Thursday, July 6, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from July 3 to 9, 2023, Ezra from 4 to 6, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: July 3-9-2023, Ezra from 4 to 6, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ezra 6:13. Why is the expression “west of the Euphrates River” (or “beyond the River”) accurate? (w93 6/15 32 ¶3-5)

Apart from the fact that Ezra was a skillful copyist of the Law of God, so we should not doubt the accuracy of all his writings, it is the same designation that is found in the Bible and was related to the construction of the temple in Jerusalem and that It is confirmed in the Biblical account.


We know it's accurate because it's the same designation he gave to Ezra when he spoke in verses 5:6 and 6:13, of the Persian King Darius and a governor named Tatenai and their relationship to the building of the Jerusalem temple. Also, as Ezra was a skilled copyist of God's law, we can expect the same accuracy in all of his writings.

There is also the historical fact that a coin from the ancient city of Tarsus was minted with the same designation it used is 100 years earlier, when he wrote in his book the account we read of in verses 5:6 and 6:13. In this way, science is confirming the accuracy of this expression.

It is exact because it refers to the geographic location of the province ruled by Tatenai. This designation indicates that the province was situated to the east of the Euphrates River, which is consistent with the location of Tarsus, where the coin named Mazaeus, "Governor of the Province Beyond the River" was minted during the latter's administration in the 4th century BCE Therefore, the expression is accurate and confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible.

Ezra wrote his account about 100 years before coins and stones bearing this inscription were found. Sure, there will be those who say that giving the title of a former ruler is a trifle. But if the writers of the Bible are reliable even in these small details, and then archeology confirms it, therefore, this fact increases our confidence that everything that is written in the Bible is the word of Jehovah.

This expression has a lot to do with a coin that was minted in Tarsus during the tenure of the Persian governor Mazaeus, from the 4th century BCE. This phrase is important because it is the same designation that we can find in the Bible and this inscription calls him governor of the province. , from beyond the River, that is, the Euphrates River and speaks of a certain correspondence between the Persian King Darius and a governor named Tatenai. And Ezra, as he was a skillful copyist of the law of God, speaks of the writings of this person named Tatenai, the governor from beyond the River, with this information the writings of the Bible emphasized how reliable his writings are and this reinforces our confidence in everything they wrote.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Ezra 4:4. Satan rejoices when a servant of God stumbles and it is something we must take into account. As we see in this verse, not only do we have to live in a system with difficulties, but there will be people who will intentionally try to separate us from the people of God. If we are aware of this real danger, we will be alert to pray and strengthen our faith within the people of God. supporting and encouraging us so that they do not achieve their goal.

Ezra 6:14. It shows us that the elders continued advancing in the reconstruction of the temple, because they sought Jehovah's guidance and thus did not let themselves be discouraged by the opposition, which teaches the elders of our days that they should not trust themselves to solve certain problems, but should always seek Jehovah's guidance to emerge triumphant from any situation.

Ezra 5:1,2. This text makes us see that Haggai and Zacharias were a great source of encouragement for all the Jews who were discouraged, which teaches me that I should always do everything possible to help my brothers in faith who are discouraged, about them, we must not leave them aside.

Ezra 4:1-7. We see that Zerubbabel gave us an example regarding the union of faiths, because no matter how much they needed help, he did not accept it from people who did not serve Jehovah. This reminds us that we should always keep our distance and not make friends with people who do not serve Jehovah, because it is very easy for them to lead us on the wrong path and we end up moving away from God.

Ezra 4:11-16. He mentions the letter that the enemies of God wrote to King Artaxerxes, with slander towards the Jews, which makes me think that today Jehovah's people also have many opponents who spread gossip and slander to harm us, but this should not discourage them because Jehovah is taking care of us and the truth always triumphs.

Ezra 4:1-7. We see that Zerubbabel gave us an example regarding the union of faiths, because no matter how much they needed help, he did not accept it from people who did not serve Jehovah. This reminds us that we should always keep our distance and not make friends with people who do not serve Jehovah, because it is very easy for them to lead us on the wrong path and we end up moving away from God.

Ezra 5:5. He says that the enemies could not stop the rebuilding because Jehovah was watching over his servants. In the same way today, no matter how many attempts our adversaries make, they will not be able to stop our work because we have Jehovah's care and protection.

