DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday July 30, 2023, God loves the one who gives with joy (2 Cor. 9:7).

DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday July 30, 2023, God loves the one who gives with joy (2 Cor. 9:7).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Sunday July 30

God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7).

We worship Jehovah when we support the work of the Kingdom with our donations. The Israelites were not to appear before Jehovah empty-handed (Deut. 16:16). They had to bring an offering according to their possibilities. Thus they showed gratitude for all the spiritual benefits they received. And how can we express our love for Jehovah and our gratitude for the spiritual blessings we receive? One way is by giving donations in our congregation and to the worldwide work as our circumstances allow. The Apostle Paul explained it this way: “If there is a willingness, what a person gives is very pleasing, when he gives based on what he has and not on what he does not have” (2 Cor. 8: 4, 12). . Jehovah values ​​the donations we give from the heart, no matter how small (Mark 12:42-44). w22.03 24 par.

According to Proverbs 19:17, how does Jehovah view the help we give to brothers in need?

We worship Jehovah when we help our brothers in need. Jehovah promised to bless the Israelites who helped the poor (Deut. 15:7, 10). Every time we help a brother in need, Jehovah sees it as a gift to him (read Proverbs 19:17). For example, the Christians in Philippi sent Paul a gift while he was in custody, and he said that this gift was a sacrifice that God accepted with pleasure (Phil. 4:18). Let's think of the brothers in our congregation and ask ourselves: "Is there someone I can help?" Jehovah likes to see us use our time, energy, skills, and material resources to help those in need. For him, that is part of our worship (James 1:27).

Why is it not a burden to spend time and effort to worship Jehovah?

Worshiping Jehovah as he pleases requires that we spend time and effort. But that is not a burden (1 John 5:3). Why not? Because we love it. Let's imagine a child who wants to give his father a gift. He may spend hours drawing him, but he doesn't mind doing it because he loves his father and is happy to give him that gift. In the same way, because we love Jehovah, he is happy to use our time and strength to worship him.

According to Hebrews 6:10, how does Jehovah view your efforts to please him?

Parents who love their children don't expect each to give them the same kind of gift. They know that each child is different and has their own circumstances. In the same way, our heavenly Father understands the circumstances of each one of us. Maybe you can do more than most of your friends. Or, conversely, you may not be able to do as much as others, perhaps due to age, health, or family responsibilities. But don't be discouraged by that (Gal. 6:4). Jehovah will not forget what you do. As long as he does his best and with the right motive, he will be pleased (read Hebrews 6:10). Jehovah sees even the intentions of his heart. He wants you to be happy and satisfied with the worship he can give you.

What can we do if we find it difficult to carry out some aspect of our worship? y Has any of the aspects that appear in the box “How to be happier” helped you?

What if we find it difficult to carry out some aspect of our worship, such as personal study or ministry? We will probably find that the more time we spend on it, the more we get out of it and enjoy it. We might compare our worship to exercising or playing a musical instrument. If we only do it once in a while, we may not get much better. But if we do it every day, first for short periods and then for longer periods of time, we will see good results. Over time we may even look forward to those moments and be able to enjoy them. Why don't we do the same with our worship of Jehovah?

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