Monday, July 10, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of July 10 to 16, 2023, Ezra from 7 to 8, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of July 10 to 16, 2023, Ezra from 7 to 8, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ezra 8:1. Why did many of the Jews living in Babylon not want to go to Jerusalem with Ezra? (w06 1/15 19 ¶10)

Out of fear, that is, returning meant starting a new life in uncomfortable and dangerous circumstances. Back then, the city did not promise much material prosperity to the Jews who might have grown rich in Babylon. Nor should we forget the risky journey. Those who moved needed to have absolute trust in Jehovah, zeal for true worship, and courage. Even Ezra was strengthened because the hand of Jehovah was upon him.


They did not want to return to Jerusalem because that meant a long and dangerous journey. In addition, Jerusalem was sparsely populated and did not promise material prosperity for anyone. On the other hand, many of these Jews already had a made life in Babylon and perhaps some had even become wealthy. Hence, some did not want to return to Jerusalem with Ezra.

In Ezra 8:1, it is mentioned that many of the Jews living in Babylon did not want to go to Jerusalem with Ezra. This is due to several reasons. First, Jerusalem was still a sparsely populated city despite more than 60 years having passed since the return of the first group of Jews. This implied that he returned to Jerusalem meaning to face a new life in difficult and very dangerous circumstances.

But since Jehovah does what he has to do in order to fulfill his purposes, he strengthened Ezra and in turn, is followed by some 6,000 people who prepared to undertake the journey to Jerusalem. Thanks to other measures that Ezra took, they were joined by 38 Levites and 220 Nethinim. How we see to return to Jerusalem the Jews needed absolute trust in Jehovah, zeal for true worship and strong faith.

Furthermore, Jerusalem did not have the same opportunities for material prosperity that the Jews had experienced in Babylon. Those who had grown wealthy in Babylon could not find it attractive to leave their comfort and stability to start anew in a city that did not promise great material benefits.

Another factor to consider is the trip itself. Returning to Jerusalem from Babylon was a risky journey filled with uncertainty. Travelers had to traverse desert areas and face possible dangers along the way, such as bandits. This created fear and insecurity in those who thought of joining Ezra on his journey.

Despite these difficulties, however, a significant number of Jews decided to join Ezra and prepare for the journey. Ezra himself was strengthened by the hand of Jehovah, instilling courage and confidence in those who were willing to follow after him.

From this story we can learn several valuable lessons for the preaching work. First, it is to remember that serving Jehovah is not always easy or comfortable. It can already involve sacrifices and face challenges. However, we must remember that putting true duration first is the most important thing and that Jehovah will provide us with the necessary strength and support.

It is also essential to have absolute confidence in Jehovah and in his protection. Although the path may seem uncertain and dangerous, we must trust that Jehovah will guide us and take care of us at all times.

Furthermore, the story of Ezra shows us the power of spiritual leadership and the impact it can have in inspiring others to unite in serving Jehovah. Ezra instilled courage and confidence in those who were willing to follow him, which helped them overcome their fears of him.

Finally, this story also teaches us the importance of fellowship and mutual support in our preaching work. Although some may feel fear or doubt, the Brothers can provide invaluable support in our service to Jehovah. United, we can overcome obstacles and strengthen our resolve in doing God's will.

In short, the story of the Jews who were reluctant to join Ezra on his journey to Jerusalem teaches us valuable lessons about the importance of putting true worship first, trusting in Jehovah in the midst of challenges, the impact of spiritual initiative and the power of fellowship and mutual support in our work of preaching and making disciples.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Ezra 7:1. In this verse, the historical context of Ezra and his lineage is established. It teaches us that Jehovah works in the midst of history and uses specific people to carry out his plan. He shows us the importance of being prepared and available to respond to God's call at the right time.

Ezra 8:21-23. Ezra credited Jehovah, prayed earnestly before embarking on a long and dangerous journey, and was willing to risk his own safety for the glory of God. For all these reasons, he constitutes a magnificent example for all of us.

Ezra 8:23. This teaches us about the importance of prayer, we can be sure that Jehovah hears when we go to him in prayer, and of course he answers us at his due time.

Ezra 8:21. From this verse we learn that if we humble ourselves before God, we can expect him to guide and help us, just as Ezra's experiences indicate.

Ezra 7:25. This text teaches us the importance of preaching to other people so that they know our God Jehovah, this means that all of Jehovah's servants carry a serious responsibility, and we must strive to continue proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom with zeal.

Ezra 8:18. This text shows us about the goodness of Jehovah, we must imitate the goodness of our God with all our hearts, and although every day we deal with ungrateful or disloyal people, that does not justify us doing the same, we must be amenable and treat everyone with kindness .

Ezra 7:28. This text tells us that Jehovah shows Loyal love to those of us who have a special relationship with him, our God is Loyal to his friends, that is why he has prepared a valuable purpose for us and never abandons us. 

Ezra 7:13. This text tells us that Jehovah wants his servants to worship him, obey him, and keep his laws with all their hearts.