Ezra 4:2. It makes me think that as in the past, today there may be people who pretend to get closer to God, or have some interest in the truth, but their real intentions are to sabotage our faith or move us away from Jehovah, which is why we must be very careful with which people we do not continue to relate.

Ezra 5:11-16. He shows that when the enemies of God's people tried to stop the rebuilding of the temple, the workers did what was necessary to show that they had the legal right to do the work. In the same way, Christians today do what is necessary to legally defend and establish the Good News of the Kingdom despite the strong opposition we encounter in some countries and territories.

Ezra 6:1-13. It shows Jehovah's sovereignty over the rulers and nations of this world, as it highlights how King Darius was an equal instrument as King Cyrus was in his time, in fulfilling his plan for the rebuilding of the temple. This teaches me that Jehovah can incline the hearts of the rulers of this system to do his will.

Ezra 6:19-22. We can give this text another application, since the Jews celebrated with joy and gratitude to Jehovah for his goodness and faithfulness. This celebration teaches me the importance of recognizing Jehovah's intervention in matters related to the fulfillment of his purpose and thanking him for his blessings.

Ezra 6:19-22. It shows that after the completion of the rebuilding of the temple, the Jews were able to worship Jehovah according to Mosaic law. This teaches me the importance of worshiping Jehovah according to his commands and instructions, even though at times it involves effort and defying many obstacles.

Ezra 6:1-13. He shows that although the enemies of the Jews tried to stop the rebuilding of the temple, Jehovah intervened to protect the people from him and prompted King Darius to issue a decree ordering construction to continue. This teaches me that whoever strives to do Jehovah's will has his protection and favor.

Ezra 5:2. He shows how the prophets Haggai and Zechariah were with the Jews supporting them in rebuilding the temple. This teaches me that when we strive to do Jehovah's will, we can trust that he is with us supporting us through his organization.

Ezra 5:1,2. He shows how the prophets Haggai and Zechariah spoke to the people of Judah and Jerusalem in the name of Jehovah, and how Zerubbabel and Jeshua then resumed the rebuilding of the temple. These verses highlight the importance of receiving encouragement at the right time and that a simple action can prompt someone who is discouraged or tired to continue persevering and trusting in Jehovah to do great things in the work of the Kingdom.

Ezra 5:1-6:2. He shows that despite opposition and obstacles, perseverance paid off in rebuilding the temple. This teaches me that having perseverance and a determined attitude is important, not only to face difficulties and overcome obstacles, but also to remain firm in faith without getting discouraged by the challenges that we have to face in life.

Ezra 4:1-3. Described here is a misleading and false offer of help. Instead of wanting to support the rebuilding of the temple, these enemies had the objective of stopping the work and discouraging the people. This situation teaches me the importance of discerning between offers with malicious intent. Hence, the Bible teaches us that it is essential to seek Jehovah's wisdom and guidance before making important decisions.

Ezra 4:4-24. He describes the opposition and hardships the Israelites faced from neighboring nations to prevent the rebuilding of the temple. This can be compared to the opposition we sometimes face today when we try to do Jehovah's will. However, this account teaches me that it is important to persevere and trust in Jehovah as we continue to work on Kingdom work.

Ezra 4:8. It shows that when Aramaic became the everyday language, the priest Ezra wrote part of his book in this language. We can use this text in the Ministry to teach that Jehovah's Witnesses do not have a Bible with a different message, but one with simple language so that everyone can understand it.

Ezra 4:3. It shows that Zorobabel, Jesua and the other heads of the paternal houses of Israel, gave a unified answer to the Samaritans in that they would not accept their help to rebuild the temple, even knowing that they lacked sufficient human and financial resources. This teaches me that we should not be intimate with people who do not worship Jehovah, even for apparently useful reasons, since we must protect ourselves from his influence.

Ezra 6:21. He shows that both the Samaritans living in Jerusalem and the repatriated Jews who had been carried away by pagan influences were moved to make some necessary changes. This teaches me that we must continue to be enthusiastically involved in the preaching work and in other aspects of our worship in order to attract people, especially those who have served Jehovah but have become inactive for some reason.

Ezra 4:4,5. He shows that the returnees who were rebuilding the temple when the people no longer gave him gold and silver to encourage them and to finance their service weakened in their faith. This teaches me that who strives for material things can weaken spiritually. Hence, we must be alert and very balanced in this regard.

