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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 51.
1. How can we use this gift from Jehovah well?
For the Bible tells us: that we continue to encourage each other and build each other up. Therefore, we can use Jehovah's gift to the animal well and build others up with our words, for example, if someone is discouraged we can let them know how much we appreciate them and make them notice the good things we see in this person.
2. What ways of speaking should we avoid?
We must avoid dirty language and cruel words. Also, we are advised to think before we speak and try to imagine what effect what we say will have on others.
3. What will help us to speak positively?
To speak positively, the Bible advises us to think about positive things, that is, about things that are just, chaste, praiseworthy, and inspiring love. We are also advised to choose entertainment well and find good friends. In addition, it is important to carefully analyze what we are going to say and make a mental image of what could happen if we say something hurtful. This will help us restrain our tongue and thus avoid harming both our brothers and people in general.
Let's see what way of speaking pleases Jehovah and encourages others.
4. Be careful what you say
We all say something from time to time that we later regret (James 3:2). Read Galatians 5:22, 23 and discuss the following:
To control what you say and how you say it, which of these qualities would you ask of Jehovah? How might those qualities help you?
The qualities mentioned in Galatians 5:22,23 are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. By asking Jehovah to help us develop these qualities, we can control what we say and how we say it. For example, if we ask for love, we can speak with love and compassion. If we ask for patience, we can avoid speaking out in anger or impatience. If we ask for meekness, we can speak humbly and avoid being arrogant or judgmental.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:33 and discuss the following:
Could your choice of friendships and entertainment influence your vocabulary? How?
The friendships and entertainment we choose can influence our vocabulary. If we spend time with people who speak vulgarly or use inappropriate language, we may start talking the same way. Similarly, if we watch TV shows or movies that contain inappropriate language, we may start using those very words. Therefore, it is important to choose our friendships and entertainment wisely, and in this way we will avoid being negatively influenced in our vocabulary.
What could influence your way of speaking?
Read Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7 and discuss the following:
When would it be wise to keep quiet or wait for a more convenient time to say something?
According to Ecclesiastes 3:1, there is a time for everything, including a time to be silent and a time to speak. Sometimes it's wise to keep quiet and wait for a more convenient time to say something. For example, if we are angry or emotionally upset, we may not be in the best frame of mind to speak clearly and rationally. In that case, it may be better to wait until we are calmer before speaking.
And also if we are in a situation where we do not know all the facts or we are not sure what we are going to say, the most prudent thing is to wait until we have more information before speaking, in conclusion it is important to be wise and considerate when deciding when to speak and when to remain silent.
5. Speak well of others
How can we avoid saying hurtful or thoughtless things? Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:
VIDEO: Let's say what "serves to edify others" (4:07)
Why did the brother in the video want to change the way he talked about others?
The brother wanted to change the way he talked about others, because he realized that his words were hurting others and were not being constructive. He realized that he was speaking critically and negatively about people, and that this was not in line with the Biblical principles of speaking with love and kindness. Therefore, he decided to make a conscious effort to change the way he talks about himself and start saying positive and constructive things about others.
What did you do to achieve it?
First, she began to read the Bible and meditate on biblical principles on how to speak with love and kindness, she also made an effort to think before she spoke and consider how her words might affect others. Finally, he strove to find positive things to say about people, instead of focusing on their flaws or weaknesses.
Read Ecclesiastes 7:16 and discuss the following:
What should we remember when we are tempted to say something negative about someone?
According to Ecclesiastes 7:16, it reminds us that there is no one perfect on earth and that we have all made mistakes at some point. Therefore, when we are tempted to say something negative about someone, we should remember that that person is also imperfect and that he may be dealing with his own challenges and difficulties. Instead of criticizing or judging the person, we should try to show compassion and empathy, and look for ways to help and support rather than hurt or criticize.
Also, we should remember that our words have power and can deeply affect others, so it is important to be careful and considerate when speaking about others. In general, Ecclesiastes 7:16 reminds us of the importance of being compassionate and considerate when talking about others, and of remembering that we are all imperfect and need love and support.
Read Ecclesiastes 7:21, 22 and discuss the following:
When someone says something negative about you, could these verses help you control your emotions? Because?
These verses can be helpful in reminding us not to take everything people say about us personally, and that there may be other reasons behind their words. By remembering this, we can try to stay calm and not overreact or emotionally to what was said.
6. Be kind when you talk to your family
Jehovah wants us to speak to our family with affection and kindness. Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:
VIDEO: Love and Respect Bring Families Together (3:08)
What will help you speak kindly to your family?
First of all, it is important to remember that our words have power and can deeply affect others, so we must be careful and considerate when we speak. Also, we should strive to show love and respect to our family at all times, even when we disagree or are angry. This means trying to listen and understand the views of others, rather than just imposing our own views. It also means trying to find ways to resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively, rather than just yelling or fighting.
Read Ephesians 4:31, 32 and discuss the following:
What way of speaking promotes a good atmosphere at home?
According to Ephesians 4 31-32, A way of speaking that fosters a good atmosphere in the home is to speak with kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.
It also means trying to understand the points of view of others and being patient and compassionate with them, even when it is difficult for us. In general, to foster a good home environment, we should strive to speak with kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, and treat others with love and respect at all times.
Jehovah was saying what he felt about his Son, Jesus. Read Matthew 17:5 and discuss the following:
How can you imitate Jehovah in speaking with your family?
To imitate Jehovah in speaking with our families, we can follow his example and express our love and approval for them clearly and sincerely. This means frequently telling them how much we love and appreciate them, and acknowledging their accomplishments and strengths. It also means trying to be compassionate and considerate of them, even when we are in disagreement or angry, and Finding ways to resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively.
A mother congratulating her daughter, who has just made a drawing. Look for opportunities to compliment others on their good things.
WHAT SOME SAY: “I say what I think. If others don't like it, that's their problem."
Do you agree with that way of thinking? Because?
I personally disagree, because the Bible teaches us to be considerate and compassionate to others, and to treat others with love and respect at all times.
Words have a lot of power. We have to stop and think about what we are going to say, when we are going to say it and how we are going to say it.
In what ways would you use your words to help others?
We can use words to encourage and support others in difficult times, and our words should offer encouragement and hope, and by using words of encouragement we can also teach and guide others, sharing our knowledge and experience with them.
Sometimes it is necessary to correct or reprimand someone when they are wrong or misbehaving. But we can do it in a loving and constructive way, offering advice and suggestions to help the person improve, and we can also use words to give thanks and recognize others for their achievements and virtues, making them feel valued and appreciated.
What forms of speech should we avoid?
We must avoid using dirty or vulgar language, as this can be offensive and unpleasant to others, we must also avoid saying cruel and humiliating things with the intention of hurting others, as this can be very harmful and damaging to the affected person, and we must also avoid gossip and slander, as this can damage the reputation and dignity of others.
What will help us to always be positive and kind when speaking?
We must have the habit of thinking of positive things, that is, worthy things that are fair, chaste, praiseworthy and inspire love. We must also choose entertainment well and seek good friends, as this can influence our way of thinking and speaking.
We must also try to imagine what effect what we are going to say will have on others Before we speak, what will help us is to seek the wisdom and knowledge of Jehovah, and not only that, but we must try or strive to apply ourselves in our daily lives.
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