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"There will be a path there, yea, a path called the Path of Holiness" (IS. 35:8).
1, 2. What important decision did the Jews living in Babylon have to make? (Ezra 1:2-4).
All Jews, and especially the heads of families, had to make the decision to leave Babylon or stay there, which for some would not be an easy decision.
According to Ezra 1:2,4, Jehovah moved King Cyrus to decree that the Israelites who were in captivity in Babylon, could return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and the temple, and that their neighbors should help them by giving them gold, silver, goods and won. In addition, freewill offerings for the house of God in Jerusalem.
This was a difficult decision, because some of the Israelites were already very old and the journey was very long and difficult. Furthermore, most of those who were born in Babylon during the 70 years of captivity knew only of Israel that it was the land of their ancestors. On the other hand, he already had a life made in Babylon with comfortable houses, businesses and some had even become rich. While they knew about Jerusalem that it was now a city in ruins and practically uninhabited, and of course, unknown to them.
Well, it was a very important decision. First, he says that most of them were over the age of 70, they had been there, he also says that some were rich and well, they did not want to leave the place where they were, and also many had always been there, they were born, they did not even speak Hebrew. , then it was very difficult they had to make a decision that only Jehovah already had a path prepared for them.
Yes, before them they had a very special, very important decision to stay or go to their land that although it was in ruins, Jehovah God had already laid the way for them to return to their land, especially the Jews had to do it, especially the heads family who had to make this decision to leave Babylon or stay there.
3. What blessing awaited the Jews when they returned to Israel?
The blessing of restoring pure worship awaited them. He would once again have an organized priesthood, an altar to offer the sacrifices of the Law of Moses, and a temple to worship Jehovah.
Yes, well, first of all, the greatest benefit was to reestablish true worship, probably as already mentioned due to the conditions in which they lived in Babylon, since all that importance had been lost and they used the pretexts that have already been given, however, the fact that they were in Babylon It was further away from Jehovah, so that is why it was necessary for them to return to Jerusalem and Jehovah prepared for Cyrus to give the decree that they could leave everything and that they would not go empty-handed, they were going to take what was necessary too.
In addition to that, it says that there were more than 50 pagan temples, in other words, there was a great influence of pressure, in that sense, but these, although they were few, wanted to return to the pure worship of Jehovah and that motivated them to think about the benefits that Jehovah I was going to give them even though they were few, so there in Babylon they could not have an influence that did not help them the spirit of Satan was there it was very difficult to worship Jehovah there they had to return.
4. What did Jehovah promise the Jews?
The journey from Babylon to Israel was long, difficult, and would take about four months. But Jehovah promised the Jews that he would see to it that the path was clear of obstacles.
According to a reference work, the custom of the rulers of the East before embarking on a journey was to send men to prepare the way by clearing rocks and leveling the hills. Isaiah 40:3,4, shows that in the case of the Israelites, it was as if Jehovah himself went before them removing all obstacles.
If Jehovah promised that he would see to it that the road would be free of obstacles, that promise is recorded in Isaiah 40:3 and 4, then it would be much easier for the Jews to go on a straight path and on level ground that had to go up and down mountains. and valleys, then that would be faster and more pleasant, here we see the blessing of Jehovah fulfilling his promise.
You can see the great goodness of Jehovah, how loving he is and how grateful he was that these Jews were going to return and his goodness in wanting to make that path as easy as possible for them.
5. What was the symbolic path between Babylon and Israel called?
Isaiah 35 8 shows that this path is called "The Path to Holiness."
6. Why was this path said to be holy?
It was said that it was holy because it would allow that no one was impure in Israel. That is, that there was no Israelite who led an immoral life, who practiced idolatry or who committed serious sins. All who returned would have to become "A holy people" to Jehovah.
Because people in Israel were not going to be allowed to be unclean, that is, no Jews who were bent on living an immoral life or were going to be allowed to practice idolatry or commit other serious sins, the returning Jews would have to become a people holy to God.
So, since the objective is that they would become a holy people when they returned this way, it also had to be like that. The interesting thing here is that most likely, those who were going to return had the hope of becoming part of this people that Jehovah would consider holy and probably although not all did things well in the end it is said that many would have to become changes but from the moment they started this path they knew they had to do things well that is why it is called holy because they needed to have an attitude that will lead them to fulfill this purpose.
And for another reason it helps us understand the feelings that Jehovah has for this people because here it says that he chose them from the peoples of the whole Earth and it is beautiful Because he says their properties are special then as Jehovah put his heart that is to say his feelings in This town wanted this town to be holy, to be pure before their eyes, so that they could receive their blessings.