Ezra 8:35-36. Ezra's action shows us the importance of being accountable and responsible in our duration and service to Jehovah. We must present our offerings and sacrifices with sincerity and dedication, and we must ensure that they are worthy and pleasing to Jehovah.

Ezra 8:33-34. The arrival of the Caravan and the delivery of the offerings teach us the importance of keeping our promises and carrying out our commitments with Jehovah. We must be people of our word and fulfill what we have promised to Jehovah and to others. 

Ezra 8:31-32. Ezra's action teaches us the importance of being diligent and careful in handling sacred and valuable things. We must take precautions to protect and preserve what God has given us, both physically and spiritually.

Ezra 8:24-30. Through this delivery, we learn the importance of being faithful stewards of the resources and gifts that Jehovah has entrusted to us. We must be responsible and diligent in handling sacred and valuable things, since everything we have comes from Jehovah and we must use it for his glory.

Ezra 8:21-23. The Ezra fast shows us the importance of seeking Jehovah in prayer and depending on him for guidance and protection in all our activities and challenges. It teaches us that Jehovah hears our prayers and that we can trust him in the midst of our difficulties.

Ezra 8:15-20. This action of Ezra teaches us the importance of seeking and recruiting suitable people for service in the work of God. It is crucial to have people committed and trained in specific roles so that Jehovah's work can be carried out effectively.

Ezra 8:2-14. Through this list of names, we learn the importance of unity and collaboration in Jehovah's work. Each person had a unique and necessary role in the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Similarly, in our organization each member has different gifts and talents that can be used to build up and strengthen the congregation.

Ezra 8:1. In this verse, we see the importance of knowing our roots and appreciating our spiritual heritage. Like the leaders of old, we too must recognize and remember where we came from and how Jehovah's faithfulness has been evident in our lives and in the history of his people.

Ezra 7:27-28. Ezra's blessing and thanksgiving teach us the importance of acknowledging and thanking Jehovah for his favor and mercy in our lives. It shows us the importance of establishing a solid foundation in God's word and following his teachings in all our decisions and actions.

Ezra 7:11-26. The authority and resources granted to Ezra teach us that when we are aligned with Jehovah's will, He enables us and provides what is necessary to fulfill our duties and responsibilities. He shows us that we must use the resources and authority entrusted to us to promote justice and the welfare of others.

Ezra 7:6-10. King Artaxerxes' letter teaches us that Jehovah has the power to influence the hearts of rulers to fulfill his purpose. It shows us that Jehovah is able to open doors and provide the necessary resources to carry out his work.

Ezra 7:2-5. Ezra's genealogy teaches us that Jehovah continues to fulfill his promises through the generations and that each individual has an important role in his plan. It shows us that our identity and purpose are connected to our spiritual roots and heritage.

Ezra 7:10. He shows that Ezra had prepared his heart to consult Jehovah's law, put it into practice, and teach its regulations and judicial decisions in Israel. This teaches me that I must be a diligent Bible student and a prepared teacher who puts what the Bible is teaching into practice in his life.

Ezra 8:28. It shows that the gold and silver utensils given as a voluntary offering to Jehovah were considered holy or pure because they were for him. This teaches me that the things that are in the Kingdom halls and assembly halls, we must also consider the Holy ones. For this reason, we should not use them for purposes other than those related to pure worship in order not to contaminate them.

Ezra 8:22,23. These texts show us that it is behind and those who were with him fasted and asked Jehovah to protect them from the enemies on the road. This teaches me that we can pray to Jehovah to protect us when we travel or when we have to travel through dangerous places during preaching, or to direct our Bible courses without this meaning a lack of faith or trust in him.

Ezra 8:15-17. It is a text that should motivate baptized men to behave in an excellent manner in order to receive privileges and responsibilities in their congregation. This in order that it does not happen the same as in Ezra's time. That Levites were missing for the temple and Ezra had to send them to bring them from another place.

Ezra: Chapter 7. It teaches me that this priest and expert copyist is an excellent example to imitate for all the servants of Jehovah today. As Ezra reached an approved condition of heart, he consulted Jehovah's law, set a good example by putting what he learned into practice, and strove to teach others what the Scriptures said.

Ezra 7:6. It shows that since Jehovah's hand was with Ezra, the king gave him everything he asked for. This teaches me that whoever has Jehovah's approval can see his blessings in everything he undertakes. He may even receive support or permission from the authorities, as has happened with the contributions made by our organization. An example of this is Ramapo.

Ezra 7:1-13. He shows that Ezra had prepared his heart to consult the law of Moses, to put it into practice, and to teach in Israel the regulations and justice of Jehovah. This teaches me to reflect on my study habits and ask myself if they are similar to Ezra's. Publishers today, and especially Pioneers, must also teach Bible truths effectively, diligently, and accurately.

Ezra 7:6. This text also shows that Ezra was an expert copyist of the Law of Moses. This fact highlights the importance of precise and clear Biblical teaching. Hence, we must make an effort to study the Bible, delve into his teachings and train ourselves to be good teachers of the Bible.

