Monday, July 17, 2023

Study of the Book of the congregation, Week of July 17 to 23, 2023, Lesson 50, Points 6, 7, summary, review and "Resolve this"., Answers

Study of the Book of the congregation, 17-23-July-2023, Lesson 50, Points 6, 7, summary, review and "Resolve this", Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 50 points 6, 7, summary, review, and “Aim for this.”

6. Respect your parents

Why is it good for a young person to speak respectfully to their parents?

It is good because Jehovah wants and commands that children respect their parents and because by doing so voluntarily and willingly, they show praise and honor to him. Also, as we saw in the video, if there is no respect, there will not be good communication between parents and children either, and this will be detrimental to the family.


The first and most important thing is because Jehovah wants children to respect their parents and it is a show of praise and honor to God. Also, as we saw in the video, if there is no respect, there will not be good communication between parents and children either, and this will be detrimental to the entire family unit. Young people face many constant and abrupt tests and mood swings, and although they may think that parents do not understand, if they disrespect them for this reason, the situation will be even more complicated.

It's also good because young people face many constant mood swings and challenges. So maintaining respectful communication with their parents will allow them to talk to them about any topic and have their advice and support. On the other hand, when children speak to their parents with disrespect and make communication difficult, they cloud the atmosphere and weaken the unity and spirituality of the family.

How can a young man treat his parents with respect?

Young people treat their parents with respect when they speak to them in the right tone of voice, never yell at them or talk rudely to them, and never stop talking to them when they are angry. In Proverbs 15:22, the Bible teaches that this attitude also makes the children who manifest it feel worse, since the lack of respect of a son towards his parents is also a reason for sadness.


A young person must understand that his parents want the best for him, that they understand them even if they disagree with many of their actions because they have more experience and wisdom, and that his parents are his friends and look out for his well-being. That is why, if a young person does not want to talk because they are having a bad day or not being in the mood, they must communicate it so as not to create a bigger problem, and open up more constantly with their parents and talk about different topics openly and politely to demonstrate who truly respects them, in a relaxed tone and demeanor.

Children who respect their parents always find a good time to talk to them and think carefully about what they are going to say before speaking so as not to hurt, offend or anger them. Hence, some even prefer to write them a letter to honestly express what they feel and think.

In addition, children respect their parents even if they have had a bad day, they listen to their parents and respond when they talk to them. And if they don't feel like talking right now because they're under a lot of stress, tired, or just not in the mood to talk about a particular topic, they respectfully let their parents know.

Finally, respectful children always keep in mind that their parents are not their enemies. Hence, even if they are having a bad day, they will want to listen carefully to your advice and receive your guidance and support.

Read Proverbs 1:8 and discuss the following:

How should a young person react when his mother or father tells him what to do?

You should react with respect and obedience. The correct attitude would be to show gratitude for the advice and take it into account. You should also recognize the wisdom and experience your parents have, and that the advice and discipline they are giving you is based on love and is for your entire benefit to help you correct mistakes and avoid difficulties in life.

A young person will not think like their parents, and their parents, many decisions will be made because they lived through similar situations and have greater experience and Biblical wisdom. But parents should not forget that they were young and did similar things, and young people should not forget Proverbs 1:8 and listen to their father's discipline and mother's teaching, even if it often means giving up their desires as a youth.

7. Worship Jehovah as a family

What can help celebrate family worship on a regular basis?

Something that can help is that parents have perseverance and willpower. Discipline is essential, as is giving spiritual things the priority they deserve. It also helps a lot to set a schedule and respect it, and of course, the good example of the parents will motivate the children in this regard.

It can't always be easy week after week to synchronize the different lives of the family, the routine of the mother and the father with the increasing demands of the lives of our young people, so finding time can be a problem, and it may There are days that are difficult due to fatigue or other reasons, which is why it is fundamental to cultivate perseverance and discipline so that the appointed day is always maintained and family study never fails.

Another very important aspect that will make family study much easier is that if you have perseverance and discipline, the next thing you need is regular planning, choosing the best day of the week according to the schedules of all family members. and a specific time, so that day at that time it is fully taken and it is easier to reject other activities because we do not have that time slot.  

An added difficulty for family worship are single-parent families and those whose spouse is not a Christian because they do not understand the importance of studying the Bible for the servants of God, so they can understand that nothing happens for one day or give more importance to doing other types of activities, which is why these families have to pray to Jehovah to help them and do everything possible with perseverance, discipline and love so as not to fail with family worship.

Another thing that can help is that each member of the family make their personal effort in order to comply with the schedule that has been set, as well as encourage each other to carry out the activities that they have planned for this purpose.

Something that can help is to be flexible if something unforeseen arises and adapt to new situations. Likewise, creating a relaxed atmosphere and looking for activities that the whole family enjoys or that contain meaningful Bible teachings is excellent, as they will more easily impress everyone's hearts and minds.

How can parents make family worship practical and enjoyable for everyone? (See the photo at the beginning).

Something that helps in this regard is planning activities where the whole family can participate. For example, writing letters, role plays, dramatized Bible readings, and research projects where everyone can take responsibility for carrying out their part.


