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"There will be a path there, yea, a path called the Path of Holiness" (IS. 35:8).
1, 2. What important decision did the Jews living in Babylon have to make? (Ezra 1:2-4).
For some Jews, this decision was not an easy one because some of them were elderly people who were not in a position to make the long and difficult journey back to Israel. For them, Babylon was the only home they knew, and they regarded Israel simply as the land of their ancestors.
Furthermore, many Jews had been born in and raised in Babylon, which meant that they were rooted in that land and had an established life there. Some of them had also become rich in Babylon. Having built comfortable homes and successful businesses. Leaving all this behind and settling in an unknown land like Israel implies a great change and challenge for them.
3. What blessing awaited the Jews when they returned to Israel?
The greatest blessing that awaited the Jews returning to Israel was related to their worship of Jehovah. And Babylon, despite the fact that there were more than 50 pagan temples, there was no temple for Jehovah, no altar or organized priesthood. This means that the Israelites could not offer the sacrifices established by the Law of Moses, which was a fundamental part of their worship and relationship with God.
Also, in Babylon, those who respected Jehovah and followed his rules were only a small group compared to the vast majority who worshiped false gods. Therefore, the faithful Jews longed to return to their land to restore the Pure Worship of Jehovah and to be able to once again offer the sacrifices and rituals established in the law.
4. What did Jehovah promise the Jews?
Jehovah promised the Jews that he would be with them on their journey from Babylon to Israel, paving the way for their safe return. This promise is based on the prophetic words of Isaiah 40:3,4, where it was written to clear the path of the Lord, make a straight path for our God through the desert, the rugged terrain must be leveled and the irregular terrain turned into a plain .
This promise meant that God would remove the obstacles and difficulties they will encounter on the journey, making the road easier and faster for them. The journey from Babylon to Israel was long and difficult, but with Jehovah's help, it would become more bearable and pleasant, as if they were walking on a straight path and level ground instead of having to brave mountains and valleys.
This Promise from God was a source of hope and encouragement to Jews who were considering returning to their ancestral land. They knew that they would not be alone on this journey but that Jehovah would be with them, guiding them and paving the way for their safe return to Israel.
5. What was the symbolic path between Babylon and Israel called?
The symbolic path between Babylon and Israel was called: "Path of Holiness."
6. Why was this path said to be holy?
The path of holiness was so called because in Israel, once the Jews returned, they were expected to live a holy and pure life, following the commandments and precepts of Jehovah. Holiness referred to separation from sin and exclusive dedication to God.
It is important to note that this does not mean that those who came out of Babylon were perfect, or that they were already doing everything correctly. Rather, they were exhorted to make changes in their lives to please Jehovah and follow his commandments, becoming a people that sought holiness and God's obedience. The path of holiness implied a commitment and a spiritual transformation to live in harmony with the will of Jehovah.
7. What changes did some Jews have to make? Give an example.
Some Jews who returned to Israel from Babylon had to make significant changes in their lives, and in their way of worshiping Jehovah. During their time in Babylon, many of them had been influenced by the culture and moral values of the Babylonians, which led to certain practices and marriages that were not in line with God's commandments.
Furthermore, Governor Nehemiah also noted that the children of these Jews who had entered into mixed marriages could not speak Hebrew. This was worrisome because Hebrew was the primary language in which God's word was written and if the children did not understand the language, they would have a hard time learning and appreciating God's word and worshiping him.
8. What relationship does the “Way of Holiness” have with us? (See cover image.)
The relationship of the way of holiness to us today has to do with our worship of Jehovah and our desire to live a life in harmony with his commandments and principles. Just as the Jews who returned to Israel had to make changes to please Jehovah and follow his pure worship. We too face similar challenges in our spiritual lives.
From the spiritual point of view, we can consider that since 1919, it has been identified as a key moment in which many individuals have decided to leave what is called Babylon the Great. And they have adopted to get away from those teachings and have begun to follow what is considered the path of holiness, looking for a purer worship and closer to the commandments and teachings of Jehovah.
Various brothers and sisters use different methods to preach the good news from 1919 to the present day. Beginning in 1919, millions of men, women, and children have left Babylon the Great and have begun to walk the “Way of Holiness.” (See paragraph 8).
9. According to Isaiah 57:14, how was the “Way of Holiness” prepared?
In Isaiah 57 14, it is mentioned that Jehovah prepared the way of holiness for the Jews. In modern times, reference is made to a historical period in which Jehovah also prepared the way for those seeking pure worship to come out of what is considered Babylon the Great. Jehovah began to use devout men to clear the way and do works or spiritual works to pave the way to a Pure Worship.
