DAILY TEXT, From today Martes August 22, 2023, God my God, God my God, why have you abandoned me? (Matt. 27:46).

DAILY TEXT, From today  Martes August 22, 2023,  God my God, God my God, why have you abandoned me? (Matt. 27:46).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Mars August 22nd

God my God, God my God, why have you abandoned me? (Matt. 27:46).

A lesson that teaches us today's text is that we should not wait for Jehovah to protect us from trials. Like Jesus, we have to be prepared to be faithful until death if necessary (Matt. 16:24, 25). But we know that God will not allow us to be tried more than we can bear (1 Cor. 10:13). Another lesson we learn is that, like Jesus, we may suffer injustices (1 Pet. 2:19, 20). People do not stand up against us because we have done something wrong, but because we are not part of the world and we testify to the truth (John 17:14; 1 Pet. 4:15, 16). Jesus understood why Jehovah was allowing him to suffer. On the other hand, some faithful servants, passing through trials, wondered why Jehovah allowed what was going on (Hab. 1:3). How merciful and patient he is, Jehovah understands that it is not that they lack faith, but that they need the comfort that only he can give them (2 Cor. 1:3, 4). w21.04 15:9, 10.

Why did Jesus say the words we read in John 19:28?

Lo que dijo Jesús (lea Juan 19:28). Why did Jesus say he was thirsty? So that the prophecy found in Psalm 22:15 would be fulfilled, which says: “My strength has dried up like an earthen vessel; la lengua se me pega a las encías”. In addition, having in mind the terrible pain he felt while being hung on the wood, and after all that he had suffered, it is logical that he was very thirsty. He needed help to calm her down.

What do we learn from Jesus saying he was thirsty?

What we learn Jesus didn't think that expressing how he felt was a sign of weakness, and we shouldn't think so either. It may be that, in general, we don't feel comfortable talking to others of what we need. However, if at some point we need help, let's not hesitate to ask for it. For example, if we are older or sick, we might have to ask a friend to take us to buy something or a medical appointment. If we feel discouraged, maybe we have to ask an old man or another mature brother to listen to us and tell us “a good word” to cheer us up (Prov. 12:25). Let us remember that our brothers want us and want to help us “in times of distress” (Prov. 17:17). But we can't read our minds, so we won't know we need help unless we say so.

How did Jesus manage to remain loyal until death?

What Jesus says. More or less at three in the afternoon of the 14th of Nisan, Jesus said: “¡Se ha complido!” (John 19:30). A few moments before he died, Jesus thought that he had done everything that Jehovah wanted him to do. What did he manage to keep loyal until he died? First, he made it clear that Satan is a liar, because he demonstrated that a perfect human being could be totally faithful despite the efforts of Satan. Second, he hates his life as rescate. Thanks to his sacrifice, imperfect human beings can have a good relationship with God and the hope of living forever. And, third, Jesus defended the sovereignty of Jehovah and the good name of his Father.

Explain how we should live each day.

What we learn We must be determined to keep us loyal every day. We saw what the brother Maxwell Friend, who was professor at the Escuela Bíblica de Galaad de la Watchtower, said. At an international assembly, he said the following in a speech about loyalty: “Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do or decide today. Are you sure there will be tomorrow? Live each day as if it were your last opportunity to prove that you are worthy of living forever”. As the brother says, let's live each day as if it were our last opportunity to keep us loyal. So, even if we die, we can say to Jehovah: “I do everything possible for being loyal, for demonstrating that Satan is a liar, and for vindicating your name and your sovereignty”.

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