Parents have many ways to innovate and make family worship from time to time different, practical and enjoyable. In addition, this way you will surely learn much more and internalize the ideas to be studied better. Some examples, as we saw in the video, are: doing the study in a relaxed environment with cakes, fruits or other foods, short sessions if we have small children, inviting other brothers, interviewing them or preparing questions, preparing theocratic games and even doing the study at the same time. outdoors if we have the possibility and combine it with biblical games, there are many options that we can use.

Another thing that helps in this sense is to adapt the methods, and especially as the children in the family grow up. Sometimes it is also good to invite other brothers to our family adoration in order to encourage each other.

Something that also helps to enjoy the duration as a family is to ask the children about what topics they want to talk about or what activities they prefer to do. It is also good to touch on some aspect of the ministry in which you have to improve or touch on issues that concern the family such as: How to choose friends well, how to protect yourself from bad companies, how to make decisions that please Jehovah and how to avoid the negative feelings. This way, everyone will be more relaxed and willing to talk about these issues without any pressure.

In your case, do you think there would be any obstacles to studying as a family? Which?

Sometimes work schedules or some other activities, as well as fatigue, could be an obstacle to studying as a family.

In spiritually divided homes, obstacles can sometimes arise when the non-believing parent wants to do other things right around the time allotted for family worship. 

In ancient times, Jehovah expected Israelite families to be in the habit of discussing the Scriptures. Read Deuteronomy 6:6, 7 and discuss the following:

How could you put this advice into practice?

As a father, I put into practice the advice of Deuteronomy 6:6,7 when I teach my children the word of God by repeating his teachings month after time, so that they treasure them in their hearts, put them into practice for themselves. and come to love Jehovah with all your soul.


The way we have to put this advice into practice is by keeping this text in mind at all times. Because if we do it like this, at any time or opportunity that we have or can talk about God, we will do it, be it in the car, at home, on the way somewhere, watching a series or movie, if we keep this text in mind we will be able to compare situations of real life with what Jehovah says and teaches, in this way, we will take advantage of any opportunity to always be talking about Jehovah.

I can put this advice into practice if I instill in my children the laws of Jehovah by repeating them so that they imprint in their minds and hearts the value and wisdom they have. This way, when they are adults they will remember the most important things.

We put this advice into practice if we take advantage of any moment or opportunity that presents itself to speak to our children about Jehovah and about Biblical teachings. For example, when we are in our cars on the way to school, on a trip or some other place, when we are at home, when doing activities together and when observing creation.

Ideas for your family worship:

Prepare for congregation meetings.

Read and discuss a Bible story that is interesting for the whole family.

If you have young children, download or print a children's activity from

If you have teens, choose a youth article from

Act out a Bible story together.

Watch and comment on a video.

WHAT SOME SAY: “The Bible is too complicated for children.”

What do you think?

I think it's not complicated when you read, study and learn as a family. On the other hand, at parents find many simple and practical tools, tips, and methods that make it possible for all of us to enjoy worshiping Jehovah as a family.

While it is true that the Bible can be complex, and obviously has deep truths that can be difficult for even an experienced servant of God to understand, Jehovah's earthly organization today puts at our disposal many tools that do much easier teaching for children with illustrations and audiovisual resources, which obviously, as they grow, will go deeper and learn new biblical truths.


Jehovah wants parents to love their children, educate them, and protect them; that children respect and obey their parents, and that everyone in the family adore him.


How can parents educate and protect their children?

Jehovah wants parents to love their children, to educate and protect them, for children to respect and obey their parents, and for everyone in the family to adore him.


Both the education and the protection of a father towards his children have to be with love, patience, with healthy communication and always applying the advice, principles and biblical values. If parents do so and take advantage of every moment to lovingly instruct the Word of God to their children, they will be educating them in the truth and protecting them from this system.

We educate and protect our children when we give them love, we show them patience and understanding, we discipline them in Jehovah's way, we encourage open, sincere and effective communication with them, when we apply biblical advice and principles and when we take advantage of every moment to instill in them love for Jehovah and for his righteous standards.

How can children show that they respect their parents?

Jehovah wants parents to love their children, to protect them, for children to respect and obey their parents, and for everyone in the family to adore him.


Children show that they respect their parents when they obey and listen carefully, when they speak to them appropriately, when they do not stop talking to them even when they are upset or disagree, when they follow their advice, communicate sincerely and accept discipline.

Children have to respect their parents and they do this by talking to them, opening their hearts and communication towards them and obeying their discipline and biblical teaching, even though they think they do not understand them or prohibit certain things they want to do.

What are the benefits of setting aside time each week to worship God as a family?

The benefits are innumerable. For example, spirituality, unity, love, respect and family communication are strengthened. In the same way, it favors the friendship of each of the family members with Jehovah. It also helps to strengthen the minds and hearts of all biblical teachings and strengthens and prepares to combat Satan's traps and day-to-day concerns.

As we well know, the benefits of family worship are innumerable, in each worship our relationship with Jehovah is strengthened and prepares us to combat the traps of day to day. In addition, the family bond is also strengthened by sharing quality time talking about Jehovah and having fun with the truth of the Bible.

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