Friday, July 7, 2023

Study From The Watchtower, Week of July 3 to 9, 2023, How to strengthen our faith in the promise of the new world, Underlined Answers.

Study From The Watchtower, 3-9-July-2023, How to strengthen our faith in the promise of the new world, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Answer.

Dark Yellow: Additional Answer.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

“When he [Jehovah] says something, doesn't he do it?” (NUM. 23:19).

1, 2. As we wait for the new world to come, what should we do?

We are so grateful that Jehovah has promised to replace this system with a just new world (2 Pet. 3:13). Although we do not know when that new world will arrive, what we see around us shows us that it is very close to its reality (Matt. 24:32-34, 36; Acts 1:7).

2 We all need to strengthen our faith in that promise no matter how long we have been Witnesses. Because? Because even the strongest faith can be weakened. In fact, the apostle Paul said that lack of faith is “the sin that easily entangles us” (Heb. 12:1). To prevent that from happening to us, we must get in the habit of reviewing the evidence that Jehovah will soon bring the new world (Heb. 11:1).

3. What will we analyze in this article?

3 In this article we will discuss three things that will strengthen our faith in the promise of the new world: 1) meditate on the ransom, 2) think about Jehovah's power, and 3) focus on spiritual activities. Later we will see that the words that Jehovah said to Habakkuk also strengthen our faith. But first let's talk about why we need to have strong faith in the promise of the new world.


4. What kinds of decisions require strong faith?

4 Every day we make decisions that require strong faith. For example, we make decisions related to friendships, entertainment, education, marriage, children, and work. We can ask ourselves: “What do my decisions reflect? Do they show that I believe this system is temporary and will soon be replaced by God's new world? Or do they resemble those of people who think this life is all there is?” (Matt. 6:19, 20; Luke 12:16-21). If we strengthen our faith that the new world is near, we will make the best decisions.

5, 6. Why do we need strong faith when we go through trials? Give an example.

5 We also face trials that require strong faith, such as persecution, chronic illness, or any other situation that could demoralize us. We may at first face the test with determination. But, if it lengthens in time, as it usually happens, we will need to have a strong faith to endure and continue serving Jehovah with joy (Rom. 12:12; 1 Pet. 1:6, 7).

6 When we are going through a trial, we may come to feel that Jehovah will never bring the new world. Could it be that our faith is weak if we think like this? Not necessarily. Let's give an example. When we are going through a very cold winter, we may think that summer will never come. But summer always comes. In the same way, when we are very discouraged, we may feel that the new world will never come. But, if our faith is strong, we know that Jehovah's promises will be fulfilled (Ps. 94:3, 14, 15; Heb. 6:17-19). That confidence will help us continue to put our worship of Jehovah first.

7. What attitude should we avoid?

7 We also need to have a strong faith to preach. When we talk about the new world that God will soon bring, many people think that this good news is too good to be true (Matt. 24:14; Ezek. 33:32). But we should never let that skeptical or incredulous attitude rub off on us. So that this does not happen to us, we must continue to strengthen our faith. Let's look at three things we can do.


8, 9. How does thinking about the ransom strengthen our faith?

8 One way to strengthen our faith is by meditating on the ransom. The ransom guarantees us that God's promises will be fulfilled. It is important that we spend time pondering all that the ransom involved and why Jehovah gave it. Thus, our confidence will grow that Jehovah will bring a better world and in which we can live forever. Why do we say it?

9 Let's think about all that the rescue involved. Jehovah was willing to send his beloved firstborn Son, his best friend, from heaven to be born on earth as a perfect man. When Jesus was here, he had to suffer, go through many difficult situations and die in a terrible way. Without a doubt, Jehovah paid a heavy price. He, who is so loving, would never have let his Son go through all that suffering just to give us a better but fleeting life (John 3:16; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19). Because Jehovah paid such a high price, he will ensure that we can live forever in the new world.


10. According to Ephesians 3:20, what can Jehovah do?

10 Another way to strengthen our faith is by thinking about the power of Jehovah. He has the power to make everything he promises come true. Sure,  from a human point of view, the idea of ​​living forever in the new world might seem impossible. But Jehovah often promises things that are impossible for us. After all, he is the Almighty (Job 42:2; Mark 10:27). He doesn't think it's logical for him to make extraordinary promises? (Read Ephesians 3:20.)

11. Name one remarkable promise of Jehovah (see the sidebar “Some Extraordinary Promises Jehovah Fulfilled”).

11 Consider some of the promises Jehovah made to his servants in the past that seemed impossible to keep. He told Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son even though they were very old (Gen. 17:15-17). He also assured Abraham that he would give his descendants the land of Canaan. But for many years the descendants of Abraham, that is, the Israelites, were slaves in Egypt, so perhaps they thought that this promise would never be fulfilled. However, it did come true. On the other hand, much later, Jehovah told Elisabet, who was very old, that she would have a son. He also assured Mary, a virgin, that she would give birth to her Son.That would fulfill a promise that Jehovah had made thousands of years before in the garden of Eden (Gen. 3:15).

12. What do Joshua 23:14 and Isaiah 55:10, 11 tell us about Jehovah's power?

12 When we think of all the promises Jehovah made and how he kept them, we see his great power. This strengthens our faith that he will bring about the new world (read Joshua 23:14; Isaiah 55:10, 11). As a result, we will be better prepared to help others understand that the promise of the new world is not a dream or fantasy. In fact, Jehovah said the following regarding the new heaven and the new earth: “These words . . . are faithful and true” (Rev. 21:1, 5).


