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Talk (5 min.): w11 2/15 15-16 pars. 12-15. Title: Sacrifices that Jehovah gladly accepts (th lec. 20).
The word sacrifice is an action of resignation or self-denial that a person executes to show his love or appreciation for another person. And precisely the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians of Rome on this matter. How about we read it, please look at the Bible record of Romans Chapter 12 verse 1.
Therefore, brothers, I beg you for the compassion of God that you offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, Holy and that pleases God, thus you will give a sacred service with your ability to reason.
As we noted, they were to offer their bodies as a sacrifice. In the same way, to receive divine favor we must keep our body in a state that Jehovah accepts.
Jehovah would reject our body as a sacrifice if we were contaminating it with alcohol abuse or tobacco use, coca leaves, betel nuts or other drugs.
I would also consider it offensive if we had an immoral conduct, since the one who practices fornication sins against his own body. Certainly, men and women who wish to please God must be "holy in all their conduct."
Another sacrifice that Jehovah gladly receives has to do with the faculty of speech. To better understand this matter, we are going to read the Biblical record of Psalms 34:1 and 3, which says:
1 I will praise the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
2 With pride I will speak* of Jehovah; the meek will hear it and be glad.
3 Magnify Jehovah with me; let us exalt his name together.
People who love God always speak well of him, inside and outside the home. An excellent way to glorify our heavenly father is by participating in the preaching of the good news, a work to which Jesus, Our model, attached great importance. And if our speech is pleasant, we will attract many people.
When we work zealously in the Ministry, we prove that we love God and long for his approval. Think of the exhortation he addressed to the Israelites who had fallen from God's favor by practicing false religion. Let us now please read the book of hosea Chapter 13 and verse 1-3. If you found it, accompany me with the reading, please, it says like this:
1 “When Ephraim spoke, the people trembled; he was important in Israel. But, because of Baal, he became guilty and died.
2 Now they sin even more and with their money they make metal statues; they masterfully make idols, all of them the work of artisans. And they say: 'Let the men who offer sacrifices kiss the calves.'
3 So they will be like the morning mist, like the dew that evaporates early, like the straw* of the threshing floor that is blown away by the storm, and like the smoke that comes out of the hole in the roof.
For this reason the prophet invited them to pray to Jehovah, and do not be 4:1-2 said: "Worthily forgive the error and accept what is good, and certainly offer in exchange the young bulls of our lips"
But what did he mean when he said "The young bulls of our lips"? Well, the bull was the most valuable animal that an Israelite could sacrifice, this expression refers to the sincere and well-meditated words with which the true God is praised. But how did Jehovah respond to those who gave him such gifts?
He himself gives us the answer in Hosea 14:4, He says the following: I will heal his infidelity. I will walk them of my own free will, because my fury has turned away from them. As we see, by his own desire and will, God offered his forgiveness, his approval and his friendship to those who made such sacrifices of praise.
So, dear brothers, let us make sacrifices that pray to Jehovah, if we do so, Jehovah will give us his friendship and approval, and let us remember that the greatest sacrifice will end up being the greatest achievement of our lives, when we can enjoy peace and happiness in a beautiful paradise for eternity.
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