7. What changes did some Jews have to make? Give an example.
After living 70 years in Babylon, many Israelites were influenced by Babylonian moral values and way of thinking. Some had married women from other nations, and many of those born during the exile did not even speak Hebrew. So the Jews had to make big changes, which would be easier if they returned to live in Israel. For example, some would have to learn the Hebrew language in order to study the scriptures so that they could come to love and worship Jehovah.
I want to highlight the example in which they married women from other nations and Ezra 9:2 mentions it to us as a sin since the Jewish nation had to guard the worship of Jehovah until the arrival of the messiah and such a mixed marriage could be a threat to true worship as these women were unbelievers and practiced idolatry and could have eventually led to the entire nation being absorbed by pagan nations.
Yes, as was said in previous paragraphs, many of them had been born in Babylon and had spent 70 years there, so it was very easy for them to be influenced by the way of life and thinking of the Babylonians and now that they could couple their Life to divine norms was going to be much easier being in Jerusalem where the whole nation was going to get involved in knowing the laws of Jehovah and putting them into practice where everyone was going to do it at the same time instead of being in Babylon.
As the majority had just been born in Babylon, they had been influenced by the way of thinking and those moral values, so after many decades the first group of Jews returned to Israel. Esdras had found out that some of them had married women from other nations.
8. What relationship does the “Way of Holiness” have with us? (See cover image.)
The relationship is that at present, we too are walking on the path of holiness, which allows us to endure Jehovah in the "spiritual Paradise", And if we continue walking on this path, in the future, we will enjoy the blessings of the Kingdom .
Just as it happened with the Israelites, in 1919 Jehovah freed the rest of spiritual Israel from Babylonian captivity and guided them along the path that he had prepared and that today we know to be the "Way of Holiness." The difference is that this anointed remnant did not have to traverse a literal road to Jerusalem nor did his journey conclude after a few months. This journey is not over yet. And they have been joined by a large crowd of fellow "Non-Israelites" so to speak, who have changed their way of life in order to glorify Jehovah and belong to his holy people.
We are also walking in a certain sense along that path of holiness, it is mentioned that it allows us now to worship Jehovah, we have a spiritual paradise, and it is also in the future that we are going to enjoy the blessings of the kingdom, therefore both the other sheep and the anointed we must remain in it in John 10:16 it is mentioned how Jehovah says that he has other sheep that are not from that of that fold, that is, it refers to those of us who are forming a single flock under a single shepherd.
If originally in that year the vast majority were anointed Christians, in fact, that note in paragraph 19 explains that it is made to resemble that Anointed Christians have not finished their journey through this system, this world of Satan until they die, and says that to their joy a large crowd of people have joined along with them who also wish so they are not Israelites in quotes so to speak but they are supporting this and we have been seeing this for many years now many people from the large crowd have been then following this path of holiness.
In the Illustration we see how since 1919, millions of men, women and children have come out of Babylon the Great or the World Empire of false religion, to start walking the symbolic path of holiness, thanks to the preaching and teaching of the Bible that Jehovah's servants carry out throughout the world.
Various brothers and sisters use different methods to preach the good news from 1919 to the present day. Beginning in 1919, millions of men, women, and children have left Babylon the Great and have begun to walk the "Way of Holiness." (See paragraph 8).
9. According to Isaiah 57:14, how was the “Way of Holiness” prepared?
According to Isaiah 57:14, in the case of the Jews who returned from Babylon, Jehovah made sure that obstacles were removed from the path. and as for modern times, hundreds of years before 1919 Jehovah began to use devout men to clear the way, in the sense that they would do spiritual works that would later enable good-hearted people to leave Babylon the great and enter in the spiritual paradise where pure worship has been restored.
Hundreds of years before 1919 devout men cleared the way by doing works or spiritual works the purpose was that good-hearted people could leave Babylon the great and enter that spiritual paradise where pure worship had been restored.
Yes, in verse 57:14 he talks about removing obstacles and in 40:3 he is talking about clearing a path so that it becomes straight.
10, 11. What was accomplished by the printing and translation of the Bible? (See also image).
By the middle of the 15th century, printing could easily produce and distribute the Bible, since before then it was copied by hand and copies were very expensive. By translating the Bible into the languages spoken by ordinary people, it was possible to compare what people heard in churches with what the Bible teaches, since it was previously available mainly in Latin, a language that very few people had studied.
As for the printing, well, the Bible was copied by hand, therefore, we must imagine all the hard work that this implied, in addition to a lot of time, and that is why there were very few Bibles and these were expensive, however, then comes the The invention of the printing press and it was mobile, in this way the production and distribution of the Bible was further streamlined, then comes the translation, which was mainly translated into Latin, but the people who had access to this language, since they were advanced studies, were not accessible. for all and God-fearing men strove to translate these Bibles into more common languages of the people, so those who read the word of God could compare what they heard in churches that went against it with what it actually said the Bible.
