for their work and the desire to cooperate in the work of the organization.

We can also take a moment to talk to them and offer words of encouragement and support, as recognizing the importance of their work and how they have been helpful in our lives will encourage them in their continued service.

By sharing testimonials of how their work has positively impacted our lives and the lives of other members of the congregation, you can encourage them and reinforce their confidence in the importance of their work.

 Since their work involves a busy schedule of frequent travel, we can be considerate and understanding of their schedules and needs, listening to and empathizing with their own concerns and challenges can be a valuable way to support them at times when they may be feeling tired or discouraged. 


It is 9 in the morning on a Tuesday, a ship sets sail from the port of Belém, a city in northern Brazil. A traveling overseer and his wife travel on that ship to a rural area, a quiet Island where they will spend the week.

We will go to the island of Cotija, it will take us about an hour, there are no cars when we arrive there will surely be brothers waiting for us, then we will get on a cart pulled by horses or a motorcycle, we will load the luggage and we will go to the place where we will stay this week.

The generosity of the brothers is incredible, they go out of their way for us, you can tell that in the last six months they have been preparing to receive us and they not only give us what they have but they give us the best, it is clear that the brothers do not have a lot in a material sense, but they prepare meals for us and a place to rest, things that sometimes they don't even have in their day to day, you have no choice but to love them, what we do for them is nothing compared to what they do for us. 

On Tuesday after lunch, the circuit overseer begins by going over the congregation's files with the elders, then that night he gives his first talk, the Brothers are looking forward to hearing it, they feel that Jehovah and his organization care for them despite having so many difficulties.

Something that I always strive to do is encourage the brothers, that is fundamental. Since brothers suffer a lot in this world, I try to make them feel as comfortable as possible when they are with me. Afterwards, in the mornings and in the afternoons, the couple accompanies the brothers of the congregation to preach, to make return visits and to their Bible courses.

We have to travel a lot because the island is large, sometimes we eat in one area, attend a Bible course at one end of the island, and then go to the other end for a pastoral visit. And we must not forget that transportation here is precarious and is not always available when you need it. 

After an intense morning of preaching, they have lunch at the home of a dear family who, of course, have prepared some typical dishes for them. We have just arrived, look how many delicious meals they have prepared for us. They are all typical, this is feijoada, a delicious dish and these are very rich white beans, what else do we have, it is carurú that is made with okra and shrimp, also very tasty.

This couple's week is packed with activities and they get up early every day, yet they never forget to feed themselves spiritually. While my husband is in the meeting with the ministerial servants and the elders, he took advantage of that time for my personal study, then before he comes clean a little.  

We have been looking forward to the visit of the circuit overseer for months, because we need guidance and encouragement, that is why the visit is so good because it encourages the whole congregation and also the overseer.

When we have the pioneer meeting, we learn in which fields we need to change or improve, and when we have the next meeting, six months later, you realize how much progress you have made, which makes you very happy and motivates you to keep trying.

Brothers, it was a pleasure for my wife and I to be with you this week. We are very happy and your example, your enthusiasm and your stamina encouraged us a lot, we also thank you for your generosity with the meals and how you took care of us every day. 

We have felt your support throughout this week, in the mornings, in the afternoons, in the Bible courses, in all the scheduled activities, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your care and the magnificent support you have given us. And so everything starts again but this time in another place and in another congregation. 

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