13. How do meetings strengthen our faith?

13 The third way to strengthen our faith is by focusing on spiritual activities. Let's think, for example, about how much meetings help us. Anna, who has served for many years in various capacities full-time, says: “Meetings are like an anchor that keeps my faith strong. Even if the speaker is not that good a teacher or doesn't say anything new, I always listen to something that helps me better understand some truth from the Bible, and thus my faith grows stronger.” In meetings we also hear comments that strengthen our faith (Rom. 1:11, 12; 10:17).


The brothers in a congregation pay attention to a brother who is giving a talk. The Meetings How does this activity help us to strengthen our faith? (See paragraph 13).

14. How does preaching strengthen our faith?

14 We also strengthen our faith by participating in the preaching work (Heb. 10:23). Barbara, who has been a Witness for more than 70 years, says: “Preaching has always made my faith very strong. I find that the more I talk about Jehovah and his wonderful promises, the greater my faith.”


A brother preaches to his co-worker in a welding shop. The Preaching How does this activity help us to strengthen our faith? (See paragraph 14).

15. How does personal study strengthen our faith? (See also pictures).

15 Let's look at something else that strengthens our faith: personal study. Susan says that having a schedule helps her a lot. She recounts: “On Sundays I study The Watchtower for the following week; Mondays and Tuesdays, the midweek meeting, and the other days I dedicate to a personal study project.” Since she always follows that schedule, Susan's faith is growing. For Irene, who has been at world headquarters for many decades, studying Bible prophecies has strengthened her faith. She explains: “I am very impressed to see how Jehovah's prophecies are fulfilled to the letter.” 


A sister uses various Bible publications for her personal study. Personal Study How does this activity help us strengthen our faith? (See paragraph 15).


16. How do we know that what Jehovah said to Habakkuk also applies to us? (Hebrews 10:36, 37).

16 Some of Jehovah's servants have been waiting for the end of this system for many years. From a human point of view, it might appear to be running late. Jehovah understands the feelings of his servants. Thus, he assured the prophet Habakkuk: “The appointed time of the vision is yet to come, and it is advancing rapidly toward its end, and it will not fail. Even if it was delayed, stay tuned! It will be fulfilled without a doubt. He won't be late!" (Hab. 2:3). Were those words just for Habakkuk, or do they encourage us today as well? Jehovah had the apostle Paul apply these words to Christians looking forward to the new world.—Read Hebrews 10:36, 37.Even if we feel that Jehovah is delaying, let us remember that his promise “will be fulfilled without a doubt.” It won't be late!

17. How did a sister follow Jehovah's advice to Habakkuk?

17 Many Christians have followed Jehovah's counsel to wait and see, even for decades. Consider the case of a sister named Louise, who began serving Jehovah in 1939. She recounts: “I never thought she would reach 18 in this system because Armageddon would come sooner. But that didn't happen. What helped me through all these years was reading the accounts of what I call the super-sufferers, that is, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and other servants of Jehovah who had to wait for their promised reward. Being on the lookout has helped me and others to keep in mind that the new world is very close”.Surely many who have served Jehovah for years think the same way.

18. How does creation help us trust that Jehovah will bring about the new world?

18 It is true that the new world is not here yet, but let's look at some things that are here: the stars, the trees, the animals and the human beings. Although those things did not always exist, no one would say that they are not real. Now they are a reality because Jehovah created them (Gen. 1:1, 26, 27). Well, our God has promised that he is going to create a new world, and he will keep that promise. We will live forever and have perfect health. When the time that Jehovah has appointed arrives, the new world will be as real as the things that surround us now (Is. 65:17; Rev. 21:3, 4).

19. How can we strengthen our faith?

19 As the new world arrives, let us do all we can to strengthen our faith. Let's meditate gratefully on the rescue, think about the power of Jehovah and focus on spiritual activities. If we do all this, we will be among "those who through faith and patience inherit the promises" (Heb. 6:11, 12; Rom. 5:5).


Meditate on the rescue.

The ransom guarantees us that God's promises will be fulfilled. That is why it is important that we meditate on everything that the ransom involved and why Jehovah gave it. In this way, our confidence will grow that Jehovah will bring a new world that is better and in which we can live forever.

Jehovah sent his son to Earth, here he had to suffer, go through many difficult situations and die in a terrible way. Jehovah paid a heavy price. He would never have let his son go through all that suffering for nothing.

Think of the power of Jehovah.

Meetings are like an anchor that keeps our faith firm. Personal study is like spiritual vitamins, they are ways of feeding ourselves spiritually, certainly if we stop feeding ourselves we can die in a spiritual sense. Preaching helps us stay spiritually focused and grow our faith.

Focus on spiritual activities.

They assure us that as Jehovah has said it is done, so it has been, and so it will be.

He is not playing to see if it is fulfilled or not, He has full control of everything, this strengthens our faith that he will bring the new world.

The promise of the new world is not a dream or a fantasy. In fact, Jehovah said the following regarding the new heaven and the new earth: These words are faithful and true as mentioned in Revelation 21::1,5.

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