Monday, August 28, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of August 28 to September 3, 2023, Return Visit, Talk to the person about our Bible courses and give them a contact card from our Bible classes, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 28–August-3-September-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then tell the person about our Bible classes and give them a contact card from our Bible classes (th lec. 3).

Publisher: Hello Sonia, how are you, how have you been doing? 

Helper: Hello Rebecca very well, I'm glad to see you. 

Publisher: Likewise Sonia, the other day we agreed to talk about, What is the main cause of suffering? 

Assistant: Yes, of course, I remember, come in, sit down.

Publisher: Thank you very much. What do you think if to answer that question we read 1 John 5:19, which I would like you to read.

Helper: Yes, of course, it says like that………. 

Publisher: Thanks for reading, based on what you read Who do you think controls the world, would you say God controls it? 

Helper: No, of course not, it says the evil one there, and I suppose it's the devil.

Publisher: Exactly, the one who rules the world is Satan. Isn't it true that we realize that when we observe what happens around us? 

Helper: Of course, there is a lot of hate and crime. 

Publisher: True, the Bible also shows that Satan is to blame for the sin and death that plague humanity. 

Helper: Sure, what you say makes a lot of sense. 

Publisher: Yes, that's right, then we notice that God is not to blame for suffering. What do you think If next time we can analyze how God feels when he sees us suffer, surely it will comfort you a lot to know the answer to that question.

Helper: Yes, I would. 

Publisher: In the meantime I would like to show you what our Bible courses are like. You will learn what the Bible teaches not religious traditions, the courses are free and nothing is ever charged for the Bible or for the publications that can be used, you who choose when and where and how often to have the classes, since you will be able to analyze the Bible by subject, classes can last as long as you choose, accepting a Bible course does not commit you to becoming a Jehovah's Witness. 

Helper: Well if that's the case, that would be fine.

Publisher: And also you won't have to take exams and you can learn at your own pace and here I give you this contact card that directs you to our website 

Helper: Sounds good to me. Thank you so much.

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