Friday, July 7, 2023

The Study Watchtower, «Article 19», Week of July 3 to 9, 2023, How to strengthen our faith in the promise of the new world, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, «Article 19», 3-9-July-2023, How to strengthen our faith in the promise of the new world, Answers.

“When he [Jehovah] says something, doesn't he do it?” (NUM. 23:19).

1, 2. As we wait for the new world to come, what should we do?

That the new world will come is a sure promise, however, and as the apostle Paul rightly pointed out, a lack of faith is easy to play tricks on us. That is why, regardless of the time we have been in the truth or the experience we have, we have to strengthen our faith every day because at any moment of weakness it can suffer and move us away from this sure promise of Jehovah.

3. What will we analyze in this article?

In this article we will analyze three ways to strengthen our faith in this promise of God, and it is by meditating on the ransom, thinking about the power of Jehovah and focusing our lives and time on spiritual activities.


4. What kinds of decisions require strong faith?

At every moment of every day we make decisions, some less relevant and subtle and others very important. All these decisions have to be in harmony with Matthew 6:19,20, so that we accumulate treasures in heaven and not on earth, in all areas, from friendships, entertainment, education, work to marriage. and the sons.

5, 6. Why do we need strong faith when we go through trials? Give an example.

There are different types of tests that we can find in our service to God, perhaps some may be easier, such as rejecting certain desires. And we say easier because it is a decision that is made in a moment and it happens, of course, you have to decide well. But a chronic and serious illness or persecution or imprisonment can extend over time for years or for life and living this day after day is not easy and it can tire us out, losing faith in God, it is therefore very important to prevail, hold on and continue serving God, praying and asking for help.

An example of this situation could be the seasons, it could be that both winter and summer feel very long due to waves of heat and cold that we can't stand well or we like one thing or another more. But finally, the time ends up changing and the new season arrives. Of course, for this we have had to wait, but we are certain that time will change, just as the current situation of this system impregnated by Satan will change.

7. What attitude should we avoid?

We have to avoid, and it is not always easy, due to the many external inputs that we have of negativity and malicious personnel who seek to end our faith, the skeptical or incredulous attitude of this world to the promise that Jehovah makes us to change things for always and for eternity. 


8, 9. How does thinking about the ransom strengthen our faith?

Meditating deeply on what the ransom means for all humanity greatly strengthens our faith because it makes us see and be aware of the high price that Jehovah gave for us, that if we put ourselves in his place, it would be the most difficult decision of our lives and perhaps not many people would have acted in the same way by giving their Son for others so that they could be saved knowing that he was going to die and in an atrocious way. That is why meditating on the rescue makes us see that God's promise has not changed because he has done a lot for all of us so that we can save ourselves.


10. According to Ephesians 3:20, what can Jehovah do?

Ephesians is very clear in saying that he can do infinitely more than we can imagine, and that is that Jehovah is almighty, so there is nothing impossible for him, and therefore, all his promises will be fulfilled in due time, not of this we have no doubt.

11. Name one remarkable promise of Jehovah (see the sidebar “Some Extraordinary Promises Jehovah Fulfilled”).

A well-known promise and one that was no longer expected due to Sara's age and all that they had tried, is that they would have a child. And finally, at the moment when they least expected it, Jehovah gave Abraham a descendant. The same happened with Elizabeth at a very old age or even the case of Maria without even having sexual relations.

12. What do Joshua 23:14 and Isaiah 55:10, 11 tell us about Jehovah's power?

The text that we have read from Joshua 23:14 is irrefutable since, as it says, not a single word that God has told us has failed, so we should not have any doubt that the promises that remain to be fulfilled are going to fail. In fact, in our time many others are being fulfilled, which is why it reinforces the words of this verse.


13. How do meetings strengthen our faith?

A third way that we have to strengthen our faith is by attending all the meetings, without failing in any, since we not only surround ourselves in a Christian environment with other brothers and sisters who share our faith, but we study and learn, we deepen the word of God what can be a very powerful anchor as it is for Anna.


