Monday, August 7, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week August 7-13, 2023, Lecture: Good Publishers Help Each Other, Lesson 20, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: August 7-13-2023, Speech, Lesson 20, Assignment Prepared. 

Talk (5 min.): w13 5/15 7 pars. 17-19. Title: Good publishers help each other (th lec. 20).

Have you heard the phrase that says: the best work is the one done as a team? Well, if we put this phrase into practice in the Ministry, we will feel happy and we will obtain good results in our service to God.

Teamwork is so important that when Jesus was on earth he sent his disciples to preach two by two. Subsequently, Paul mentioned some collaborators who had strived side by side with him in the good news, following said Biblical precedent, In 1953 the proclaimers of the Kingdom undertook a program in which some trained others for the Ministry. 

So when we accompany another brother to preach, how can we work as a team? Let the Bible give us the answer to this question. Let's read 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 says this:


I planted, Apollos watered, But God kept making it grow. Now the one who plants and the one who waters are one, but each person will receive his reward according to his work. 9 Because we are co-workers with God. You are God's field that he is cultivating, God's building .

As we note in the text, we are collaborators. And to work as a team it is very important to support each other, for example we can look in our Bible for the texts that our partner reads. Keep our attention focused on him or the other person, depending on which of the two is speaking, and follow the conversation carefully in case the need arises to help our partner overcome any objections.

But if we want to do a good job and be united with our brother, there is something we must do, we must resist the temptation to interrupt him while he is developing an effective line of reasoning. Our overflowing enthusiasm could discourage him and confuse the person. Sometimes it may be appropriate for us to chime in, but if we choose to say something, just make a short comment or two and let our partner continue the conversation.

It is important to ask ourselves how can we help each other when going from one door to another? for this we must be careful that our comments about those who live in the territory are not negative.

Another thing we can do is avoid focusing on the shortcomings of other evangelizers. Rather we can use the time to see ways to improve our presentations. It would be well to remember that we are “clay vessels” and that it is an extraordinary expression of kindness that Jehovah has entrusted us with the treasure of the Ministry of the good news. Now let's please read two Corinthians 4: 1,7 if he found it Please accompany me with the reading, It says the following:


Therefore, since we have this ministry because of the mercy shown to us, we do not give up. 

However, we have this treasure in clay vessels, so that the power that goes beyond the ordinary comes from God and not from us.

As the texts show us, let us show our gratitude for this treasure by doing everything possible to fulfill our role as evangelizers.

In conclusion, teamwork is a challenge that obtains good results, that is why, dear brothers, let us strive to continue helping our partner in the Ministry, with good manners, patience, and loving-kindness, so those who listen to us will be able to get closer to Jehovah and Jehovah will reward us with eternal life in a Paradise.

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