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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Tuesday August 1
Father, forgive them (Luke 23:34).
Jesus was probably referring to the Roman soldiers who had pierced his hands and feet. He did not allow the injustices he had suffered to fill him with rancor and bitterness (1 Pet. 2:23). Like Jesus, we need to be willing to forgive others (Col. 3:13). Some people—including family members—may turn against us because they don't understand our beliefs and our way of life. They may tell lies about us, humiliate us in front of others, tear up our publications, or even threaten to hurt us physically. Instead of holding a grudge against them, we can ask Jehovah to open their eyes so that one day they will accept the truth (Matt. 5:44, 45). Sometimes it can be difficult to forgive, especially if we have been treated very badly. But, If we allow bitterness and rancor to poison our hearts, we harm ourselves (Ps. 37:8). When we decide to forgive, we choose not to let negative things make our lives bitter (Eph. 4:31, 32). w21.04 8, 9 pars. 3. 4.
What did Jesus promise one of the criminals standing next to him, and why did he make that promise?
What Jesus said. Together with Jesus, they fixed two criminals on wood. At first, the two also made fun of him (Matt. 27:44). But then one stopped doing it, for he realized that Jesus had done “nothing wrong” (Luke 23:40, 41). And not only that; he also showed that he believed that Jesus would rise again and become king. He told him, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom” (Luke 23:42). It is clear that he had a lot of faith. Jesus answered him: "I assure you today: you will be with me in Paradise", not in the Kingdom (Luke 23:43). The phrase “you will be with me” indicates that it was a very personal promise. Jesus knew that his Father is merciful; that is why he was able to give hope to that delinquent shortly before he died (Ps. 103: 8).
What do we learn from what Jesus said to the offender?
What we learn Jesus is the living reflection of his Father (Heb. 1:3). Jehovah wants to forgive us and show us mercy if we sincerely repent of the bad things we have done in the past and have faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.—1 John 1:7. But what can we do if we sometimes find it hard to believe that Jehovah will forgive our past mistakes? Consider this: Shortly before he died, Jesus showed mercy to the criminal who was just beginning to show faith. So how is Jehovah not going to show mercy to his faithful servants, who try their best to obey him? (Ps. 51:1; 1 John 2:1, 2).
According to John 19:26, 27, what did Jesus say to Mary and John, and why?
What Jesus said (read John 19:26, 27). Jesus wanted his mother, who was possibly a widow, to be well cared for. Once he died, his siblings could provide for his material needs. But apparently they were not yet disciples. So who would take care of Mary's spiritual needs? John was a faithful apostle and one of Jesus' best friends. For Jesus, those who worshiped Jehovah were like his family in a spiritual sense (Matt. 12: 46-50). Therefore, because she loved her mother and was concerned about her well-being, Jesus entrusted her care to John, knowing that he would help her continue to serve Jehovah. He said to Maria: “There you have your son”, and then he said to Juan: “There you have your mother”. From that moment on, Maria saw Juan as if he were hers and he took care of her as if he were her mother.
What do we learn from what Jesus told Mary and John?
What we learn It is possible that we are closer to the brothers in the congregation than to our direct family. Some relatives may turn against us or even abandon us. But, as Jesus promised, if we stay close to Jehovah and his organization, we will receive “100 times more” than what we lose. Many will become like sons, daughters, mothers or fathers to us (Mark 10:29, 30). How does it feel to be part of a spiritual family that is united because we all have faith and love Jehovah and the brothers? (Col. 3:14; 1 Pet. 2:17).
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