Tuesday, July 18, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Friday August 18, Each person will receive their reward according to their work (1 Cor. 3:8).

DAILY TEXT, From today  Friday August 18, 2023,  I had everything when I left, but Jehovah has made me return empty-handed (Ruth 1:21).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Friday August 18

I had it all when I left, but Jehovah has brought me back empty-handed (Ruth 1:21).

Can we imagine how Ruth felt when she heard her mother-in-law say that? He had done everything in her power to help Naomi: he had cried with her, comforted her, and walked with her for days on end. Still, Naomi said: “Jehovah has brought me back empty-handed.” Although Ruth was there by her side, it seemed that Naomi did not value her support. Surely that must have hurt Ruth a lot. But she stood by Naomi's side (Ruth 1:3-18). A sister who is initially discouraged may say something hurtful to us despite all our efforts to help her. But we try not to take it personally. We stand by her side and ask Jehovah to help us find a way to comfort her.—Prov. 17:17. A sister who needs help at first may not want to accept it. Even so, loyal love compels us to do everything possible to stay by his side (Gal. 6:2). w21.11 11 pars. 17-19.

What gave Ruth the strength she needed to keep going?

Let's give encouragement to those who need it. Ruth had shown loyal love to Naomi, but now she too needed encouragement. So Jehovah prompted Boaz to encourage her with these words: “May Jehovah repay you for what you have done. May you receive a full reward from Jehovah, the God of Israel, for you have sought refuge under his wings.” These beautiful words moved Ruth deeply. She told him: “You have comforted me, your servant, and you have reassured me with your words” (Ruth 2:12, 13). Boaz's timely words gave Ruth the strength he needed to keep going.

According to Isaiah 32:1, 2, what will elders do for love?

Application: Those who show loyal love to others sometimes also need encouragement. Boaz congratulated Ruth on the kindness he had shown Naomi. In the same way, today the elders congratulate the brothers in the congregation for the help and affection they give to others. Those well-timed words of encouragement will give them the strength they need to keep going. (Read Isaiah 32:1, 2.)

What change occurred in Naomi's attitude, and what caused it? (Psalm 136:23, 26).

Some time later, Boaz saw to it that Ruth and Naomi had more than enough food (Ruth 2:14-18). How did Naomi react when she saw Boaz's generosity? He said: “May Jehovah, who has shown his loyal love to the living and the dead, bless him” (Ruth 2:20a). How much Naomi's attitude had changed! Before she had said very hurt: "Jehovah has turned against me." But now he was exclaiming very happily: “Jehovah . . . has shown the love of him loyal to him.” What could cause that change?

Naomi finally began to see the hand of Jehovah in her life. Through Ruth, Jehovah had given him the support he needed on the journey back to Judah.—Ruth 1:16. Naomi also saw the hand of Jehovah when Boaz, one of his “repurchasers,” d treated the two women generously and lovingly.—Ruth 2:19, 20b. He must have thought: “Now I understand. Jehovah never abandoned me. He has been with me all this time ”(read Psalm 136: 23, 26). Surely she was heartily grateful that Ruth and Boaz did not give up or stop helping her. The three of them were very happy that Naomi had regained her joy and strength.

Why do we want to keep showing loyal love to our brothers?

What have we learned about loyal love in the book of Ruth? Loyal love compels us to continue supporting the brothers who are discouraged and not to give up easily. It also motivates us to make sacrifices in order to help them. Elders should lovingly encourage those who show loyal love to others. We feel great joy when we see our brothers regain strength in their service to Jehovah (Acts 20:35). Now, let us not forget that the most important reason we continue to show loyal love is because we want to imitate and please Jehovah, who is “full of loyal love” (Ex. 34:6; Ps. 33:22).

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