10, 11. What was accomplished by the printing and translation of the Bible? (See also image).
Before the invention of the movable type printing press, the Bible was copied by hand. However, with the invention of the movable type printing press in the 15th century, Bible production became faster and more efficient. The Bible could be produced in large numbers and distributed more easily. This meant that a greater number of people could have access to the scriptures, which constituted a greater diffusion of the word of God.
The Bible was mainly available in Latin, a language understood only by those who had received advanced education. This meant that most common people could not read the Bible for themselves and depended on interpretations and readings from clergymen or priests. However, with advances in printing, godly men strove to translate the Bible into the languages spoken by ordinary people.
These translations allowed those who read the word of God to compare what they heard in churches with what the Bible actually teaches. This had a profound impact on personal understanding and interpretation of scripture, leading to increased interest in Bible study and more active participation in religious life.
One of the first printing presses and a Bible translator. For many centuries, devout men helped clear the way for the people to leave Babylon the Great. (See paragraphs 10 and 11).
12, 13. Give an example that shows how some false religious ideas were exposed in the nineteenth century.
In the image we can see Henry Grew and George Storrs: In 1835, Henry a man who feared God, published a pamphlet on the question of the immortality of the soul. Contrary to the general teaching with many Churches of his time, Grew explained based on the Bible that immortality is a gift from God and that we are not born with it. This teaching challenged the popular belief that the human soul is immortal from birth.
George Storrs, a religious minister, came across Henry Grew's pamphlet while riding the train in 1837. Reading it, he realized that he had learned an important truth and decided to share this teaching with others. In 1842 he delivered a series of addresses entitled "Are the Wicked Immortal?" In which he expounded the ideas that he had learned from Grew. The teachings of George Storrs had a significant influence on a young man named Charles Taze Russell, who later dedicated his life to finding out what the word of God really taught.
14. How did Brother Russell and his companions take advantage of the work done by others? (See also image).
Brother Russell and his companions took advantage of the work that others had done on the path to holiness by consulting various works such as dictionaries, Bible concordances, and Bible translations available at the time. They also benefited from research done by people like Henry Grew and George Storrs. In addition, Russell and his companions published numerous books and treatises on Biblical subjects, thus contributing to the dissemination of the truth and the advancement of knowledge of Jehovah and his purposes.
Brother Russell and his companions took advantage of the work that others had done on the path to holiness by consulting various works such as dictionaries, Bible concordances, and Bible translations available at the time. They also benefited from research done by people like Henry Grew and George Storrs. In addition, Russell and his companions published numerous books and treatises on Biblical subjects, thus contributing to the dissemination of the truth and the advancement of knowledge of Jehovah and his purposes.
Brother Russell and other Bible students consult various aids to understanding the Bible and discuss what they have discovered. Devoted men helped clear the way for the people to leave Babylon the Great. (See paragraphs 12 to 14).
15. What important things happened in 1919?
In 1919, a spiritual inspection was carried out that resulted in the purification of God's people. In that year, a faithful and discreet slave was identified as a channel that Jehovah was using to disperse spiritual food to his people.
16. What maintenance work has been done on the "Camino de la Santidad" since 1919? (Isaiah 48:17; 60:17).
For example, in 1921, in a faithful and prudent slave he published "The Harp of God" which was a book to help people to know the truth, in addition several preaching campaigns have been carried out worldwide, publications have been produced that help people to better understand the Bible, such as recently the "Enjoy Life" study manual.
17, 18. Where does the “Way of Holiness” lead?
The path of holiness can lead to different destinations depending on the hope that each person has. For those who hope for heaven, the road leads to God's paradise in heaven, while for those who hope to live on earth, the Road Leads to the end of Christ's 1,000-year Reign, when all people are perfect. .
What was the "Way of Holiness" in the case of the Jews, and what did it imply for them?
For the Jews this way implied that they had to be holy, so that now they had to please Jehovah.
How was the “Way of Holiness” of modern times prepared, and when was it opened?
This path was prepared before 1919 and since that year the world empire of false religion Babylon the Great has been exposed. The faithful and prudent slave has already appeared on the scene, thus opening the way for many upright-hearted people to walk in he.
Who walks the "Way of Holiness" today, and what is their final destination?
On this path walk both the Anointed and the other sheep who hope to live on earth when it has become a paradise that will be the final destination.
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