Monday, July 17, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday August 17, 2023, Each person will receive their reward according to their work (1 Cor. 3:8

DAILY TEXT, From today  Thursday August 17, 2023,  Each person will receive their reward according to their work (1 Cor. 3:8).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Thursday August 17

Each person will receive his reward according to his work (1 Cor. 3:8).

Throughout history, many of Jehovah's servants have preached to people who have not listened to their message. For example, Noah was a "preacher of righteousness," probably for several decades (2 Pet. 2:5). No doubt he hoped that people would listen to him, but Jehovah did not give him to understand that this would happen. On the contrary, when he gave him the instructions to make the ark, he commanded him: “You must go into the ark with your sons, your wife, and your daughters-in-law” (Gen. 6:18). And, when he told him how big the ark would be, Noah may have realized that very few would listen (Gen. 6:15). So it was. Not a single person in that violent world listened to his message (Gen. 7: 7). Did Jehovah think Noah was a failure? Not at all. To him, Noah was very successful because he faithfully did what he had been commanded to do (Gen. 6:22). w21.10 43:10, 11.

What did Jeremiah do to enjoy preaching despite the indifference and opposition of the people?

The prophet Jeremiah also preached for decades despite the indifference and opposition of the people. The insults and taunts so discouraged him that he even considered giving up his assignment (Jer. 20:8, 9). But he did not give up. What helped you fight his negative thoughts and enjoy his preaching? Focus on two important issues. First, that the divine message he brought to people could give them "a future and a hope" (Jer. 29:11). And, second, that Jehovah had chosen him to bear his name (Jer. 15:16). We also carry a message of hope in a world that is in darkness and we carry the name of Jehovah because we are his Witnesses. When we focus on these two important issues, we enjoy preaching no matter how people react.

What does the parable of Jesus that we read in Mark 4:26-29 teach us?

Spiritual growth takes time. Jesus taught this truth in the parable of the sleeping sower (read Mark 4:26-29). The sower saw the fruit of his efforts little by little and could not do anything to make the seeds grow faster. Similarly, it may take time for us to see a student apply what he learns, as progress comes little by little. Just as a farmer cannot make his crops grow at the speed he wants, we cannot force students to progress at the speed we want. So don't get discouraged or give up if your progress is taking longer than we expected. Both cultivating and making disciples require patience (Jas. 5:7, 8).

What example shows that it can take a long time before people start to listen to us?

In some territories, years go by and no one responds to our message. Let's see the experience of Gladys and Ruby Allen, two full sisters from Canada. In 1959, they were sent as regular pioneers to a city in the province of Quebec.c People were afraid of the priests of the Catholic Church and of the opinion of the people, so they did not listen to them. Gladys recalls: “We preached from door to door for eight hours a day for two years with no one answering. People just saw us through the window in the door and closed the blinds. But we didn't give up." Over time, the attitude of the people softened and the territory became more productive. Today, there are three congregations in that place (Is. 60:22).

What does 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7 teach us about the work of making disciples?

Making disciples is a team effort. It has been said that it takes a congregation to help someone get to baptism (read 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7). For example, a publisher might leave a tract or magazine to someone who showed interest. Then, the brother realizes that her schedule does not allow him to visit her again. So he asks another publisher for help. This publisher starts a Bible study and invites different brothers and sisters to join him, each encouraging the student in some way. Every publisher the student meets helps to water the seed of truth. In this way, as Jesus said, the sower and the reaper can rejoice together by sharing in the spiritual harvest (John 4:35-38).

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