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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Saturday August 26
There is more happiness in giving than in receiving (Acts 20:35).
Long ago, the Bible predicted that Jehovah's people would volunteer to serve him following the guidance of his Son (Ps. 110:3). Without a doubt, this prophecy is being fulfilled today. Every year, God's servants enthusiastically devote hundreds of millions of hours to preaching work on a voluntary basis and without charge. They also use part of their time to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to their siblings. In addition, elders and ministerial servants spend long hours preparing assignments and talks for meetings and making shepherding calls. What motivates them to do all this? Love for Jehovah and neighbor (Matt. 22:37-39). Jesus put the needs of others before his own, and Christians do our best to follow his magnificent example (Rom. 15:1-3). If we do it, we will have good results. w22.02 20 paras. 1, 2.
How did Jesus show that he put the needs of others before his own?
Jesus helped others even when he was tired. Let's think about his reaction when a crowd of people went to see him on a mountainside, perhaps near Capernaum. Jesus had been praying all night, so he must have been very tired. But, when he saw all those people, he felt sorry for the poor and the sick. He not only healed them, but he also gave one of the most motivational speeches of all time: the Sermon on the Mount (Luke 6:12-20).
How do householders imitate Jesus' sacrificial spirit when they are weary?
How do the heads of the family follow Jesus' example? Think of a father who comes home very tired after a long day at work. That night he has family worship. He is tempted to leave her for another day, but he asks Jehovah to give him strength. Jehovah answers his prayer, and the family studies together like every other week. That night the children learn a valuable lesson: for their parents, spiritual things are the most important thing.
Name a time when Jesus sacrificed part of his time to help others.
Jesus was willing to spend time with others. Let's imagine the situation: Jesus had just found out that his friend John the Baptist had been executed, and he must have felt very sad. The Bible says: “When Jesus received the news, he left there and went out in a boat to a secluded place to be alone” (Matt. 14:10-13). It is understandable that he wanted to be alone. Some people prefer to grieve in private. But that was not going to be possible for Jesus, because a large crowd was already waiting for him in that secluded place. What did he do? He thought of the needs of those people and "was deeply moved." He realized that they were in dire need of spiritual relief, and he gave it to them without a second thought. In fact, he “began to teach them many things” (Mark 6:31-34; Luke 9:10, 11).
Give an example of how the elders imitate Jesus when someone needs help.
How the elders lovingly follow the example of Jesus. Isn't it true that we value all the sacrifices that the elders make for us? Many of us are not aware of everything they do. For example, when there is a medical emergency, the members of the Hospital Liaison Committees quickly help the brothers in need, often having to do it in the middle of the night. But, moved by compassion, these dear old men and their families put the well-being of their siblings above their own.
The elders also assist in the construction of Kingdom Halls and other buildings, as well as in relief efforts. And that's not to mention all the hours they spend teaching, supporting and encouraging the brothers in their congregation. All these elderly people and their families deserve our heartfelt congratulations. We wish that Jehovah be with the spirit that they demonstrate. Sure, as is expected of any Christian, elders must be balanced. They should not spend so much time attending to their theocratic responsibilities that they neglect the welfare of their families.
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