As we see in images from the second half of the 15th century and thanks to the printing of the Bible in common languages, it is now possible to compare what is heard in churches with what the Bible actually teaches, and in this way many people since then they have been able to free themselves from the captivity of Babylon the great and begin to walk the "Way of holiness."
One of the first printing presses and a Bible translator. For many centuries, devout men helped clear the way for the people to leave Babylon the Great. (See paragraphs 10 and 11).
12, 13. Give an example that shows how some false religious ideas were exposed in the nineteenth century.
In 1835 Henry Grew, a God fearing man, published a pamphlet about what happens when people die. It explained with the Bible that immortality is a gift from God, so we are not born with it. Later, a religious minister named George Storrs, reading the pamphlet, understood that he had learned a very important truth. So he decided to share it through a series of speeches he delivered in 1842 entitled: Are the Wicked Immortal? In this way some false religious ideas were exposed and he was influenced by many people, including Charles Taze Russell.
Yes, for example, in the 19th century, several good-hearted men began to publish treatises and pamphlets that exposed the false ideas taught by the churches.
By the year 1835, Henry Grew clearly explained what happened when he died, in addition to explaining that the Bible teaches that immortality is a gift from God and that we are not born with it.
That awakening of this pamphlet was added George Store finds the pamphlet and realizes that he learned an important truth and began to share it with others he began giving a series of speeches with the title Cynics Are Immortals what George Store wrote greatly influenced a young man named Charles Russell when he was just 19 years old. Well first in 1837 when he found the pamphlet that Henry Gray had published but also in 1842 George himself delivered the series of speeches on the theme Are the Wicked Immortal.
14. How did Brother Russell and his companions take advantage of the work done by others? (See also image).
Russell and his classmates, when they studied, took advantage of the dictionaries available at the time, the Biblical concordances, and the different translations of the Bible. They also benefited from research done by Henry Grew and George Storrs and others. This made it possible for their in-depth study of the Bible to bear fruit later on and they themselves would go on to publish many books and treatises on Biblical subjects.
Well Jehovah was already opening the way he was removing many things that were not correct and brother russel Russell and his companions took advantage of the work that had already been done now they already had dictionaries bible concordances different translations of the bible, so they could consult and study and deeply all the benefits that the research that both Henry and George had done had now brought and then they participated in this great work the road to sainthood, by published books and pamphlets.
It can be seen in the face and the conviction of each one of them and the attention they paid because what they were dealing with was principles from Jehovah based on the Bible, you can see two of them taking notes having the writing there to be able to have it present and perhaps other texts to look for and compare with others in order to reach the clarity of what Jehovah wanted and learn and thus unmask Satan's lies.
In the Illustration we see that in order to understand the Bible, brother Russell and his companions used the aids that everyone had published before. Among these, the Henry Grew pamphlet. In this way, Russell along with other devout men helped clear the way for the good-hearted people to get out of Babylon and the great.
Brother Russell and other Bible students consult various aids to understanding the Bible and discuss what they have discovered. Devoted men helped clear the way for the people to leave Babylon the Great. (See paragraphs 12 to 14).
15. What important things happened in 1919?
In 1919, Babylon the Great, or the World Empire of False Religion, ceased to control God's people and the "Faithful and Wise Slave" appeared on the scene Just in time for good-hearted people to start walking the path. of holiness.
Because of these events in 1919 and the work that others had already done to prepare the way, those who began to travel on it were able to begin to learn more about Jehovah and his purposes. They were also able to make the necessary changes to please God. In this way, Jehovah was purifying little by little the people of him.
In this year the faithful and prudent slave appeared to prepare the path of holiness and give the opportunity to walk in it learning from Jehovah and his purposes.
Yes, as Proverbs 4:18 says, that path to the path of being able to understand more things begins, for example, at the beginning, some doctrines are seen that were clarified, such as that of Christmas, as that of stopping using the cross, things that we now know that Jehovah does not approve, how they started thanks to the one that Jehovah had prepared this path to holiness now we can enjoy worshiping Jehovah in a purer way.
You can see the first part that, well, it is a bit rustic there, maybe you can sink into the mud, then there is a cobbled road, even so, you walk better but sometimes unstable and then you can see an asphalt track even with the margins clearly marked, more reliable walk down that path.
