Tuesday, July 11, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Friday August 11, Well done, good and faithful slave! (Matt. 25:23).

DAILY TEXT, Today's  Friday August 11, 2023,  Well done, good and faithful slave! (Matt. 25:23).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Friday August 11

Well done, good and faithful slave! (Matt. 25:23).

In the parable, Jesus spoke of a man who was going on a journey. Before leaving, he called his slaves and gave each one talents to do business with. To one slave he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his ability. The first two slaves were diligent and got more money for their master. But the third slave did nothing with the talent he had received, so the master sent him away. Both the first slave and the second took their entrusted responsibility very seriously and worked hard for their master. As a result, they returned double the talents they had received. Very happy, the master rewarded his efforts and entrusted them with more responsibilities. w21.08 33:7, 9, 10.

What can we do to feel more joy?

Similarly, we can feel more joy if we do our best in whatever assignment comes our way in our service to Jehovah. Let us dedicate ourselves fully to the preaching work and participate fully in the activities of the congregation (Acts 18:5; Heb. 10:24, 25). Let us prepare well to encourage others with our responses in meetings. Let's take seriously any student assignment we have at the midweek meeting. If we are asked for help to do some work in the congregation, let us be punctual and reliable. Let's not think that certain tasks are unimportant and that they do not deserve that we dedicate our time to them. Let us strive to improve our abilities (Prov. 22:29). The busier we are in our spiritual activities and responsibilities, the faster we will progress and the more joy we will feel (Gal. 6:4). And it will be easier for us to rejoice when others receive a responsibility that we would have liked to have (Rom. 12:15; Gal. 5:26).

What did Melissa and Nick do to feel more joy?

Do we remember Melissa, the sister mentioned in paragraph 2 who wanted to go to Bethel or attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers? Although these goals were beyond her reach, she says: “I give my all to pioneering and try to participate in all forms of preaching work. This has given me great joy." And what did Nick, mentioned in paragraph 3, do to get over his disappointment when he was not appointed a ministerial servant? He recalls: “I concentrated on what I could do: participate in the preaching work and give encouraging comments in the meetings. I also applied for Bethel, and the following year they invited me.”

What will happen if we do our best in the responsibilities we have now? (Ecclesiastes 2:24).

So does it mean that if we do our best in the responsibilities we have now, we will receive more in the future? Maybe yes, as happened to Nick. But if not, like Melissa did, we will still be very happy and fulfilled (read Ecclesiastes 2:24). Also, surely we will feel great joy because we know that our efforts please our master, Jesus Christ.

What should we remember about our service goals?

If we are already doing our best in our service to Jehovah, does that mean we should not think about how to increase it? Of course not. We can and should set goals that help us to be better preachers and teachers, and that allow us to help our brothers. We will achieve them if we are wise and modest, and focus on helping others rather than on ourselves (Prov. 11:2; Acts 20:35).

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