DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday August 20, 2023, Be very careful not to behave like fools, but as wise, (Eph. 5:15, 16).

DAILY TEXT, From today  Sunday August 20, 2023,  Be very careful not to behave like fools, but as wise, (Eph. 5:15, 16).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Sunday August 20

Be very careful not to behave as fools, but as wise, (Eph. 5:15, 16).

Choosing the best path in life is something that worries many young people. On the one hand, school counselors and non-Witness relatives may advise them to pursue a career and seek a position of prestige in the world. But it is very likely that this path will consume almost all your time. On the other hand, their parents and brothers in the congregation may encourage them to dedicate their lives to serving Jehovah. What will help the young man who loves Jehovah to make the best decision? You can read Ephesians 5:15-17. After pondering what he says, you might ask yourself: “What is 'Jehovah's will' for me? What decision will you like? Which path will help me make the best use of my time?” Let us remember that "the days are evil" and that this world ruled by Satan is about to disappear. w22.01 5:5.

What did Maria choose, and why was it a good decision?

Let's set our priorities right. To make the best use of time, sometimes you have to choose between two activities, even if neither of them is bad. That was what happened when Jesus went to visit Mary and Martha. Since Martha was so hospitable and she was so happy to have Jesus in her house, she began to cook a great meal. But her sister, Mary, took the opportunity to sit next to Jesus and listen to what she wanted to teach them. Martha did nothing wrong, but Jesus said that “Mary chose the better part” (Luke 10:38-42). It is likely that in time Mary forgot what she ate on that occasion, but she certainly never forgot what she learned from Jesus. It is clear that Mary greatly valued the time she spent with Jesus, and we value the time we spend with Jehovah as well. How can we take advantage of that time in the best way?

Why is it so important to pray, study and meditate?

Let us remember that praying, studying and meditating are part of our worship. When we pray, we are talking to our heavenly Father, who loves us so much (Ps. 5:7). When we study the Bible, we are gaining "the knowledge of God," the wisest person in the universe (Prov. 2:1-5). And, when we meditate, we are reflecting on Jehovah's beautiful qualities, as well as his wonderful purpose for us and for all mankind. Could there be a better way to use time? Sure, the time we have is limited. So what will help us make the most of it?

What good example did Jesus give us when he went into the desert?

If possible, let's find a quiet place. Let's think about how Jesus did it. When he began his ministry on Earth, he spent 40 days in the desert (Luke 4:1, 2). There he was able to pray and meditate on his Father's will for him. No doubt it prepared him for the trials he would soon face. What do we learn from his example? If our family is large, it may sometimes be difficult for us to find enough tranquility inside our house. If that is our case, can we try to go outside? That's what Julie does when she wants to spend time with Jehovah praying to him. She lives with her husband in a small apartment in France, so it is not easy for her to be alone and without interruptions. She recounts: “Every day I go to the park for a walk. There I can be alone, concentrate, and talk comfortably with Jehovah.”

Although Jesus was a very busy person, how did he show that he valued his friendship with Jehovah?

Jesus was a very busy person. Wherever he went, he was always surrounded by people asking for his time and attention. The Bible says that, on a certain occasion, “the whole city was assembled at the door” of a house to see him. Even so, he made sure to take time to care for his friendship with Jehovah. Before dawn, he went to a lonely place to spend time with his Father (Mark 1:32-35).

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