Among the things that were learned and the changes that began to be made to purify oneself from false religion, we have that by 1927 it was understood that Christmas is a pagan celebration, between 1928 and 1936 they gradually began to stop using the cross and by 1931 we adopted the name Jehovah's Witness.
By 1938 the congregational elders were no longer elected by ballot, between 1944 and 1945 our Biblical position on the sanctity of blood was clarified, while by 1952 the importance of expulsion was stressed and in 1956 it was better understood that marriage is a Sacred Union.
By 1972 the congregations began to be led by a theoretically appointed body of elders and by 1973 it was understood that tobacco use is a grave sin.
By 1976 instructions were given on what kinds of jobs are acceptable for Christians and more recently, in 2000, the use of blood fractions was looked at in detail in 2000, and between 2006 and 2012 it was made clear that viewing disgusting forms of pornography it is a grave sin.
16. What maintenance work has been done on the "Camino de la Santidad" since 1919? (Isaiah 48:17; 60:17).
Since 1919 various maintenance works have been done so that more people can leave Babylon the Great. One of them took place in 1921 when the faithful and prudent slave published "The Harp of God", A book to help people to know the Biblical truths. Nearly 6 million copies of this book were distributed in 36 languages, with which many learned the truth thanks to this publication.
Other maintenance works have been given more recently. For example, the edition of the study manual "Enjoy life", which is being used to give Bible courses. Jehovah has also used his organization in these last days to continue giving us all kinds of spiritual food, in order to help us continue walking in the "Way of Holiness."
As we analyze in Isaiah 48:17 that guides us on the path that we must walk this type of maintenance That Jehovah provides us in 1921 publishes the harp of God What is intended to help people to know the biblical truths in fact translated into 36 languages and later a manual came out enjoy life that is helping many to continue on this path of life with an even better understanding.
Yes, then we see these changes as always, this maintenance has been to improve as he mentioned Isaiah chapter 60 verse 17 there a comparison is made of how a good material is changed for a better one and this is what Jehovah used to indicate his way of caring for his organization that was gradually going to improve.
It is interesting because the drawings serve to visualize what we are studying and it is the Illustration that we saw in the previous box visualizes very well how that road changes from a dirt road to a stone road or even a paved brick road and finally a race of perhaps asphalt to cement, all this is improving that path of holiness and these books that have been used along the path have improved that path of holiness.
17, 18. Where does the “Way of Holiness” lead?
Someone begins to walk on the path of holiness when he begins to study the Bible and this path leads him to his destination if he persists in walking on it to the end. In this sense, for those who have heavenly hope, the path of holiness leads to the "Paradise of God" in heaven. And for those who hope to live forever on earth, this path will lead us to the end of Christ's thousand-year reign, when all people become perfect.
To those who have the heavenly hope, then to live with Jehovah the 144,000 that will be their life and for those of us who want life here on earth, a paradise of a thousand years together with all the brothers who lead us all to perfection.
And here he suggests us not to look back but to complete that journey that will lead us to eternal life, something that we all want.
What was the "Way of Holiness" in the case of the Jews, and what did it imply for them?
For the Jews this way implied that they had to be Holy so that now They had to please Jehovah.
It was a Holy path, so it was not allowed for someone impure to lead an immoral life or practice idolatry and commit serious sins, which implied ceasing to be influenced by the way of thinking and the moral values of the Babylonians and one way was go to Israel.
It did imply big changes Because many were born in Babylon and it was the only life they had they had comfortable houses they had good jobs they had even married women who were not Israelites and they had had children and well they had to leave them and their children so they went very drastic changes.
How was the “Way of Holiness” of modern times prepared, and when was it opened?
This path was prepared before 1919 and since this year the world empire of false religion Babylon the Great has been exposed and the faithful and prudent slave has appeared on the scene, thus opening the way for many right-hearted people to walk on it. .
Yes hundreds of years before 1919 Jehovah began to use devout men to clear this road, so to speak they did works or spiritual works on the road so that later good-hearted people could leave Babylon the great and enter the spiritual paradise .
So it involved a lot, because from 1919 to date, clarifications were made with everything that already existed. It involved studying, not only reading and publishing, but also studying and understanding the way of Jehovah to encourage us to make changes in our lives. Some doctrines have changed, some unbiblical practices and today we can say that we are walking on the path of rectitude or holiness.
Who walks the "Way of Holiness" today, and what is their final destination?
On this path walk both the Anointed and the other sheep who hope to live on earth when it has become a paradise that will be the final destination.
For those who have the heavenly hope, the path of holiness leads to the paradise of God in heaven as Revelation 2:7 says and for those who hope to live on earth the path leads to the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ when all people be perfect this teaches us how we should not look back we must move forward until completing this journey that we all wish to have.
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