Monday, August 7, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of August 7-13, 2023, First Conversation, Present and discuss Why Study the Bible? Video, Lesson 9, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: August 7-13-2023, First Conversation, Lesson 9, Assignment Prepared.

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then present and discuss the video Why Study the Bible?, but don't play it (th lec. 9).

Publisher: Good afternoon, my name is Alberto and today we are talking a little with your neighbors. May I have a moment, what is his name?

Helper: Good afternoon Alberto, I'm Ishmael, and if it's brief, yes, I know you are Jehovah's Witnesses.

Publisher: Alright Ishmael, I'll be brief. I am also a neighbor of your community and we suffer problems that are similar in this society. Do you believe that suffering is a punishment from God? That God does not test us with anything bad...

Helper: I don't think God is to blame for all things, many of them we have brought on ourselves with our wrong decisions...

Publisher: A very good answer, you are right that many decisions lead us to situations that cause suffering... But on the other hand, you have said that not everything will be God's fault, so he may think that there is some suffering that he is guilty of. , No?

Helper: Well, I don't know if he's guilty, but if he's God, he can do something so that suffering doesn't exist... and if he doesn't do anything, he's also partly to blame, don't you think?

Publisher: It is a valid reasoning, but we are going to read what the Bible itself says about this... In the biblical text of James 1:13 I invite you to read it yourself...

Helper: Okay, he says: ... "Let no one say during a test: 'God is testing me.' Because, with bad things, no one can test God nor does he test anyone.

Publisher: What does this Bible verse mean to us?

Helper: That God does not test us with anything bad...

Publisher: Therefore, he does not want to see us suffer, in fact, quite the opposite. God wants the best for us, he likes to see us happy and he loves us deeply...

Helper: Then why don't you do anything to end the suffering?

Publisher: Actually it does do many things for us and helps us, especially when we suffer... How can we know that this is true? How can we see the hand or help of God in our lives? I would like to show you this short video… (…) in the video we see that we are asked a series of questions and it mentions what we all know, that this world is a disaster…

Helper: Yes, that's true, I have many questions, and does the Bible answer all of them?

Publisher: That's right, in the Bible you can find the answers to many questions that you may not have been able to answer. For example, the video raises the question of suffering, where does it come from? Of course, the first thing we must know is why we suffer, to know what the cause is and the study of the Bible will indicate how God helps us in these situations... What do you think if the next day we see "why we suffer"? To later be able to see how God helps us...

Assistant: Very well Alberto, you have been brief and that is why I am going to attend to you the next day...

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