Monday, July 3, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday August 3, 2023, How many times did they hurt their feelings (Ps. 78:40).

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday August 3, 2023, They perceived that they were common men and with little education (Acts 4:13).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Thursday August 3

They perceived that they were ordinary men with little education (Acts 4:13).

Some people think that Jehovah's servants cannot teach from the Bible because we have not attended reputable theological schools. But it is necessary that they investigate the facts well. That is what Lucas strove to do. When he was going to write the Gospel of it, he set out to investigate "everything exactly from the beginning." He wanted his readers to have “full assurance” of the things they had heard about Jesus (Luke 1:1-4). The same can be said of the Jews of the ancient city of Berea. The first time they heard the good news about Jesus, they examined the Hebrew Scriptures to confirm that what they were told was true (Acts 17:11). Similarly, people need to check the facts. They should compare what Jehovah's Witnesses teach them with what the Bible says. They should also study the modern history of Jehovah's Witnesses. If they investigate well, they will not be carried away by prejudice or gossip. w21.05 3 pars. 7, 8.


What happened when Jesus refused to show a sign from heaven?

In Jesus' day, it seemed to some that his amazing way of teaching was not enough; they wanted more. They demanded that he show them “some sign from heaven” to prove that he was the Messiah (Matt. 16:1). It is possible that this was asked of him because of a misinterpretation of Daniel 7:13, 14. But for Jehovah it was not yet the time for that prophecy to be fulfilled. What Jesus was teaching should have been enough to convince them that he was the Messiah. But since he refused to give them the sign they asked for, they stumbled and rejected him (Matt. 16:4).

How did Jesus fulfill what Isaiah foretold about the Messiah?

What does the Bible say? Referring to the Messiah, Isaiah prophesied: “he will not shout or raise his voice, he will not make his voice heard in the street” (Is. 42: 1, 2). Jesus performed his ministry without drawing attention to himself. He did not set about building impressive temples, wear special religious garments, or demand that he be addressed by bombastic religious titles. While on trial, he refused to perform any miracles to impress King Herod even though his life was in danger (Luke 23:8-11). Sure, during his ministry he did some miracles, but for him the most important thing was always to preach the good news. He told his disciples, “That is why I have come” (Mark 1:38).

What wrong expectations do some people have?

Does the same happen today? Yes. Many people are impressed by great cathedrals and their priceless works of art, religious leaders with pompous titles, and certain ceremonies that, although few already know, have a pagan origin and meaning. But those who attend their religious services are learning very little about God and his purpose. Instead, those who attend our Christian meetings learn what Jehovah requires of us and how to do his will. Our Kingdom Halls are not fancy, but clean and practical. Those who lead the congregations do not wear special clothing or pretentious titles. And our teachings and beliefs are based on the Word of God. Despite all this,

According to Hebrews 11:1, 6, what should your faith be based on?

What will help you not to stumble? The apostle Paul told the Christians in Rome: “Faith follows the message that is heard, and the message that is heard comes through the word about Christ” (Rom. 10:17). Strong faith is not achieved by participating in unbiblical religious ceremonies, however beautiful or impressive they may seem, but by studying the Scriptures. Your faith must be solid and based on accurate knowledge, because “without faith it is impossible to please God” (read Hebrews 11:1, 6). So, for someone to be convinced that he has found the truth, he doesn't need spectacular signs from heaven. A careful study of Biblical teachings is enough to strengthen faith and remove any doubts.

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