Saturday, July 8, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Tuesday August 8, 2023, Happy is he who treats the underprivileged with consideration; Jehovah will rescue him in the day of calamity (Ps. 41:1).

DAILY TEXT, From today  Tuesday August 8, 2023,  Happy is he who treats the underprivileged with consideration; Jehovah will rescue him in the day of calamity (Ps. 41:1).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Tuesday August 8

Happy the one who treats the disadvantaged with consideration; Jehovah will rescue him in the day of calamity (Ps. 41:1).

Loyal love prompts us to help those who are discouraged. Today there are many kind brothers who willingly stand by those who are down or depressed. They love their brothers and want to do everything in their power to help them (Prov. 12:25, note; 24:10). Thus they follow the advice of the apostle Paul: "Comfort the depressed, support the weak and be patient with everyone" (1 Thes. 5:14). In many cases, the best way to help a brother who is down is to listen and tell him we love him. Jehovah notices everything we do to help one of his precious sheep. Proverbs 19:17 says: “He that shows compassion to the needy makes a loan to Jehovah, and he will reward him for it.” w21.11 10 pars. 11, 12.

What did Ruth do unlike Orpah, and how did she show loyal love? (See cover drawing.)

To better understand what loyal love is, let's analyze what happened to Naomi after the death of her husband and her two sons. When Naomi heard that “the Lord had remembered her people and had given her food,” she decided to return to her country (Ruth 1:6). Her two daughters-in-law began the return trip with her. But as they were on their way, Naomi told them three times to go back to Moab. What happened? The story says: "Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and left her, but Ruth did not want to part with her" (Ruth 1: 7-14). Orpah did what Naomi told her to do and returned to Moab. But Ruth did more than was expected of her. She too could have returned to her home, but out of loyal love she decided to stay to help her mother-in-law (Ruth 1:16, 17). She chose to stay by her side, not because she had to, but because she wanted to, out of loyal love.

What have many brothers decided to do? and According to Hebrews 13:16, what sacrifices are pleasing to God?

Loyal love goes beyond what is expected. As in the past, many Witnesses today have chosen to show loyal love to their brothers, even to those they do not know. For example, when they hear that there has been a natural disaster, they immediately ask how they can help. Or, if they know that a brother in the congregation has financial problems, they try to find out what he needs and help him. They imitate the example of the first-century Macedonian Christians, who gave “even more than they could give” (2 Cor. 8:3). Like those Christians, they do more than is expected. They sacrifice themselves to help their most needy brothers. Surely Jehovah is very pleased to see the loyal love of his servants.—Read Hebrews 13:16.

How did Ruth show that she was not going to give up?

We can learn many valuable lessons from the story of Ruth and Naomi. Let's see some.

We don't give up. When Ruth offered to accompany her mother-in-law to Judah, she was at first opposed. But Ruth did not give up. Which it was the result? "When Naomi saw that Ruth insisted on going with her, he stopped insisting" (Ruth 1: 15-18).

What will help us not to give up easily?

Application: Patience is needed to help those who are depressed, but we must not give up. For example, a sister who needs help may not want to accept it at first.c Even so, loyal love will prompt us to do everything we can to stay with her (Gal. 6:2). And we do not lose hope that in time he will accept our help and comfort.

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