Ezra 8:21-23. It shows that he humbled himself before Jehovah, trusted him and allowed him to guide and protect him. This teaches me that we must be humble and accept that even if we want to do great things in our service to Jehovah, we can only do them and have his blessing.

Ezra 7:25. It shows that because Ezra demonstrated wisdom from God, King Artaxerxes gave him great responsibilities. This teaches me that having good behavior that is evident in the eyes of other people can make our reputation a testimony that puts Jehovah's name on high.

Ezra 7:10. It shows that Ezra prepared his heart, and thus the word of God reached the depths of his being and prompted him to establish pure worship in Jerusalem. This teaches me that just like Ezra in ancient times, today all of Jehovah's servants must prepare our hearts so that his word takes root in us and encourages us not to allow anything to contaminate the pure duration that we give it.

Ezra 7:27,28. It shows that Ezra credited Jehovah and prayed fervently before setting out on the long and perilous journey to Jerusalem. It also shows that Ezra was willing to risk his own life in order to give Glory to Jehovah. This gives us a magnificent example that all Christians today must imitate.

Ezra 7:10. This text also teaches me that I must strive to apply what I learn in my life because only then will I be truly able to teach others.

Ezra 7:6,9. He says that the hand of Jehovah was upon Ezra, and thanks to that, he was able to obtain special kind treatment from the king, we can learn the importance of praying to Jehovah, and he gives us his hand in a good way upon us, That is to say his blessing especially if we are in a position in which he must command or be in contact with many people. Those people who have a difficult or special personality, for example: in preaching or maybe we have to negotiate some permits and we need that blessing from Jehovah to achieve our goal. 

Ezra 7:10. In this text we see that Ezra left us an excellent example, since he was a diligent student and a good teacher of the word of God. When he went to consult Jehovah's law, he would first pray to prepare his heart and then carefully examine what Jehovah said. Ezra applied what he learned and strove to teach others.

Ezra 7:27, 28, 8:21-23. We see that Ezra gave credit to Jehovah, prayed earnestly before embarking on a long and dangerous journey, and was willing to risk his own safety for the glory of God. For all these reasons, he constitutes a magnificent example for us.

Ezra 7:10. This text also teaches us that just as the farmer prepares the ground with the plow before sowing the seeds, Ezra prepared his heart through prayers to receive the word of God. In other words, he inclined his heart to the teaching of Jehovah.

Ezra 7:10. We can apply this text in another facet of our ministry, since it is important to prepare the heart to listen in Christian meetings, since distractions could divert our attention from what is said there. Words would influence us little if we are worried about the events of the day or thinking about what the next day will bring us. To take advantage of what is exposed, we have to adopt the firm resolution to listen and learn. If we are determined to understand the biblical texts that are read and the meaning that is given to them, we will receive innumerable benefits.

Ezra 7:11. It teaches us that being good students of the Bible is not by chance, We see that Ezra had grown up in Babylon, a city full of people and pagan idols, yet He studied the law of God, to the extent that he became a scholar. This motivates us to strive to be good students, especially if there are obstacles around us or we do not have the ideal circumstances to do so.

Ezra 7:13. Jehovah wants servants willing to worship him, instead of serving him by force or forced, it must be something that springs from our grateful heart.

Ezra 7:20. It teaches us how important it is to value and thank those who trust us, since we should never abuse the trust they have in us or betray that trust, especially with the issue of money, Ezra was trustworthy because the word of Jehovah was in his mind and heart.

Ezra 7:27, 28. This text also teaches us that Jehovah sees the humility of his servants and blesses them. This motivates us that when we do well in a project or activity, we must remember that it is thanks to Jehovah, without him we could not do anything, recognize this fact and that the need for God is the key to our success. But if we believe that we know everything and we can do everything, then we will not crash.

Ezra 8:15. This text motivates us to strive to set a good example in the congregation, especially if we occupy some privilege or position of responsibility, The Brothers count or with us, who will be there, we see that when it comes to seeing who was there, the Levites were missing. The Brothers count on us, that is why this text encourages us to be in the meetings and preaching with them during the week.

Ezra 8:23. It teaches us that we can confidently ask Jehovah about personal things, such as the safety of where we live, or to help us find a safe house, or to take care of us during our outings, and of course we will take the necessary precautions.

Ezra 8:28,29. He mentions that the utensils carried were Holy or set apart for Jehovah, and they had to take care of them, this reminds us that Jehovah expects us to be Holy for him, that is, set apart, that we do not use our hands, feet, eyes, body to commit something that he condemnation, some mock, but we must be very careful not to fall into the trap of leading a double life, since we do not want to fail Jehovah.

Ezra 7:11. This text motivates me to imitate Ezra, since he was a skillful copyist of the word of God, and we can be skillful handling the word of God, for this it is important to record several biblical texts that we can use in our preaching to be best teachers of the word of God.

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