Ezra 4:1-3. It shows that the faithful remnant who returned from exile refused an offer that would have meant forming a religious alliance with the false worshippers. This teaches me that today's servants of Jehovah should not participate in interfaith movements or so to speak in the union of faith with other religions.

Ezra 4:12. We see that this verse uses the expression the "rebel city" and it is that, in many cases and senses, people who do not share our beliefs can consider us rebellious or even dangerous, which leads to prohibiting the work of God as occurs in many countries. We have to fight against this hatred that Satan provokes day by day in our lives by the people around us because our focus is on the reign of God and his promises, not on pleasing imperfect human beings.

Ezra 4:15. One of the arguments that are given to call it a rebel city are the revolts that have taken place in antiquity. What do we learn from this? Today's society will look for all kinds of arguments and excuses to get away from God, such as allowing current suffering or all the calamities that exist... we cannot let malicious people distort the truth of the Bible and deceive us to get away from Jehovah , we know that their prophecies are being fulfilled, and that there are people like this shows it to us.

Ezra 4:21. We see this verse in many territories and countries today, where by order of the rulers the work of God is limited or even prohibited. But this never stops the people of God and it is now more when the strength of Jehovah is demonstrated through his people who remain firm and continue to serve God and make a public declaration of his name even though it may cost them their lives, an example of unmatched faith towards our God Jehovah.

Ezra 5:5-6. The reconstruction of the house of Jehovah had been paralyzed by the restrictions of the rulers, but they soon resumed because God never abandoned them and was with them moving matters. This teaches us to always trust in Jehovah, that he is pulling the strings, and not surrender to anything, even if there are periods when we cannot carry out his work in the way we would like due to restrictions from rulers.

Ezra 5:11. These servants of God were clear about the message they conveyed to the kings: "We are the servants of the God of heaven." This is the confidence and courage that we must imitate in every facet of our Christian ministry. If we are asked, pursued or claimed, we will proudly say who sent us, that this work comes from God, who is with his servants helping them.

Ezra 5:12-17. This verse account is very illustrative and we have many experiences of brothers and sisters. And it may be that there are many people who judge us for our beliefs or actions when they really do not know the history of God's people or what we do. Therefore, imitating the humility of these servants of God from the past, we must explain our position, our point of view and defend with arguments and good manners our faith in God and why we do what we do.

Ezra 6:1-9. In these verses we can see reflected the fruit of Jehovah's spirit, the power of his word. And it is that when a person delves into the Bible and studies and analyzes what is said and how the Scriptures are fulfilled, they can see that it is true in every word and not only that, but how this king helped in the construction of the house of Jehovah, the people of our ministry can make the changes that Jehovah requires so that they become part of his people.

Ezra 6:13-14. These orders from King Darius, by delving into the scriptures and seeing that the servants of God were right, we can compare it to what is currently happening with different superior courts of justice and human rights that agree with Jehovah's Witnesses about their rights and duties and about the fact that his work cannot be restricted, this teaches us how Jehovah pulls the strings and in one way or another, his people give praise and honor to God.

Ezra 4:1-3. It teaches us that we must be careful to whom we open the access door to our life or home. We have seen that malicious people infiltrate the congregation with bad intentions, that is why we must take great care of ourselves and be very observant, since not everyone who says sir sir is really good.

Ezra 4:4. It teaches us that on our way through life we ​​will find people who will discourage us, they will even question us because of the decision we have made to serve Jehovah, there are those who hate serving God, and seeing us is something that bothers them, but we know in whom We have believed and we will be faithful until the end.

Ezra 4:1-3. In this text we also see that the faithful remnant rejected an offer that would have meant forming a religious alliance with false worshippers. Similarly, today's servants of Jehovah do not participate in interfaith movements.

Ezra 4:4-7. It teaches us the importance of speaking specifically to God for protection, there are people who hate us because we worship Jehovah, this is undoubtedly spiritual, and many of them do evil against their brothers, there are those who have slandered them before higher authorities Without a doubt, only with Jehovah's help can we get ahead.

Ezra 5:2. This text also teaches us how important it is to value and thank those who support us in difficult times, when others do not believe that we are on the right path, finding people like this is a blessing from Jehovah.

