APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of August 28 – September 3, 2023, First conversation, talk to the person on our website and give them a contact card, Lesson 16, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 28–August-3-September-2023, First conversation, Lesson 16, Prepared Assignment.

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then talk to the person on our website and give them a contact card (th lec. 16).

Publisher: Good evening, my name is Rebecca, and what is your name?

Helper: My name is Sonia, how can I help you?

Publisher: Nice to meet you, we are talking about something that many people wonder about God.

Helper: I don't believe that God exists.

Publisher: Many people doubt the existence of God, but let me ask you a question, have you always thought like this?

Helper: Well, before I did believe in God, actually they gave me a religious education, but then everything changed, my mom got sick and my dad abandoned us, my sister and I were left alone, trying to take care of my mother until she died.

Publisher: I'm very sorry Sonia, I also imagine what I was going through because my family went through something similar.

Helper: I don't understand why God did something like that to us, we were good people, we went to church on Sundays and we never hurt anyone.

Publisher: I can assure you that you are not the only one who feels this way, many people wonder why bad things happen, it may surprise you to know what the Bible says. In fact today we are talking about that, we are answering the following question: Why can we be sure that suffering is not a punishment from God?

Helper: Seriously.

Publisher: Yes, look at what James 1:13 says, could you please read it?

Helper: Yes. It's okay, it says like this…….

Publisher: Look at the first part of the verse, when going through problems, we might think that God is testing us, but is that so? the verse goes on to say that God cannot be tested with bad things. Do you agree with this verse?

Assistant: Of course that would be impossible.

Publisher: If you like, I would like to leave you this magazine entitled What is the kingdom of God? And when I return on my next visit, which will be in two days, I return to answer this question: What will the Kingdom of God do for us?

Helper: That's right, and according to this verse, what else is just as impossible?

Publisher: That's right, and according to this verse, what else is just as impossible?

Helper: May God test us with bad things.

Publisher: Exactly, but then the question is: If God is not to blame for suffering, who is? How about I come back next week and show you from the Bible what is the main cause of suffering?

Helper: Sure sounds good to me.

Publisher: I would also like to introduce you to our website. There you will find answers to some of the most important questions that you may have asked yourself, not much information and free videos for the whole family, here is this contact card so you can visit our website

Assistant: Thanks when you can I'll check it.
