DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday July 27, 2023, Expectations that take time to be fulfilled make the heart sick (Prov. 13:12).

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday July 27, 2023, How much I love your law! I reflect on it all day (Ps. 119:97).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Thursday July 27

How I love your law! I reflect on it all day (Ps. 119:97).

We have to continue studying the Word of God to strengthen our faith in the Creator (Jos. 1:8). Let's look at their prophecies and their internal harmony. This will strengthen our faith that a wise and loving Creator made us, and that he inspired the Bible (2 Tim. 3:14; 2 Pet. 1:21). When we study God's Word, let's look at how practical his advice is. For example, the Bible warned long ago that loving money harms us and causes “much pains” (1 Tim. 6:9, 10; Prov. 28:20; Matt. 6:24). It is clear that the Bible's admonition not to love money is very timely. Do other Bible principles come to mind that have helped us? The more we value the advice of the Bible, the more we will trust the eternal wisdom offered to us by our loving Creator (James 1:5). As a result, we will be happier (Is. 48:17, 18). w21.08 32:12, 13.

What will we learn about Jehovah by studying the Bible?

Let us study with the right objective: to know Jehovah better (John 17:3). As we study the Bible, we will discover Jehovah's qualities, the same qualities that are reflected in creation. Knowing them well will help us to be convinced that Jehovah is a real person (Ex. 34:6, 7; Ps. 145:8, 9). As we get to know Jehovah better, we will have more faith in him, love him more, and become better friends with him.

How will talking to other people about our faith in God help us?

Let's talk to other people about our faith in God. This will strengthen our own faith. But what if someone we preach to asks us a question about the existence of God that we don't know how to answer? Let's look in our posts for a Bible-based answer and then show it to the person (1 Pet. 3:15). We can also ask a more experienced brother to help us. Whether the person accepts what the Bible says or not, it will do us good to have investigated the subject, for our faith will grow stronger. As a result, we will not be affected by the false claims of the so-called sages and intellectuals who deny the existence of a Creator.

What can happen if we do not continue strengthening and caring for our faith?

No matter how long we have been serving Jehovah, we need to continue to strengthen and nurture our faith in him. Because? Because if we don't, it will weaken. Let us remember that faith is based on proof of unseen realities. And what is not seen is easily forgotten. That is why Paul called lack of faith “the sin that easily entangles us” (Heb. 12:1). So what can we do to keep our faith strong? (2 Thess. 1:3).

What will help us keep our faith strong?

First, let us ask Jehovah very often to give us his holy spirit. Because? Because faith is a quality that we cultivate with the help of the holy spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23). Without his help, we cannot strengthen or care for our faith in the Creator. Let's keep asking Jehovah for his spirit, and he will give it to us (Luke 11:13). We can say, "Give us more faith" (Luke 17:5).

According to Psalm 1:2, 3, what great honor do we have?

Also, let's regularly study God's Word (read Psalm 1:2, 3). When that psalm was written, few Israelites had a complete copy of God's Law. But kings and priests could get copies. And, every seven years, “the men, women, children, and foreign residents” of Israel had to assemble to hear the reading of God's Law (Deut. 31:10-12). In Jesus' day, few people had the scrolls of the Scriptures, and most of them were in the synagogues. Instead, today almost all of us have the whole Bible or a part of it. How can we show that we value this very special honor?

What do we have to do to keep our faith strong?

We can show that we value the honor of having God's Word read regularly. We cannot afford to leave personal study to chance, when we think we have time. If we follow a regular study schedule, we will keep our faith strong.

What must we be determined to do?

Unlike the "intellectual and wise" of this world, we have a solid faith based on the Word of God (Matt. 11:25, 26). By studying this sacred work, we know why the world is going from bad to worse and what Jehovah will do about it. So let us be determined to strengthen our faith and help as many people as possible to have faith in our Creator (1 Tim. 2:3, 4). And let us continue to look forward to the day when everyone living on earth will praise Jehovah and say the words of Revelation 4:11: “Jehovah our God, you deserve to receive the glory, . . . because you created all things".

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