Ezra 4:24. It teaches us that our enemies are powerful, but the almighty is with his people, we see that they managed to get the king to order the reconstruction works, but it was not the end, likewise, in our days governments have given orders that affect or they paralyze our work, but it is not the end, in due time Jehovah will move matters to do his will.

Ezra 5:2. Although the rebuilding of the temple was prohibited at the time, the men who led the people, the high priest Jesua and the governor Zerubbabel, resumed rebuilding the house of God. Perhaps some thought it was a bad idea, because the works could not be hidden and their enemies would do everything possible to prevent it. Josua and Zorobabel, had the support of Jehovah, in fact they had first class credentials, and there were faithful who supported us. It wasn't lawlessness or defiance of authority, or some reckless action, they were led by God.

Ezra 5:3-4. It teaches us that we should not reveal the truth to those who do not deserve to know it, sometimes our enemies could ask us questions about our brothers, their identity, responsibilities. Hence, we must be discreet, prudent and sometimes keep silent, everything we say could be used against us and our brothers.

Ezra 5:5. It teaches us that Jehovah sees everything that happens within his town, there are things that he allows for some reason, sometimes things that affect the brothers, but in due time he will straighten things out. This motivates us to keep our faith in him without ever doubting.

Ezra 5:8. This text motivates us to strive in the congregation to work for Jehovah and the brothers with a good attitude and promptness, this is contagious and evident. The way we attend to our assignments Jehovah notices, and sometimes the brothers do too, encourages us to do our best for Jehovah.

Ezra 6:7-11. It teaches us how great Jehovah is, he makes the wicked fall into their own traps, along the way we will see how our enemies fall by themselves into their same traps, this motivates us to take care of what we let surface in our hearts, since this eventually returns to us, seeing it like this, it is convenient for us to live in peace and not wish badly on others, in the end Jehovah gives each one what corresponds.

Ezra 4:4. He says that the people from the neighboring lands began to discourage the Jews, and we could say that little by little they succeeded, and even more so when the Persian king managed to paralyze all the works, this leaves us a great lesson and that is that we should not listen what others say with the intention that we stop serving Jehovah, but rather strengthen our faith more every day, so that nothing can tear it down. 

Ezra 4:1-5. In these verses read we observe that when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that they were building the temple of Jehovah God, they immediately offered help saying that they served the same God, why the Jews rejected their offer of help they slandered them so much, they slandered them with accusations that they put in writing, then we notice the malice with which they acted, since they thanks to their slander forced the Jews to stop rebuilding the temple. This teaches us that just like these people, in our congregation there will be people who claim to be our brothers, but with their actions they will prove otherwise, so we have to be vigilant and be very careful.

Ezra 4:23,24. In these texts we realize that the reconstruction of the temple was interrupted and this perhaps caused a wrong impression of Jehovah. This teaches us that today people also have a wrong idea of ​​our God, perhaps when they see so much suffering that exists in the world they think that Jehovah is the cause, but what we must do is keep talking about him and his wonderful promises until we get people deserving of the name of God.

Ezra 4:2. This text teaches us that we have to be very careful with some people who say they worship God, because the Bible teaches that not all are good friends, and just as Zerubbabel, Jesua and the rest of the father's house told the enemies of Judah and Benjamin who did not allow him to build the house for God, so we should do it, completely avoid the friendship of people who do not love Jehovah, if we do so Jehovah will rejoice and give us his friendship.

Ezra 4:4. This text tells us that sometimes we are going to get people to discourage us so that we continue to worship our God, sometimes our own relatives will try to influence us by making bad comments to discourage us, but we must not let this happen and always show our loyalty. to Jehovah.

Ezra 4:5. According to the read text, we notice that they hired counselors to make the plans fail, this teaches us that we too are going to have a lot of opposition for serving Jehovah, but we must show Jehovah that we love him, obeying and showing loyalty despite the opposition we suffer.

Ezra 5:1. This verse shows us that Jehovah supports and blesses us when we participate wholeheartedly in preaching the Good News.

Ezra 6:14. In the reading we learn that Jehovah commissioned Haggai and Zechariah, and the Jews were greatly encouraged because they received encouragement from these messengers of God. This teaches us that today we also receive encouragement from our superintendents, which is why we must make the most of their valuable information that comes from Jehovah.

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