The brothers in a congregation pay attention to a brother who is giving a talk. The Meetings How does this activity help us to strengthen our faith? (See paragraph 13).

14. How does preaching strengthen our faith?

For Barbara, speaking of the word of God strengthens her faith. And it is that, although many times they do not listen to us, in the long run we can see the effect of preaching, either directly or indirectly. An irrefutable proof of this effect is to compare the magnitude of the people of God today with 20, 30 or 50 years ago, all the thousands of brothers and sisters who are baptized each year and increase the people of God, is a sign of Jehovah's power in the facet of the ministry.


A brother preaches to his co-worker in a welding shop. The Preaching How does this activity help us to strengthen our faith? (See paragraph 14).

15. How does personal study strengthen our faith? (See also pictures).

Doing what Susan does is very productive and if we imitate her, according to our circumstances and possibilities, our faith will be greatly strengthened. Because? The days go by very quickly, and with the daily hustle and bustle we come to phrases like: “we are already in summer, the year has flown away”. Of course, if we do not have a personal study plan, time will run out and we will not have studied the Bible in depth, so we have not been able to strengthen our faith. If, on the contrary, we can or in a certain way "force ourselves" to do or study a certain aspect every day, the year will be more productive and we will end it with a much stronger faith.


A sister uses various Bible publications for her personal study. Personal Study How does this activity help us strengthen our faith? (See paragraph 15).


16. How do we know that what Jehovah said to Habakkuk also applies to us? (Hebrews 10:36, 37).

Jehovah, our creator, knows us perfectly and knows our human desires. That is why the words that he addressed to Habakkuk were addressed to all humanity, because we can feel the same as Habakkuk. However, God's work is much greater than any human desire, that is why, first, it will not fail, second, it will not be delayed, and third, it will be fulfilled at the appointed time that Jehovah has, even though we do not know when it is or think that a lot of time has already passed, we must remember that the notion of time for God is not the same as for a human being.

17. How did a sister follow Jehovah's advice to Habakkuk?

This sister, who thought that the end would come a long time ago, helped her study examples from the past who were patient, such as Noah, Abraham, Joseph and others, and she came to understand that Jehovah has his appointed time. Likewise, in this last assembly patience has been studied, and it is that we must be patient people, because first, it is not up to us to set the appointed time, second, the notion of time for Jehovah is different and third, Jehovah has a plan fixed, and when the exact moment is, he will bring his eternal promise.

18. How does creation help us trust that Jehovah will bring about the new world?

One aspect that helps us even more to trust that the Kingdom that Jehovah promises us will be possible is to see his creation, the power that is in it and how it has created absolutely everything, things unimaginable for human beings. Therefore, a paradise is not impossible, first, because it already existed and our first parents made the mistake of losing it. The new world will be as real as the trees, animals, stars, or the universe around us.

19. How can we strengthen our faith?

This time that we are waiting for the Kingdom of God is a time of work, for all of us, with our grain of sand we are making the promise of the new world closer, so we have to continue strengthening our faith, focusing on spiritual activities, advancing God's work on Earth.


Meditate on the rescue.

Meditating on rescue makes us even more aware of the importance and gravity of the price that God paid for all of us to be saved. No one would do such a thing to change their decision later, so we can be completely sure that everything Jehovah has done and continues to do is to fulfill his promise of the new world.

Think of the power of Jehovah.

If at some point in our lives we could have doubts, we just have to look around us and see reflected in the creation the immense power of God, infinite and almighty, so we will not have any doubt that Jehovah cannot fulfill what he tells us. He has promised, his word, which has never failed and our days continue to be fulfilled.

Focus on spiritual activities.

Being imperfect humans, we treasure the desire to see God's promises fulfilled, but the truth is that we cannot know and it is not up to us to know the appointed time. That is why until that fixed moment arrives, whether we see it or not, we have to focus on spiritual activities, this will keep us focused on how God's work on Earth is progressing and not think excessively if it is close or not.

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